[Quality of the diet of the spanish population over 80 years non-institutionalized] (original) (raw)
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[Strengths and weaknesses of food and diet in the Spanish population of the 21st century]
Nutricion hospitalaria, 2019
Introducción: en la actualidad, son precisamente los países mediterráneos, cuyo estilo de vida característico fue reconocido como paradigma de salud y promocionado al resto del mundo, los que se encuentran en situación de riesgo, en la que se hace necesario el desarrollo inmediato de estrategias que contribuyan a la adopción de hábitos saludables de vida. Objetivos: revisar los patrones de la dieta actual en España, así como su evolución en los últimos años. Métodos: revisión bibliográfica relacionada con el tema. Resultados: los cambios en el estilo de vida que han ido introduciéndose poco a poco en los últimos años han propiciado una progresiva disminución en el consumo de cereales y derivados, patatas y legumbres, y un aumento de la ingesta de carnes rojas y derivados. Desde el punto de vista nutricional, esta tendencia se ha traducido en un incremento de la dieta en grasa y proteínas, en detrimento de los hidratos de carbono complejos (y un incremento asociado de los azúcares to...
Nutrición hospitalaria, 2014
Deficient nutritional status has important implications on vulnerable people's health status, such as those with chronic diseases or older people in situation of dependency. To examine SARquavitae centers users' nutritional status at admission. Health, cognitive and functional status of people admitted to any company centers during 2012 was studied. Nutritional status was assessed using the short version of the Mini Nutritional Assessment. Finally, an analysis was performed to identify the most influential variables on the sample's nutritional status. Clinical records of 4,297 admissions were analyzed. The average age was 82.08 years and 66.1% were women with high comorbidity. At admission, 30.4% of the sample was in malnutrition and 49.4% at risk of malnutrition. A higher prevalence of malnutrition is found in women, in those coming from an acute care hospital or its outpatient clinics, with worse functional and cognitive status and those with chronic conditions such as...
[The nutritional status inequality in interior Spain during the late 18th century]
Nutricion hospitalaria, 2018
inequality in net nutritional status, measured through the average adult male height, and its evolution, is still unknown as far as Spain in the late XVIII century is concerned. assess social and occupational differences in the average adult male height of cohorts born in the late 18th century and their evolution over time. analysis of anthropometric data provided by a general conscription which took place in 1808 in the ancient province of Toledo. This source includes the age, height, and profession of all men living in a giving community with an age included between 16 and 40 years as far as 90 communities are concerned. Only data for adult population (more than 21 years old) are used in this investigation. n = 8.029. differences of almost 5 cm between the tallest group - landowners and people working in high-skilled services- and the shortest - servants - are detected. These differences show a gradient related to the access to the property of land, the educational status and the ...
Es obvio que una dieta cuantitativamente y cualitativamente adecuada constituye una de las necesidades básicas más elementales del ser humano. La ingesta de alimentos, enfrentada a sus necesidades nutritivas determina el estado nutritivo de cada individuo, y este a su vez es un determinante y una consecuencia de su salud y de su potencial productivo, social e intelectual. Por ello, se ha convertido en un indicador sumamente relevante, junto a otros indicadores como las medidas antropométricas, el acceso a servicios básicos sanitarios y de higiene, la morbilidad y la mortalidad o la educación, en los enfoques que en las últimas décadas se están imponiendo en el debate sobre los niveles de vida y bienestar, tanto de poblaciones del presente como del pasado. Sin duda, la renta sigue siendo uno de los principales indicadores a tener en cuenta al analizar el nivel de vida de las distintas sociedades y su evolución, pero no podemos admitir actualmente un análisis que se limite a este aspe...
[Estimation of the daily nutrients distribution in the Spanish standard diet]
Nutrición hospitalaria, 2015
Based on the raw data from the Spanish intake, have made the necessary changes and groupings to establish nutritional content per serving as percentages, regarding the total daily intake of each individual surveyed (n = 3000). Also, it was found the effect of the rating factors (sex, age and location) on the distribution of these percentages. The result indicates that individuals below 25 year should be considered as different groups, front those above that age; and locality effect (treated as random factor rather than fixed) causes differences in the distribution of nutrients between food daily intakes. However, the sex was was not relevant to the anecdotal footage found in statistically significant differences. Percentage distribution of individual nutrients between different food outlets is proposed.
Quality of mature population's diet and their alimentary pattern in Bucaramanga, Colombia
Colombia Medica, 2005
Objetivo: Comparar el patrón de consumo de alimentos entre los años 2002 y 2003 con el patrón observado en 1998. Métodos: Participantes entre 20 y 60 años de edad, que consumían su dieta regular, completaron dos períodos de siete días de registro de ingesta ponderada de alimentos en 1998 y entre 2002 y 2003. El consumo promedio individual de nutrientes se calculó usando tablas de composición de alimentos. Se usaron pruebas t para comparar las medias de consumo de nutrientes específicas de edad y sexo en ambos períodos. Resultados: El grupo de alimentos constituido por cereales, raíces, tubérculos y el plátano fue el mayor contribuyente al consumo diario de energía (43.2%), seguido por el grupo de carnes, huevos y leguminosas secas (26%), el grupo de azúcares y dulces (12.1%), los productos lácteos (10.2%), y las grasas (9.9%). Aproximadamente 16% del consumo diario de energía fue aportado por bebidas alcohólicas. Comparando con el año 1998, el consumo diario de energía se incrementó en 12% en hombres y 10% en mujeres. Se encontraron disminuciones significativas en el consumo de vegetales (60% en hombres y 20% en mujeres) y frutas (30% en hombres y 16% en mujeres); el consumo de grasas permaneció estable.
Objective: To explore the regional pattern of nutritional status and its evolution between the middle of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century in Spain. This period precedes the nutrition transition and it was characterized by the high prevalence of malnutrition. Methods: We use anthropometric data (province-level height means) from conscription in 1858 y 1913 as well as province-level means of height and weight from a large examination held among 119,571 soldiers in 1903-1906. These data are used to construct anthropometric cartography and descriptive statistics. Results: The complexion of Spanish conscripts as indicated by height and weight measures was among the lowest in Europe prior to the nutrition transition in this country. Male average height increased only 1.43 cm between 1858 and 1913. During that period significant changes in the anthropometric geography occurred in Spain which established a nutritional polarity on the eve of the World War I (WWI): inner and Southern provinces exhibited higher incidence of malnutrition whereas provinces in the North and East of the country displayed anthropometric figures above the national average. Conclusion: Spatial inequalities of nutritional status in Spain as reflected by anthropometric polarity may be largely associated with environmental changes. Such changes are related to the modernization and industrialization processes in this country at the time that a relative backwardness (e.g. economic and technological), structural scarcity, occasional subsistence and high exposure to illness persisted. Our results underline the utility of anthropometric data to approach the living conditions of past population and the process of nutrition transition in particular.