The Image of God and Man in the Unborn (original) (raw)

Ateinantis Dievas: tarp onto-teologinės esaties ir mesianinės nesaties (in memoriam Jacques Derrida)

Religija ir kultūra, 2017

Tekste, skirtame Jacques'o Derrida mirties dešimtmečio minėjimui, bandoma kai kuriais aspektais apmąstyti jo filosofijos santykį su religija. Différance ir "pėdsako" sąvokų pagrindu aptariama laiko ir erdvės problematika, tradicinė "graikiško" ir "žydiško" mąstymo priešprieša interpretuojama kaip įtampa tarp onto-teologinės prezencijos ir mesianinio pažado; akcentuojamas pačios dekonstrukcijos "mesianiškumas".

Wczesnego chrześcijaństwa kłopoty z ciałem – rozwiązania Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego


This article is aimed to demonstrate the diffi culties concerning the question of human body that the early Christianity faced. It is also intended to present one of the fi rst attempts to solve those problems. That diffi culties are bond closely with the fact that in the early Christianity fl owed together two rich streams of thoughts and traditions: the ancient Greek and the biblical one. The Greek view of the body was very negative. For Plato the body was the prison and the tomb of the soul and the aim of both men and philosophy was to free the soul from this oppression. On the contrary, the biblical view is positive and the body is presented as the essential component of the human nature, with its most sacred destiny-the resurrection. The platonic negativism is linked with a permissive ethic of the body, while its biblical appreciation is connected with a very demanding one. Still before the origin of Christianity, the platonic negativism and the biblical demanding ethic had already...

Synesthesia in Christian Theology

Societal Studies, 2018

The aim of the article is to define a tangible contour for the study of synesthesia in theology. Since both the sensory and synesthetic studies have intensified over the last few decades, there has naturally been a need to recognize and articulate synesthesia in various layers of culture. Synaesthesia in theology has not been thoroughly and consistently researched, so this article outlines possible guidelines for such research from sensory research, opening up anthropological foundations and cultural dynamics, then exploring the tradition of spiritual senses in Christian theology, starting with Origen thinking and reviewing the patristic, medieval mystic tradition and turning to the return of the doctrine of spiritual senses to theology in the 20th century. Consistent attention is given to the synesthetic assumptions of theological aesthetics. According to the material of this study, the relationship between theology and synesthesia is developed, emphasizing the uniqueness of synest...

Moderniosios religijos formavimosi prielaidos, raiška ir ypatumai


SANTRAUKA. Šio straipsnio tikslas – ištirti, kaip religija reiškiasi modernioje visuomenėje. Siekdama minėto tikslo, autorė pasitelkia religijos sociologijos klasikų Roberto Bellaho, Thomaso Luckmanno ir šiuolaikinių religijos sociologų Steve’o Bruce’o, Paulo Heelaso, Grace Davie, Ronaldo Ingleharto ir Zygmunto Baumano darbų apie tradicinės ir moderniosios religijos skirtį analizę. Remdamasi šių religijos sociologų darbų analize, autorė aptaria moderniosios religijos formavimosi prielaidas, jos raišką ir ypatumus evoliuciniu požiūriu, lygindama šią religijos formą su tradicine religija. Atlikta religijos sociologų darbų apie moderniąją religiją analizė leidžia sukurti teorinį idealiųjų tradicinės ir moderniosios religijos tipų modelį, kuris galėtų būti taikomas empiriniuose šiuolaikinio religingumo tyrimuose.

Kurianti tėvystė - motinystė ir šiandienė bevaikystės kultūra

Socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika, 2017

Klausimas „Ar verta turėti vaikų“, pasak prancūzų filosofo Gabrielio Marcelio, Vakarų visuomenėje yra naujas. Turėdamas laisvę paneigti prigimtinę gyvenimo duotybę – jungtuvinį žmogaus ir gyvenimo ryšį – individas ir visuomenė patiria nuobodulį – egzistencinę tuštumą. Ši problema tiksliau aprašoma kognityvaus, ne moralinio trūkumo terminu: gyvename gyvenimo vertės eklipsės laikais. Šis pasaulio spalvos pritemimas nulemtas daugelio priežasčių, tačiau viena iš svarbiausių yra savęs bei vyro ir moters santykio nuskurdinimas iki seksualumo – termino, kuriame vyrauja utilitarinė dimensija. Kad vyro ir moters galią pradėti gyvybę tiksliau yra vadinti „generatyvumu“ (arba „gimtiškumu“), sutaria tokios palyginti skirtingos pažiūrų sistemos, kaip antai klasikinė tomistinė antropologija, Rytų žmogaus supratimas (Vydūnas) ir psichoanalizė (Erikias Eriksonas). Kad tokia antropologija yra adekvati – Jono Pauliaus II – terminas, parodo ir skaitlingi pastarųjų dešimtmečių neurobiologiniai tyrimai,...

Religinis interesas ir tikėjimas


Straipsnis skiriamas ontologinių religijos prielaidų analizei. Remiantis egzistencine fenomenologija tvirtinama, kad kasdienėje bendražmogiškoje patirtyje galima nurodyti į religinę dimensiją kaip ribinį santykį su pasauliu, įgaunantį pamatinio rūpesčio būties prasmingumu klausimą arba, kitaip tariant, religinio intereso išraišką. Tikėjimas analizuojamas kaip dalyvaujančiojo tikrovėje tiesioginis būties priėmimas. Tačiau ribiniame tikėjimo santykyje pasaulis nėra pažintas ir užbaigtas, o veikiau tampantis, dar ne-esantis pasaulis. Remiantis D. Tracy ribinės patirties analize, nagrinėjamas religinės kalbos prasmės klausimas ir religijos bei pasaulietinės kultūros koreliacija.

Does Lebensform Show the World We Live In

Problemos, 2014

Palygindama fenomenologinių pasaulio sam pratų spektrą su vėlyvojo L. Wittgensteino įvesta gyvenimo stiliaus metafora, Rasa Davi davičienė savo disertacijoje " Gyvenamas pa saulis fenomenologijoje ir L. Wittgensteino gy venimo forma", apgintoje 2000m. gruodžio

SBL 2021 Conference Speaker in Bible and Film Program Unit (Nov. 20, 2021) - San Antonio, TX

Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), 2021

My paper, "Cultural Conceptions of Flourishing: A Comparative Analysis Between the New Testament and Marvel’s Black Panther," has been selected by chair, Dr. Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch, of the Bible and Film program unit for presentation at the 2021 SBL/AAR/IBR Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX. Conference and program unit details are below. --------------------- The Bible and Film program unit of SBL focuses on the critical analysis and interpretation of the multiple intersections between Bible and Cinema. Our focus is broad, giving attention to “Bible films” (“Bible on Film”), the use and treatment of biblical texts in films (“Bible in Film”), how films and biblical texts can function in analogous ways (“Bible as Film” / “Film as Bible”), and how Bible and Film can be placed into mutually critical dialogue. We explore how biblical texts can enhance our understanding of cinema, and how films can offer lenses for helping us (re)interpret biblical texts. In short, we welcome papers that seek to illuminate our understanding of Bible, Film, or both. (This unit was titled Scripture and Film through 2013). We invite papers for one or two open sessions on any subject pertaining to Bible and Film (both broadly construed). In addition, we especially encourage papers that engage one of the following topics: (1)Horror and the Bible. How do horror films help us better understand the “dark corners” of the bible and vice versa? How might contemporary monster theory facilitate a mutual conversation between the Bible and horror films? How might Derrida’s hauntology elucidate persistent ghosts in the Bible and horror? Proposals should include substantial engagement with film theory and biblical studies. (2)Suffering and the Human Condition. How have films, television and other audio-visual media engaged biblical themes while responding to the multiple crises of 2020 and early 2021? How has audio-visual media played in theologizing suffering and the human condition in light of these world-changing events? Proposals might consider the changes in media consumption as a result of quarantine or the ways in which the media world responded to apocalyptic and social justice issues. (3)Pedagogy of Bible in/and Film. We invite proposals reflecting on the question: What are we teaching when we teach Bible in/and Film? Film is frequently used in the biblical studies classroom either as the main focus of a course or as a teaching tool, but the pedagogy of Bible in/and Film is underdeveloped. How is the relationship between Bible and Film theorized and what concrete pedagogical choices does this motivate? What is the role of nonbiblical films in the biblical studies classroom? What theoretical approaches and pedagogical strategies avoid privileging Bible over Film? Proposals should include substantial engagement with theory and practical suggestions for teaching. All proposals should make clear how the presenter will establish a dialogue between a given film and biblical text as well as how this dialogue enriches our interpretation of each. --------------------- The SBL Annual Meeting brings together professors and students, authors and publishers, religious leaders and interested laypersons, to its venue each year. Co-hosted by the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Academy of Religion, the Annual Meetings focuses on the fields of biblical scholarship and research, religious studies, and theology. Attendees of the event will have access to more than 1,200 academic sessions and workshops. The Exhibit Hall features one of the world’s largest collections of books and digital resources for biblical study, as well as a vibrant networking space where attendees can present ideas to publishers, browse the latest publications, and connect with colleagues. This year’s Annual Meeting will take place in San Antonio, TX November 20-23, 2021. Have a question regarding the SBL Annual Meeting 2021? Feel free to contact the appropriate department below: Program questions, contact – Registration and logistics, contact - Membership, contact – Advertisers, contact – 2021 SBL Annual Meeting November 20-23, 2021 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center San Antonio, TX Registration & Housing information (available later this spring)