補正付き摂動法の高効率化に関する研究 (original) (raw)
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Baiomedikaru, Fajii, Shisutemu Gakkaishi, 2011
Improvement of tbe convergence characteris ・ tics in GA with an inversion Yeshinori Uedai , Mitsuhiro Namekawa2 , Akira Akira3 1 丿 To ン o Uhiversity 2) Kae ' ∫ University ・ 4加 伽 8': η-θ ' ηy θr ∫ガ o η o 厂 o ∬ o γθ厂 功 伽 G θη θ"c . 41gorithm (GA) is usefulfor soivin9 the twist ofthe gene and ノ か わ海 (廻 combined with 伽 inversion ' ∫ effec ' ive for the TSP . Pthen ' 舵 伽 θ厩 0 硯 8 used in α S 吻 ρ le (} A (S (} A) , it ' cann ・ t shOW a high pe が formance exeept the S ρ ecia ∬case . such as having a 10ng size e 伽 〃 losome . ThUS the inversiOn has been hardly used . B α sed on sueh a background , t12is paper tries to improve the eonvergence charaeterist た S ofan i 刀 1?ersion . ・ 4 ち first , we l フr 〔-pose 伽 inversion which the gene are exchanged according to the result cfthe gene evalua "・〃 , The nex4 we propose the Tnulti − individualS ・ inversion and ・ then 吻 W 伽 'ご 傭 met 加 4 ゴ ∫ C "V ε 如 ' ngprove わoth (-々he rate and time (-fconvergenee . In the las ち thrOUgh the automa ' ∫ 0 忽 η gr 卿 紕 かawing , we sho 牌 加 t the 〃 iethods q ズ the inversion proposed in th 碑)aper indica'e higher peFformances in eonvergenee characterist ' iCS than the mSU α 1 inversion , Mcwcimal Preservative Cro∬ ove 厂 (MPX ? and 勿 π ア ved
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2014
Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem (DCOP) is a basic framework of cooperative problem solving in multi-agent systems. A number of distributed resource allocation problems including sensor networks, smart grids and disaster response tasks are formulated as DCOPs. Since DCOPs are generally NP-hard, incomplete algorithms are practical for large scale applications. DALO is an incomplete algorithm that guarantees the solution quality based on k/t-optimality. The k-optimality defines local optimality criterion based on the size of the group of deviating agents. On the other hand, the t-optimality is based on a group of surrounding agents within a fixed distance of a central agent. In the recent study, C-optimality has been introduced to generalize those criteria. The C-optimality defines criteria for local optimality in any arbitrary regions. As another type of optimality criteria, the p-optimality that is based on the induced width of pseudo-trees on constraint networks has been proposed. With p-optimality, the original problem is approximated by removing back edges of the pseudo-tree. Both types of incomplete algorithms have different week points. Since DALO is based on local optimality criteria, its solution quality depends on limited information (e.g. agent s values and constraints) within local regions. The solution quality of the p-optimal algorithms decreases when constraint graph consists of many cycles to be removed. In this paper, in order to achieve both lower computational complexity and better solution quality, we propose an integrated solution method based on both types of optimality criteria. Namely, we use information of the incomplete algorithm based on p-optimality and besides another method of C-optimality. Hence our aim is to employ complementary effects of both incomplete algorithms. Empirical results show that our integrated solution method obtain better solution quality than existing incomplete algorithms.
No.2-16 無機物と低品位炭素資源の液固酸化還元反応を利用した高効率発電法
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Journal of The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2005
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