Direct Numerical Modeling of E-Cloud Driven Instability of a Bunch Train in the CERN SPS (original) (raw)
Related papers
Electron cloud buildup and instability: Numerical simulations for the CERN Proton Synchrotron
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 2003
Experimental observations on the electron cloud have been collected at the CERN Proton Synchrotron machine throughout the last two years. At the same time, an intense campaign of simulations has been carried out to understand the observed electron cloud buildup and the related instability. In this paper, the results of the numerical simulations are presented and discussed.
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 2005
The electron cloud may cause transverse single-bunch instabilities of proton beams such as those in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). We simulate these instabilities and the consequent emittance growth with the code HEADTAIL, which models the turn-byturn interaction between the cloud and the beam. Recently some new features were added to the code, in particular, electric conducting boundary conditions at the chamber wall, transverse feedback, and variable beta functions. The sensitivity to several numerical parameters has been studied by varying the number of interaction points between the bunch and the cloud, the phase advance between them, and the number of macroparticles used to represent the protons and the electrons. We present simulation results for both LHC at injection and SPS with LHC-type beam, for different electron-cloud density levels, chromaticities, and bunch intensities. Two regimes with qualitatively different emittance growth are observed: above the threshold of the transverse mode-coupling (TMC) type of instability there is a rapid blowup of the beam, while below this threshold a slow, long-term, emittance growth remains. The rise time of the TMC instability caused by the electron cloud is compared with results obtained using an equivalent broadband resonator impedance model, demonstrating reasonable agreement.
Electron cloud buildup and related instability in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 2002
The beam-induced electron cloud buildup is one of the major concerns for the SPS and the design of the future LHC. During the 2000 run, this effect has also been observed in the PS with the nominal LHC-type beam. The electron cloud induces a baseline distortion in electrostatic pickup signals, both during the last turns in the PS, when the full bunch length is reduced to less than 4 ns, and in the transfer line between the PS and the SPS rings. In the year 2001, modifications in the rf hardware allowed us to study the properties of the beam instability related with the electron cloud phenomenon for a total bunch length of about 10 ns. The complete set of experimental observations carried out in the PS machine is presented and discussed in detail.
Theory and Simulation of the Electron Cloud Instability
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2002
A quasi-stationary electron cloud can drive single-bunch instabilities on a circulating beam through a head-tail coupling mechanism. The oscillation frequency of the electrons in the transverse field of the bunch, and how it can be expressed as a function of the bunch properties, is essential for the understanding of this instability. The process of the instability has been investigated via computer simulation. The model that we have applied makes use of two sets of macro-particles for the bunch particles and for the electrons, too, which interact at one or more locations along the beam orbit (kick approximation). The code has been employed to simulate possible instability mechanisms in the SPS as well as in the the LER of the KEK-B factory. The dependence of the induced emittance growth rates on chromaticity, bunch intensity and length, and electron cloud density has been studied and interpreted for both cases. 2 MECHANISM OF THE SINGLE BUNCH INSTABILITY INDUCED BY ELECTRON CLOUD An electron cloud uniformly distributed all inside the beam pipe can act as a short-range wake-field and be responsible for single-bunch instabilities. The mechanism
Electron cloud simulations: beam instabilities and wakefields
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 2002
HEADTAIL is a simulation program developed at CERN which is aimed at studying the single-bunch instability arising from the interaction on successive turns of a single bunch with the cloud generated by the previous bunches. The code includes chromaticity, space charge tune spread, broad-band impedance, and detuning with amplitude for more realistic simulation. Examples of application are shown. Transverse and longitudinal wake functions are also outputs of the HEADTAIL code.
The electron cloud instability: summary of measurements and understanding
Electron-cloud effects presently limit the performance of several accelerators operating with high beam current, notably the SLAC and KEK B factories, the CERN SPS, the CERN PS, and the Los Alamos PSR. They are a major concern for many future projects, e.g., the CERN LHC and the SNS. An electron cloud is generated in the vacuum chamber by photoemission or beam-induced multipacting and subsequent electron accumulation during a bunch or bunch-train passage. Both coupled and single bunch instabilities, pressure rise, malfunctioning of beam diagnostics and failures of multi-bunch feedback systems have all been attributed to the cloud electrons. We compare observations from various laboratories with computer simulations and analytical estimates, and we address mechanisms by which the electrons may dilute the beam emittance. Possible cures and future research directions are also discussed.
Electron Cloud Effects in the CERN SPS and LHC
Proceedings of …, 2000
Electron cloud effects have been recently observed in the CERN SPS in the presence of LHC type proton beams with 25 ns bunch spacing. Above a threshold intensity of about 4 × 1012 protons in 81 consecutive bunches, correspond-ing to half of the nominal 'batch' intensity to be ...
Self-consistent simulations of heavy-ion beams interacting with electron-clouds
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2007
Electron clouds and rising desorbed gas pressure limit the performance of many existing accelerators and, potentially, that of future accelerators including heavy-ion warm-dense matter and fusion drivers. For the latter, self-consistent simulation of the interaction of the heavy-ion beam(s) with the electron cloud is necessary. To this end, we have merged the two codes WARP (HIF accelerator code) and POSINST (high-energy e-cloud build-up code), and added modules for neutral gas molecule generation, gas ionization, and electron tracking algorithms in magnetic fields with large time steps. The new tool is being benchmarked against the High-Current Experiment (HCX) and good agreement has been achieved. The simulations have also aided diagnostic interpretation and have identified unanticipated physical processes. We present the ''roadmap'' describing the different modules and their interconnections, along with detailed comparisons with HCX experimental results, as well as a preliminary application to the modeling of electron clouds in the Large Hadron Collider. r
Simulations of electron cloud effects on the beam dynamics for the FNAL main injector upgrade
2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC), 2007
The Fermilab main injector (MI) is being considered for an upgrade as part of the high intensity neutrino source (HINS) effort. This upgrade will involve a significant increasing of the bunch intensity relative to its present value. Such an increase will place the MI in a regime in which electron-cloud effects are expected to become important. We have used the electrostatic particle-in-cell code WARP, recently augmented with new modeling capabilities and simulation techniques, to study the dynamics of beamelectron cloud interaction. This work in progress involves a systematic assessment of beam instabilities due to the presence of electron clouds.