Development of Volleyball Learning Model to Improve Forearm Passing and Overhead Passing Skills of the Eighth Grade Students (original) (raw)
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Volley Ball Passing Learning Model for Students Age 11-12 Years
Gladi : Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan, 2021
The purpose of this study was to produce a product of Learning Passing Learning Model Age 11-12 Years in Elementary School. The learning model is expected to help teachers during the physical education learning process, especially in volleyball. This study uses the ADDIE method. The results of the study resulted in a product in the form of a Passing Learning Model for the Age of 11-12 Years which had been validated and revised by 22 experts. Data were collected through documentation, interviews, and observations. Data analysis was done descriptively. The results of the study were in the form of a Passing Learning Model book for 11-12 Years Old. Based on the results of the study, it was proven that the Passing Learning Model for the Age of 11-12 Years could be developed and applied in volleyball learning in elementary schools. The Passing Learning Model of 11-12 years old can make a positive contribution in supporting the achievement of goals in physical education learning in element...
Volleyball Fundamental Movement Learning Model in Primary School
Teorìâ ta Metodika Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ
The study purpose. This study aims to develop a volleyball fundamental movement learning model with a game-centered approach and test its effectiveness in improving the volleyball learning outcomes of elementary school students Materials and methods. The research method used is research and development (R&D) which adopts the10 steps of Borg and Gall R&D model. The data analysis techniques used in this study were qualitative and quantitative. This study used a pretest-posttest control group design to determine the initial abilities of the experimental and the control group (n = 40). The significance test of the learning model effectiveness used a t-test. Normality test was carried out before the data analysis on the results of the experimental group and the control group improvement in the fundamental movement of volleyball with the significance level = 0.05. Results. The results of this study indicate a significant improvement for the experimental group data (0.97) and the control g...
The Effectiveness of the Setting of Volleyball Training Guide Model to Increase the Setting Skill
Proceedings of the 1st South Borneo International Conference on Sport Science and Education (SBICSSE 2019), 2020
Development of science and technology an important to improving of human resources, especially in the issue of education. The use of media in learning and training activities greatly helps the process of delivering material effectively and efficiently. The use of appropriate media will help encouraging motivation, creativity, and enthusiasm of students or athletes in participating in exercises activities. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the guidebook on volleyball passing training model for volleyball extracurricular participants at the junior high school level is effectively used as a medium to improve volleyball passing skill at junior high school age. The numbers of research subjects are 60 junior high school students in Makassar, South Sulawesi, selected by using purposive sampling. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method from Borg and Gall. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest test to the research subjects obtained significant results on improving passing skills on volleyball. So it can be concluded that the manual about the volleyball passing training model for junior volleyball extracurricular participants is effectively used to improve the results of volleyball passing skills.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2022
This study aims to determine the expert validation of the research product in the form of a learning model for the basic technique of overhead pass volleyball based on Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) in elementary school students. The research method used is research and development from Borg & Gall. The research product was validated by physical education learning experts and volleyball game material experts. The results of the expert validation of Physical Education and Sports learning for the top pass, namely the feasibility indicator, were obtained at 77.08%. The results of the validity indicator were obtained at 81.25%. The results of the expert validation of the volleyball game indicators in the variation of the TGfU-based learning model for passing over are 81.25%. The results of the ease indicator in the variation of the upper passing learning model obtained 83.33%. The research product on learning to pass over volleyball was validated by motor learning experts; the results obtained were 83.33% of the upper passing safety percentage. The results of the learning model that can improve volleyball passing skills are 79.17%. Based on the validation results that have been obtained, this research implies that the research product in the form of a TGfU-based learning model is suitable for use in passing learning on volleyball for upper-grade elementary school students.
Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019), 2019
These studies are developmental studies that aim to produce learning model products. The subjects of the small group trial were 24 students of Public Elementary School 060927 Medan, the subjects of the large group trial consisted of 44 students from the Public Elementary School 060928 Medan. The ultimate goal of this development research is to produce a product in the form of a learning model in the material passing under volleyball, so that it can help the learning process so that student learning can be more effective, efficient, and interesting. In particular there are a number of objectives including: 1) Developing and implementing learning models in elementary school volleyball learning. 2) To obtain in-depth information about learning models in improving volleyball learning outcomes on volleyball. 3) Obtain empirical data about effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness as a result of developing a learning model in volleyball learning.
Games Based Model of Volleyball Passing Exercise for Junior High School Student
E-Jurnal Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation, 2020
The purpose of the study was to develop a model of volleyball passing exercise through games. The study used qualitative and quantitative using Research and Development from Borg and Gall which consists of ten stages. The subject in this research is junior high school student in Makasar. Data were collected through interview and questionnaire. Data analysis was done descriptively, qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of finding show that games have given exercise variation which makes some students interest and fun when they do volleyball passing exercise. The model has twenty types of games in volleyball passing exercise.
Development of Basketball Passing Learning Model with A Play Approach to Students Junior High School
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal, 2019
This research and development aims to produce a product of passing basket ball learning models with a play approach to junior high school students and test the effectiveness of these products. The design of this study refers to the research and development model (Research and Development) of Borg and Gall. Broadly speaking, the development steps for the purposes of this research are carried out in 4 stages, namely: preliminary research, model development planning, evaluation evaluation of model revisions, and model implementation. The effectiveness test of the model uses a basketball passing instrument using the t-test one group pretest-posttest design .The results of the effectiveness test were 6.83 when the pre test increased to 10.25 after the post test, an increase of 28.06%. From the results of data analysis it is evident that there was an increase in the results of the pre test and post test for both male and female students. Based on the results of the study, it was proven em...
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2023
The problem addressed in this study is that students taking volleyball courses are in poor physical condition, resulting in it being difficult for lecturers to teach basic volleyball technical skills. This physical condition is the most crucial factor that a student must possess because it will affect the application of basic volleyball technique exercises taught on the field. Students must have the following physical characteristics: strength, endurance, speed, agility, balance, flexibility, and coordination. To ensure that students are in good physical condition, it is necessary to design or develop a model that is used in lectures to train students in exceptional physical conditions that have a significant impact on their basic volleyball technical skills. Experimental research was used in this study. It means that the treatment provided forms of exceptional physical condition training in 16 meetings during the study's implementation. The impact of the application of these physical conditions on the fundamental technical abilities of volleyball is then examined. The sample in this study were 25 students. Data was gathered by testing basic volleyball technical skills such as service, low pass, and overhead pass. The sample-dependent t-test was used to analyze the data. According to the study's findings, tcount = 19.23 > ttable = 2.13. This means that the research hypothesis can be empirically accepted. As a result, the findings of this study indicate that when students receive the most intensive forms of special physical condition training, their basic volleyball technical skills will improve optimally.
Volleyball Smash Learning Model for Middle School Students
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal, 2019
This research was conducted to produce a volleyball smash learning model and test its effectiveness for junior high school children. The development method adopts the development steps of Borg and Gall. Small group trials involve 15 athletes and 60 for large group trials. The development of the model begins with small trials, large trials and effectiveness tests. The effectiveness test used pre-post test with the instrument of the volleyball smash skills of junior high school students. The exercise model that was applied was tested for the significance of the difference and it was obtained that the t-test = 31,614, db = 32 and p-value = 0.00 <0.05, meaning that there were significant differences in the ability of students before and after they were given the volleyball smash learning model. It was concluded that existing moddel could be developed and applied in volleyball smash learning and effectively improved volleyball smash learning outcomes for junior high school students.
Improving Passing Skills on Volleyball Using Target Games Approach
Passing on volleyball is important in volleyball games, but students have difficulty determining the exact passing result with the target. This study aims to improve the passing skills on volleyball in volleyball learning on students of VII A grade in state junior high school 1 Probolinggo using the target games approach. The research method uses Classroom Action Research. The implementation of this class action through two cycles. Each cycle consists of 4 stages namely (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation and 4) reflection. The subjects of this study are students of VII A grade in State Junior High School 1 Probolinggo. The collecting techniques of the data use observation sheets, documentation and tests. The results of the passing skills test on volleyball in the first cycle, the number of students amount 30 people, there are 29 students able to do the passing beginning movement on the volleyball correctly 90.25% with good category, 27 students are able to do the mov...