Observation of biexcitons in monolayer WSe2 (original) (raw)

Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) crystals exhibit new emergent properties at monolayer thickness 1,2 , notably strong many-body e ects mediated by Coulomb interactions 3-6. A manifestation of these many-body interactions is the formation of excitons, bound electron-hole pairs, but higher-order excitonic states are also possible. Here we demonstrate the existence of four-body, biexciton states in monolayer WSe 2. The biexciton is identified as a sharply defined state in photoluminescence at high exciton density. Its binding energy of 52 meV is more than an order of magnitude greater than that found in conventional quantum-well structures 7. A variational calculation of the biexciton state reveals that the high binding energy arises not only from strong carrier confinement, but also from reduced and non-local dielectric screening. These results open the way for the creation of new correlated excitonic states linking the degenerate valleys in TMDC crystals, as well as more complex many-body states such as exciton condensates or the recently reported dropletons 8. TMDC crystals, including MoS 2 , MoSe 2 , WS 2 and WSe 2 , are semiconductors that form layered structures with a plane of hexagonal metal atoms surrounded by two planes of chalcogen atoms in trigonal prismatic coordination. At monolayer thickness, these crystals exhibit direct band gaps at the K and K points in the Brillouin zone 1,2 , and recent studies have revealed the possibility of selectively accessing the K or K valley through the use of circularly polarized light 9-12 , as well as the existence of an associated valley Hall effect 13. Importantly, many-body Coulomb interactions in these monolayer TMDC crystals have been found to be particularly strong. This leads to excitonic optical transitions in the materials, with exciton binding energies of several hundred meV (refs 3-6). In the presence of free charges, stable charged excitons (trions) have also been identified and exhibit binding energies of tens of meV (refs 12,14-16). In view of the prominence of these two-and three-body excitonic states, it is natural to ask whether two-dimensional (2D) TMDC materials, just as for the much-studied zero-and one-dimensional nanostructures 7,17-21 , also support the formation of stable biexcitons 22,23. Here we demonstrate the presence of biexcitons in monolayer WSe 2 through the discovery of a sharp new emission peak under pulsed laser excitation. We further probe the properties of the biexciton state through measurements of its ultrafast dynamics, valley polarization and thermal stability. We establish a biexciton binding energy of 52 meV. This unusually high binding energy is compatible with results of a variational analysis of biexcitonic states performed using a non-locally screened Coulomb potential to describe the interactions of charges in the atomically thin 2D material.