Archeological Research of the Main Line of Defense of Mangup in 2023 (original) (raw)

Fortifications A.X, A.XII and A.XIII of the Main Line of Defense of Mangup

Полевой дневник. Восточная Европа в античное время и средние века: сборник статей памяти О.В. Шарова. Материалы спасательных археологических исследований. Т. 34. М.: ИА РАН, 2024. С. 165-182 , 2024

The defensive system of Mangup includes three lines of defense: the Main, the Second and the citadel. The article publishes materials of the latest archaeological researches of fortifications A.X, A.XII, A.XIII of the Main line of defense. A.X is a straight line defensive wall, 245.40 m long, blocking the Tabana-dere beam. The wall was built in the technique of three-layer double-faced masonry, without mortar, from rubble and building blocks of second use. The constructive features suggest that A.X was built as a proteichisma under conditions of military danger, most likely on the eve of the Ottoman siege in 1475. A.XII and A.XIII are flank fortifications that protected the clefts in the western cliff of Chufut-cheargan-burun cape. In the masonry of both fortifications, traces of repairs were revealed. Their construction is tentatively dated to the last decade of the reign of Justinian I (527–565). Repairs probably date back to the period of the end of the 13th–14th centuries.

Archaeological research in 2023 in the south-eastern part of Mongolian Altai: along the expedition route of P.K. Kozlov 1899 (Археологические исследования 2023 года в юго-восточной части Монгольского Алтая: по маршруту экспедиции П.К. Козлова 1899 г.)

Reports of the Laboratory of Ancient Technologies, 2023

In the summer of 2023 the participants of the expedition «On the routes of Petr Kuzmich Kozlov» conducted archaeological exploration in the south-eastern part of the Mongolian Altai, on the border of Hovd and Gov-Altai Aimaks. At the north-western end of the mountains Ikh Uushig in Tsetzhag Somon found 8 different archaeological objects - three Paleolithic sites (Ikh Uushig 2, 4, 6), four sites with petroglyphs (Ikh Uushig 1, 3, 5, 7) and one Turkic memorial fence (Ikh Uushig 8). In the middle part of the tract Uushigyin Baruun Kholoy, west part of the mountains Ikh Uushig, the funeral site Uushigyin Baruun Khool 1 and the Paleolithic site Uushigyin Baruun Kholoy 2 were revealed. In the south western extremities of the Shandatyn Nuru Mountain Range in Tonkhil Somone the funerary site Tonkhil Somone is examined. The main part of the collection of artifacts from the archaeological site Ikh Uushig 4 dates from the period of the Initial Upper Paleolithic - 44-39 Kyr BP. It includes the core with the double-polar striking platforms, point, blades, end-scrapers and other stone artifacts. The finds from the Ikh Uushig 5 site are represented by flakes and wedge-shaped core. They relate to the late Upper Paleolithic - Mesolithic - 18-8 Kyr BP. Approximate archaeological age of the sites Ikh Uushig 2 and Uushigyin Baruun Kholoy 2 - Late Paleolithic-Mesolithic - 45-8 Kyr BP. Petroglyphs from Ikh Uushig 1, 3, 5, 7 date from the Bronze Age - III-II thousands BC and include mainly images of mountain goats. Mound embanks Uushigyin Baruun Kholoy 1 and Shandatyn Nuruu 1, some of which can be described as kherexures, were constructed in 13-8 centuries BC. The time of construction of Turkic fences Ikh Uushig 8 correlates with the 6-8 centuries AD.

Some Results of the Archaeological Study of the Belgorod Defense Line. Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey No6 2023


The article deals with study of the Belgorod line as an archaeological monument. The first attempts at archaeological research of this defense line are considered, the results of research in recent years, when the relevance of this topic was identified at the state level, are summarized. The results of exploration scientific work are analyzed, including large-scale exploration studies, excavations of fortified cities, earthworks and other field fortifications. Some theoretical and methodological problems are touched upon, including issues of systematization and access to reconstruction. According to the authors, the archaeological study of defensive lines can be separated into a separate section of the archeology of the late Middle Ages, since the results obtained during the research have great scientific and social potential.

Bazuband Vambrace Excavated at the Citadel of Mangup

МАИЭТ. 2024. Вып. XXIX. С. 223-240., 2024

This research addresses the double-leaf vambrace, a unique find for the Crimea. This artefact was discovered within the cultural layer dating from the late-fourteenth and the first quarter of the fifteenth centuries and deposited on the street, located to the west of the octagonal church, in the citadel of Mangup. The mapping of the finds of double-leaf vambraces in Eastern Europe allowed the one to identify three groups of parallels to the artefact in question: the vambraces from Rus’ian settlement assemblages from the mid-thirteenth and fourteenth century; the vambraces from the thirteenth- and fourteenth-century barrows in the Northern Black Sea Area; and the vambraces from the fourteenth- and fifteenth-century burial complexes in the North Caucasus. The analysis of the construction of the vambrace from the citadel of Mangup allows the one to attribute this artefact to the bazuband type, which appeared in Eastern Europe in the end of the first half of the thirteenth century, and distributed in the countries controlled by the Golden Horde or being in close contact with the Genghisid polities throughout the fourteenth century. The vambrace in question appeared in the cultural layer of Mangup possibly in relation to the military disaster of the late-fourteenth century, which was described by hieromonk Matthew.

Naumenko V. E., Dushenko А. А. Prince’s Palace in Ancient Mangup: Room Н in the Southern Area of the Complex (According to the Materials of R. Kh. Leper’s Collections in the State Hermitage Museum and Recent Archaeological Researches) in MAIET. 2017. Vol. XXII

This article publishes full results of archaeological researches of Room H of the Prince’s Palace in Ancient Mangup in 2008–2009 and 2015. Room Н was among the most important complexes allowing us to determine the chronology and the function of the southern area of the palace complex which rooms concentrated along the “southern palace street”, the topographical border of the palace in this direction. Preparation of this publication considerably enlarged the collection of finds with a group of demonstrative glazed vessels from R. Kh. Leper’s initial excavations in Room H in 1912. Today these finds reside in the collection of the State Heritage Museum. The chronology of Room H embraces narrow period within 1462-1475 AD. This structure was built on the site of former urban buildings. There are several residential and economic buildings survived in this area, such as Pit no. 34, which was finally covered with soil when building Room H ca. 1462, and bedrock construction from the mid-tenth century. Room H collapsed in relation to the assault of Mangup by the Ottoman army in 1475.

Transactions of Margiana archaeological expedition. Vol. 4. Gonur Depe studies in 2008-2011/Eds V.I. Sarianidi (ed. in chief), P.M. Kozhin, M.F. Kosarev, N.A. Dubova. Moscow, 2012

The collection is devoted to the description of archaeological works 2005-2007 at the territory of a palace-temple complex of the end of the Third – Second Millennium B.C. Gonur Depe (Turkmenistan). It includes the study of ceramic systems, paleoanthropological, arhaeozoological, archaeobotanical materials and petrofund of the site. Due to the important discovery made during the last seasons of excavations - finding a significant number of special dog’s burials on the royal necropolis translations of Avestan texts on these animals are publishing in this book. Studying of paleopathology, the processes of reconstruction of the face by the skull are describing as well as the case of kefalotaphia at Gonur and finding of the male breast ornament similar to the modern tumor. Special attention is given to a detailed study of the unique mosaics from the Gonur royal tombs. Ethnological-historical texts including such on the history of knot weaving, compliment the collection. Сборник посвящен описанию археологических работ 2008-2011 гг. на территории дворцово-храмового комплекса конца III – II тыс. до н.э. Гонур Депе (Туркменистан). В него включены исследования керамических комплексов, палеоантропологического, археозоологического, палеоботанического материалов и петрофонда памятника. В связи с важным открытием, сделанным во время последних сезонов раскопок, - находкой значительного числа специальных погребений собак на царском некрополе, в сборнике публикуются переводы авестийских текстов, посвященных этим животным. Затрагиваются вопросы изучения палеопатологии, реконструкция лица по черепу, описывается случай кефалотафии на Гонуре, а также находка мужского нагрудного украшения сходного с современными туморами. Специальное внимание уделяется подробному изучению уникальных мозаик из царских гробниц Гонура. Сборник дополняют этнолого-исторические исследования, в том числе описание истории узелкового ткачества.

Transactions of Margiana archaeological expedition. Vol. 5. Gonur Depe studies in 2011-2013 / Eds. V.I. Sarianidi ( chief), P.M. Kozhin, M.F. Kosarev, N.A. Dubova . Moscow, 2014

This issue of Transactions for the first time is opening by the section dedicated to the memory of two great scientists did much to explore different aspects of the history of Turkmenistan – ethnographer V. Basilov and geomorphologists A.A. Lyapin. The main sections of the collection, as well as earlier, devoted to describing of the current archaeological works in 2011-2012 and partly 2013 years on the territory of the palace-temple complex of the end III – II millennium BC. Gonur Depe (Turkmenistan). Here there are studies of ceramic complexes, paleoanthropological, archaeozoological, palaeobotanical materials, architectural features, the description of works on making the museums from some objects. The characteristics of the landscape in the vicinity of the archaeological site and the features of gold jewelry and bronze alloys of Gonur Depe are describing. The publication of researches of unique mosaics from the royal Gonur tombs is continuing. Collection complements by the article on odontology of Turkmen of southern Russia. Данный выпуск Трудов впервые открывает раздел, посвященный памяти двух больших ученых, много сделавших для изучения разных аспектов истории Туркменистана – этнографа В.Н. Басилова и геоморфолога А.А. Ляпина. Основные разделы сборника, как и более ранние, посвящены описанию текущих археологических работ 2011-2012 и частично 2013 гг. на территории дворцово-храмового комплекса конца III – II тыс. до н.э. Гонур Депе (Туркменистан). Здесь присутствуют исследования керамических комплексов, палеоантропологических, археозоологических, палеоботанических материалов, архитектуры памятника, описание работ по музеефикации ряда объектов. Рассматриваются характеристики ландшафта в районе памятника. Описываются особенности золотых изделий и бронзовых сплавов Гонур Депе. Продолжается публикация исследований уникальных мозаик из царских гробниц Гонура. Сборник дополняет статья по одонтологии туркмен юга России.


Вопросы всеобщей истории архитектуры, 2018

Mangup is the largest medieval fortress from the group of “cave cities” of the South-Western Crimea. One of the most important results of the modern stage of the study of the monument is the formation of ideas about it as a center of an extensive district, on the territory of which a group of diverse architectural and archaeological objects is now known, including six medieval temple complexes. The article is devoted to the publication of the results of excavations of one of them — a roadside chapel on mountain Ilka on the southern periphery of Mangup, which dates back to the late 14 th — first half of the 15 th centuries. The questions of architectural composition and bulk reconstruction of the temple are considered. The church on mountain Ilka is a one-nave one-apse chapel with rectangular naos and a horseshoe apse. The general orientation of the construction along the axis is north-west — south-east. The temple had a roof truss structure, covered with tiles. Its prominent feature is the southern entrance to the building. This compositional technique is characteristic of numerous one-nave one-apsidal churches of the 14th–15th centuries on the territory of the Southern coast of Crimea. During the excavations inside the church, an altar throne of the “throne-table” type with one support was found. This type of altar is typical for Byzantine architecture of the 10 th –11 th centuries, but continues to occur on monu- ments of a later time. The chapel on mount Ilka functioned for a short time and had only one construction period. Significant traces of repairs and rebuilding were not found during excavations. The final stage of the history of the temple is connected with total destruction due to a fire.



The article is devoted to the publication of the results of archaeological research of the Church of St. George of Mangup fortress in 2015-2016. The Church of St. George is a typical example of the Christian quarter church of the Mangup settlement of late Byzantine and early Ottoman times. It is a one-nave single-apsidal temple, around which there is a Christian cemetery. The first construction period of the monument dates from the first half of the 15th century, most likely to the second quarter of this century. Already at this time several rock tombs in the naos were located inside the church, it had an altar one-pillar throne and a rich polychrome fresco painting. In 1475 the temple was destroyed. In the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, during the reign of khan Mangli Giray I (1478-1515), the church was rebuilt. The new structural elements of it were the raised floor, two tombs at the entrance and a new altar throne with salt. From the inside, the temple was again covered with a fresco painting. The reconstructed church of St. George did not last long. The most recent dated discovery from her excavations is the coin of the time of khan Devlet Giray I (1550-1577). Travelers of the XVII century marked the complete abandonment of the temple and its necropolis by this time. Based on materials from excavations in 2015-2016, this occurred near the end of the 16th century