Modelling the Transmission Dynamics of Cholera Disease with the Impact of Control Strategies in Nigeria

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2023

Cholera remains a severe health concern in many developing nations, including Nigeria, and its control remains challenging. Therefore, a mathematical model for the mitigation of cholera disease in Nigeria is developed and analyzed. It includes vital dynamics that examine the impact of environmental sanitation, water body treatment, water hygiene, and therapeutic treatment as mitigation strategies for containing the disease. The impact of control techniques on the diseased population is investigated using numerical simulation. The model was simulated to determine the impacts of hygienic culture on the infected population at no, low, moderate, and high levels of vaccination and treatment, or both. The model under study demonstrates that the cholera pandemic might be eliminated from society with the right mix of preventative measures and determined effort. According to the model used, Nigeria will quickly rid itself of the disease if treatment, water hygiene, and environmental sanitation are highly monitored and improved.

A Mathematical Model for the Dynamics of Cholera with Control Measures

Cholera, an acute gastro-intestinal infection and a waterborne disease continues to emerge in developing countries and remains an important global health challenge. In this paper, we formulate a mathematical model that captures some essential dynamics of cholera transmission with public health educational campaigns, vaccination, sanitation and treatment as control strategies in limiting the disease. The reproduction numbers with single and combined controls are computed and compared with each other to assess the possible community benefits. Numerical simulation shows that in a unique control strategy, treatment yields the best results followed by education campaign, then sanitation and vaccination being the last. Furthermore, we noted that the control of cholera is very much better when we incorporated more than one strategy, in two controls the results were better than one strategy, and in three control strategies the results were far better than in two control strategies. Further simulations with all four interventions showed the best results among all combinations attained before. We performed sensitivity analysis on the key parameters that drive the disease dynamics in order to determine their relative importance to disease transmission and prevalence. Keywords: Modeling, Sensitivity, Sanitation, Education, Treatment, Vaccination, Epidemiology

Mathematical analysis of a cholera model with public health interventions

Biosystems, 2011

Cholera, an acute gastro-intestinal infection and a waterborne disease continues to emerge in developing countries and remains an important global health challenge. We formulate a mathematical model that captures some essential dynamics of cholera transmission to study the impact of public health educational campaigns, vaccination and treatment as control strategies in curtailing the disease. The educationinduced, vaccination-induced and treatment-induced reproductive numbers R E , R V , R T respectively and the combined reproductive number R C are compared with the basic reproduction number R 0 to assess the possible community benefits of these control measures. A Lyapunov functional approach is also used to analyse the stability of the equilibrium points. We perform sensitivity analysis on the key parameters that drive the disease dynamics in order to determine their relative importance to disease transmission and prevalence. Graphical representations are provided to qualitatively support the analytical results.

British Journal of Research Modeling Cholera Dynamics with a Control Strategy in Ghana

In this work, we present and analyze amathematical epidemiological model for Vibrio cholerae (Cholera) with an incorporated control strategy. Cholera is regarded generally as a disease of the poor and it affects areas that lack access to safe drinking water and sense of hygiene. An epidemiological mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of cholera, with control strategies is formulated in this paper. The epidemiological model formulated is designed into compartments which lead to a system of differential equations for the transmission dynamics of cholera with a control strategy of water treatment being proposed. It was assumed in the model that cholera in contracted when an individual comes into contact and ingest contaminated water. The equilibrium points of the model are found and their stability is investigated. The results showed that the disease free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable under suggested conditions on the parameters given in the model (i.e. cholera can be eradicated under such conditions in time bound). It was then concluded from the results that treatment of water is an effective method of controlling and eradicating cholera as well as public education on the disease. The numerical simulations and graphical solutions of the differential equations were carried out with Matlab application software.

A Mathematical Model for the Control of Cholera in Nigeria

In this research, we present and analyze a mathematical model for the control of cholera in Nigeria with modifications as compared to previous cholera models. Our model incorporates treatment, water hygiene and environmental sanitation in curtailing the disease. A system of ordinary differential equations is used. The model studied shows that with proper combination of control measures the spread of cholera could be reduced. Numerical simulation of the full model using maple shows clearly that improvement in treatment, water hygiene and the environmental sanitation offered to about fifty percent is effective to eradicate cholera epidemic.

Modeling Cholera Dynamics with a Control Strategy in Ghana

In this work, we present and analyze amathematical epidemiological model for Vibrio cholerae (Cholera) with an incorporated control strategy. Cholera is regarded generally as a disease of the poor and it affects areas that lack access to safe drinking water and sense of hygiene. An epidemiological mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of cholera, with control strategies is formulated in this paper. The epidemiological model formulated is designed into compartments which lead to a system of differential equations for the transmission dynamics of cholera with a control strategy of water treatment being proposed. It was assumed in the model that cholera in contracted when an individual comes into contact and ingest contaminated water. The equilibrium points of the model are found and their stability is investigated. The results showed that the disease free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable under suggested conditions on the parameters given in the model (i.e. cholera can be eradicated under such conditions in time bound). It was then concluded from the results that treatment of water is an effective method of controlling and eradicating cholera as well as public education on the disease. The numerical simulations and graphical solutions of the differential equations were carried out with Matlab application software.

Mathematical Model of Cholera Transmission with Education Campaign and Treatment Through Quarantine

Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science

Cholera, a water-borne disease characterized by intense watery diarrhea, affects people in the regions with poor hygiene and untreated drinking water. This disease remains a menace to public health globally and it indicates inequity and lack of community development. In this research, SIQR-B mathematical model based on a system of ordinary differential equations is formulated to study the dynamics of cholera transmission with health education campaign and treatmentthrough quarantine as controls against epidemic in Kenya. The effective basic reproduction number is computed using the next generation matrix method. The equilibrium points of the model are determined and their stability is analysed. Results of stability analysis show that the disease free equilibrium is both locally and globally asymptotically stable R0 < 1 while the endemic equilibrium is both locally and globally asymptotically stable R0 > 1. Numerical simulation carried out using MATLAB software shows that when ...

Modelling and Analysis for the Transmission Dynamics of Cholera with Control Strategies

Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease caused by vibro-cholerae bacteria and the outbreak can occur in a situation where water supply, sanitation, food safety and hygiene are insufficient. We developed an epidemic model of SIQR-B, or Susceptible-Infectious-Quarantined-Recovered and Bacteria, type model for cholera infection. We incorporate control measures of treatment in quarantine and vaccination. The effective reproduction number is computed in terms of model parameters. The existence and stability of disease free and endemic steady statesare recognized and the stead states indicated to be locally and globally asymptotically stable whenever effective reproduction numberis less than unity and greater than unity respectively. The most influential parameter to the reproduction number is obtained by using sensitivity analysisand vaccination rate is found to be influential. Furthermore, we carried out numerical simulations to verify and support the impact of intervention measures on the reproduction number, which is seen in the analytical results. The findings indicates that applying combined control measures vaccination and treatment in quarantine will help to prevent and control cholera transmission in the community.

A Mathematical Model on Cholera Dynamics with Prevention and Control

Covenant journal of physical and life sciences , 2018

In this paper, we present and analyze a cholera epidemiological model with modifications to Fung (2014) cholera model. The extended model incorporates preventive and control measures as well as the possibility of disease transmission from person-to-person. Equilibrium analysis is conducted for the extended model for two cases of epidemic equilibrium and endemic equilibrium to establish disease free equilibrium state (DFE) and endemic equilibrium state (EE) respectively. We derive the basic reproduction numbers and establish the local asymptotical stability for the two models. We later use the results to compare the models at the DFE states as regards the effects of control on the extended model. The endemic equilibrium state (EE) of the extended model is also studied and found to be locally asymptotically stable when the basic reproduction number. This shows that cholera can be eliminated in a population only if the preventive and control measures are strong enough.

A Mathematical Model for the Control of Cholera Epidemic without Natural Recovery

Applied Mathematics, 2021

In this research work, we present a mathematical model for the control of cholera outbreak without natural recovery. This follows a slight modification as compared to previous cholera models for the Nigerian case. Our model incorporates treatment, water hygiene as well as environmental sanitation. The model employs a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, which is analyzed in detail for its stability properties. We compute the basic reproduction ratio R 0 for the various control parameters and discover that with proper combination of control measures, the spread of cholera could be minimized. Numerical simulation of the cholera model is done using MathCAD14, and the graphical profiles of the main variables are depicted. We conclude that improvement in treatment, water hygiene and the environmental sanitation is indeed effective in eradicating the cholera epidemic.