Agricultural Land-Use Potential and Investment Required in Latvia (original) (raw)
Land as a resource of agricultural production is not fully exploited in Latvia, as approximately 400 thsd ha, according to the data in the identification system of agricultural parcels, were undeclared for the Single Area Payment Scheme in 2012 and, of the agricultural area, 10 % was uncultivated and 2% was overgrown. It creates unique opportunities and a potential for enhancing the management and use of land in the future to increase the output of agricultural products. Using expert forecasts and a specially developed methodology, calculations on the potential for crop yields and total crop output in Latvia for 2020 were performed based on the utilised agricultural area, composition of sown area, and type of farming in 2012. In the calculations the following indicators were taken into account: increases in crop yields in the current area and, the production of crops in the area that was not exploited in 2012. It was determined that in Latvia in 2020 compared with 2012, there would be good opportunities for enhancing the efficiency of use of land for all groups of agricultural crops. Yet, to ensure the exploitation of an additional area, long-term investments of LVL 120-156 mln are required, of which half is investment in machinery and equipment. The source of long-term investments will be support measures of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, yet, provisionally at least a fourth of the public funding intended for investment in agriculture has to be allocated to these measures.