The Determination of Results of Knowledge Test Control by Means of the Hierarchical Structures (original) (raw)

Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods for Control of the Student Knowledge

This paper proposes a framework for the design and development of intelligent in formation systems for the knowledge control. The use of conventional tests involves the selection of answers based on a crisp logic. It is intended to use them properly only in case of strictly formally asked questions. It brings to absolutely simple questions. But the acquisition of knowledge includes not only (and not so much) memorizing some real facts, but the ability to understand the general concepts, rules and trends. To manage this knowledge " open " (no answer) test items are more effective. In this article, we presented an approach for the text analysis based on the ontology to automatically monitor the student's answer in natural language. Use of intelligent algorithms can also quickly change the evaluation system and check circuit, which significan tly improves the quality and speed of testing.

Method for Automated Test Tasks Creation for Educational Materials


The article considers the method of automated creation of test tasks for educational materials, which does not require additional formalization of educational materials and uses the production model of knowledge representation for presentation of rules for creation of test tasks. A sufficient requirement for the formalization of educational materials is the presence in the input document of text content in the form of symbols and preferably a structure in the form of headings in the file. As a result of the method of automated creation of test tasks receive the set of test tasks that are different in parameters (type of question, number of correct answers, the rule behind which the test task is formed, terms used in the task, etc.) and can be used to check the level of knowledge by existing educational environments and testing systems. The set contains test tasks that semantically, structurally, and parametrically cover the corresponding input informational education material. An im...

Ontology‐based Testing System for Evaluation of Student's Knowledge

In the education system, the control of knowledge is always of primary importance and is complex interaction process between a teacher and a student. Today computer‐aided testing of knowledge becomes very popular because the test's results do not depend on the subjective opinion of a teacher. Using traditional tests suggests choosing questions of closed form when several variants of the answer are suggested, one of which is correct and should be selected. It is supposed to use them adequately only in terms of strictly formally asked questions. It leads to absolutely simple questions. But knowledge appropriation includes not only (and not so much) memorizing priori veritable facts but the capability of understanding general phenomena, tendencies. To control this knowledge " openʺ (without the options) test tasks are more effective. In this paper we have presented an ontology‐based text mining approach for the automatic evaluation of a student's answers on the native Language (the Kazakh language). The testing system combined the features of different tests types and formats. The use of intelligent algorithms can also dynamically change the system of evaluation and the test circuit, which significantly improves the quality and speed of testing.

Electronic testing of knowledge and factors influencing its results

Elektronické testovanie znalostí a faktory vplyvu na výsledky Didactic test in electronic version presents fast and precise, modern and effective form of feedback from students to teacher. Electronic test, as a highly formalised instrument of evaluation of the students' preparation and knowledge, has its own unique place in the whole education process. The contribution suggests on practical applications how to prepare and use the electronic test, based on experiences with exploitation and operation of electronic test during verification of student's knowledge. The main consideration is devoted to testing conditions, quantification of criteria for evaluation of results, analysis of success factors like: repeatability and reproducibility of test, duration of testing, appropriate formulation of test questions, awareness of students about the questions. The article specifies selected aspects of quantification of criteria for evaluation (quality) of results of electronic knowledge testing.

Analogies Between Texts: Mathematical Models and Applications in Computer-Assisted Knowledge Testing


book maintains articles on actual problems of research and application of information technologies, especially the new approaches, models, algorithms and methods fot information modeling of knowledge in: Intelligence metasynthesis and knowledge processing in intelligent systems; Formalisms and methods of knowledge representation; Connectionism and neural nets; System analysis and sintesis; Modelling of the complex artificial systems; Image Processing and Computer Vision; Computer virtual reality; Virtual laboratories for computer-aided design; Decision support systems; Information models of knowledge of and for education; Open social info-educational

Logical Structure of Structure OrientedEvaluation for E- Learning

-This paper describes evaluation and its method for e-learning process at Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST). Main aim of this study is to develop the logical structure of structure oriented evaluation for e-learning at MUST. An e-learning is complex system where involved many different groups which has all own pre-defined roles, requirement and expectations in e-learning. For example: Professors are owners of contents, they present pedagogical aspect and more responsible for quality of e-learning contents. IT and multimedia personals are owners of technology, they present technology enhancement aspect and more responsible for added value of technology in the e-learning. University is owner of learning management system and plays role as main administration for whole process, responsible for general successful implementation of e-learning process. Students belong to target group, they are play role of users in e-learning. Without students any e-learning will be senseless for development and implementation. For evaluation process structure oriented evaluation model was selected as main model. Key advantage of structure oriented evaluation is connected evaluation goals which designed by logical structures. Therefore, development of logical structure for e-learning is essentially important. This paper focuses on logical structure for e-learning evaluation.

Survey of learners' knowledge structures: Rationales, methods and instruments

Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2004

How human beings organize knowledge and to what extend individuals' organizational structures overlap are important research questions in cognitive science (Lakoff, 1987) as well as in information science (Ingwersen, 1992). Effective IR principles can be derived from the understanding of human knowledge organizational structures.

Effective Method for Automatic Generation of Knowledge from Electronic Textbook


With the tremendous increase in traffic and tools in virtually every organization we need such kind of tool that will perform all the operation regarding education system in effective way so that technology supported learning system should be helpful in many learning situations. we need to generate domain module and domain module contain the knowledge but generation of domain module require more cost and hence electronic textbook has been developed which is a core representation of the domain module. So, we use natural processing techniques, heuristic reasoning and ontology’s for semiautomatic construction of domain module from electronic textbook.

Knowledge Management Model for Electronic Textbook Design

Railean, E. (2013). Knowledge Management Model for Electronic Textbook Design. In K. Patel, & S. Vij (Eds.), Enterprise Resource Planning Models for the Education Sector: Applications and Methodologies (pp. 77-92). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2193-0.ch005

This chapter aims to describe a new knowledge management (KM) model, which can be considered an enterprise resources planning model proved in Electronic Textbook in Electronic Portfolio technology. The model comprises a dynamic and flexible instructional strategy which allows constructing the personalized digital content through development of core structure of competence. This strategy allows bidirectional transitions from tacit to explicit knowledge and hermeneutic dialogues. The KM model can be described using adjacency matrix and optimized knowledge graphs techniques. The target audience of this chapter is expected to be consisted of educational management students, professionals and researchers working in the field of education including policy makers, consultants, and agencies. Applications and methodologies validate the educational efficiency of KM model for electronic textbook design. The affordance of the KM model for education relies on informational / communication processes, cognitive processes, and computerized assessment processes.