Mainly Openness: The relationship between the Big Five personality traits and learning approaches (original) (raw)

An Investigation Of Styles Of Learning For Openness Traits Of Personality: A Correlational Study

The purpose behind this correlational study was to establish the relationship between students' learning styles and openness personality traits. For this research, the population consisted of all the public university students from province of the Punjab. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 1,000 students from 10 universities of Punjab. 'NEO-BFI' developed by Costa & McCrae in 2010 (having 44-items for measuring personality traits) and LSI developed in 2005 by Kolb & Kolb (consisting of 10 factors for measuring learning styles) were used simultaneously to collect the required data. Both these instruments were standardized. Pearson correlation was applied for analyzing the data to find out the relationship between styles of learning and openness trait of personality. The study concluded that, there was a significant relationship between openness (personality trait) and styles of learning (assimilating and accommodating). Hence, openness personality trait has strong positive correlation with the assimilating and positive correlation with accommodating styles of learning.

Demographic factors, personality, and ability as predictors of learning approaches

The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher

This study investigated the extent to which learning approaches can be accounted for by personal factors (i.e., demographics, ability, and personality). The participants were 443 students in a university in mainland China. The Revised Two-factor Study Process Questionnaire, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3, and the short form of Raven's Advanced Progress Matrices were respectively applied to test students' learning approaches, personality, and ability. The results of correlations and structural equation modelling indicated that male students were more likely to be deep learners than female students; relative to Year-one students, Year-three students were more likely to use the surface learning approach and less likely to use the deep learning approach. Openness to experience and conscientiousness had strong positive effects on the deep learning approach. Neuroticism had positive effect, whereas conscientiousness had negative effect on the surface learning approach. Approximately 44% of the variance in the deep learning approach and approximately 18% of the variance in the surface learning approach could be explained by the three personal factors. Personality was the strongest predictor of learning approaches, whereas ability was the weakest predictor. The implications of the results were discussed.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Research RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENTS' PERSONALITY TRAITS AND LEARNING STYLES

Bediako Augustine, 2020

Personality and learning styles were the key variables explored in this study. The study was specifically guided by such objectives as determining the extent to which the students possess the five-factor personality traits and also to assess the relationship between the five-factor personality traits and the students' learning styles. The study used a quantitative method with a cross-sectional approach. College students (171) answered the adapted Five-Factor personality inventory and learning style questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (AVONA and Pearson's correlation) were used in analyzing the data collected. The study established that three factors of the five-factor personality traits; openness to experience, conscientiousness and extraversion traits were pervasive in the students' behavioral repertoire. Specifically, the study pointed out that openness to experience, conscientiousness, and extraversion traits were pervasive in the student behavioral repertoire, but the following were observed to be pleasurable and neurotic. The results further showed that there are major variations between openness to experience, extraversion and neuroticism. Again, conscientiousness also varied from extraversion and neuroticism. Finally the study found that there is a positive, insignificant relationship between openness and all four learning styles. Teachers in the Colleges of Education should nurture five-factor personality traits and incorporate them in constructing teaching and learning materials.

personality affect learning style

This paper is intended to review the affect of personality on learning styles. Costa and McCrae's Five-Factor Model of Personality (The Big 5) is explored against Kolb Learning Styles. The Big 5 factors are extraversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness, whereas Kolb Learning Styles are divergers, assimilators, convergers, and accommodators. Discussion includes descriptions of the Big 5 factors and Kolb Learning Styles, issues relating to personality and learning styles, and critical review of affect of the Big 5 factors and Kolb Learning Styles. It is concluded that personality does has an affect towards learning styles when it comes to the Big 5 factors and Kolb Learning Styles. Future research is recommended to test the hypothesis found in this review. Pertinent information is repeated in the summary section for readers' convenience.

An Examination of Learner Self-Direction in Relation to the Big Five and Narrow Personality Traits

The present study addresses the relationship between learner self-direction and other personality traits of college students when the traits represented by the five-factor model of personality are differentiated from narrow personality traits. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were used with a sample of 2,102 college students to examine the unique individual relationship between Big Five and narrow personality traits and learner self-direction. Analysis of the data revealed five significant part correlations between specific traits and learner self-direction. The part correlations for Work Drive (.310) and Openness (.207) were significantly higher than all other part correlations. Neither Conscientiousness nor Agreeableness had significant part correlations despite having significant zero-order correlations with learner self-direction. Extroversion did not have a significant zero-order correlation with learner self-direction but the part correlation was significant. Results were discussed in terms of the predictive relationship between personality variables and learner self-direction. Study implications, some limitations, and possible directions for future research were noted.

Impact of Personality Traits on Business Students' Learning Approaches


The present study examined that how big five personality dimensions are associated with student approaches to learning. Two hundred (86 female and 114 male) business students from public and private sector universities of KPK (Pakistan) participated in the study. The participants responded to the Big Five Inventory-44 (BFI-44) of personality and RASI (Revised Approaches of Studying Inventory) for students learning approaches. Using Pearson correlation, stepwise regression procedures and structure education, it was found that the big five personality dimensions are associated with learning approaches and also have impact on learning approaches. Results showed that four personality dimension i.e. extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience have positive correlation with deep, surface, strategic learning approaches. One dimension neuroticism did not significantly correlated with surface approach, while has positive and significant relation with remaining two approaches i.e. deep and strategic. The study also found that all personality dimensions have impact on deep learning approach. Openness to experience is the only dimension that did not impact the surface approach while rests have impact. Neuroticism has no impact on strategic approach while other four dimensions have impact on strategic approach. Managerial implications, limitations and future directions are also discussed.


ERIC, 2012

This paper is intended to review the affect of personality on learning styles. Costa and McCrae's Five-Factor Model of Personality (The Big 5) is explored against Kolb Learning Styles. The Big 5 factors are extraversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness, whereas Kolb Learning Styles are divergers, assimilators, convergers, and accommodators. Discussion includes descriptions of the Big 5 factors and Kolb Learning Styles, issues relating to personality and learning styles, and critical review of affect of the Big 5 factors and Kolb Learning Styles. It is concluded that personality does has an affect towards learning styles when it comes to the Big 5 factors and Kolb Learning Styles. Future research is recommended to test the hypothesis found in this review. Pertinent information is repeated in the summary section for readers' convenience.

Personality, learning style and work performance


Just over two hundred telephone sales staff completed the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) and Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ). Extraversion was highly correlated both positively and negatively with three of the four LSQ measures. The lie scale from the EPI was also systematically correlated with the Activist and Reflector scales of the LSQ. Both the EPI and LSQ traits were modestly correlated with two criteria: ratings of Actual Performance and Development Potential.

The Big Five personality traits, learning styles, and academic achievement

Personality and Individual Differences, 2011

Personality and learning styles are both likely to play significant roles in influencing academic achievement. College students (308 undergraduates) completed the Five Factor Inventory and the Inventory of Learning Processes and reported their grade point average. Two of the Big Five traits, conscientiousness and agreeableness, were positively related with all four learning styles (synthesis analysis, methodical study, fact retention, and elaborative processing), whereas neuroticism was negatively related with all four learning styles. In addition, extraversion and openness were positively related with elaborative processing. The Big Five together explained 14% of the variance in grade point average (GPA), and learning styles explained an additional 3%, suggesting that both personality traits and learning styles contribute to academic performance. Further, the relationship between openness and GPA was mediated by reflective learning styles (synthesis-analysis and elaborative processing). These latter results suggest that being intellectually curious fully enhances academic performance when students combine this scholarly interest with thoughtful information processing. Implications of these results are discussed in the context of teaching techniques and curriculum design.

Interplay between personality traits and learning strategies: the missing link

Advances in Physiology Education

This study aspires to build a foundation for individualized coaching and mentorship in medical education through utilizing personality traits to empower academic success. We demonstrate that all personality domains influence students’ selection of at least one learning strategy, especially Conscientiousness and Neuroticism.