Error correction strategies for motor behavior after unilateral brain damage: short-term motor learning processes (original) (raw)
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Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2017
Given the presence of execution deficits after stroke, it is difficult to determine if patients with stroke have deficits in motor skill learning with the paretic arm. Here, we controlled for execution deficits while testing practice effects of the paretic arm on motor skill learning, long-term retention, and corticospinal excitability. Ten patients with unilateral stroke and ten age-matched controls practiced a kinematic arm skill for two days and returned for retention testing one-day and one-month post-practice. Motor skill learning was quantified as a change in speed-accuracy tradeoff from baseline to retention tests. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to generate an input-output curve of the ipsilesional motor cortex (M1), and measure transcallosal inhibition from contralesional to ipsilesional M1. While the control group had greater overall accuracy than the stroke group, both groups showed comparable immediate and long-term improvements with practice. Skill impr...
Explicit motor sequence learning after stroke: a neuropsychological study
Experimental Brain Research
Motor learning interacts with and shapes experience-dependent cerebral plasticity. In stroke patients with paresis of the upper limb, motor recovery was proposed to reflect a process of re-learning the lost/impaired skill, which interacts with rehabilitation. However, to what extent stroke patients with hemiparesis may retain the ability of learning with their affected limb remains an unsolved issue, that was addressed by this study. Nineteen patients, with a cerebrovascular lesion affecting the right or the left hemisphere, underwent an explicit motor learning task (finger tapping task, FTT), which was performed with the paretic hand. Eighteen age-matched healthy participants served as controls. Motor performance was assessed during the learning phase (i.e., online learning), as well as immediately at the end of practice, and after 90 min and 24 h (i.e., retention). Results show that overall, as compared to the control group, stroke patients, regardless of the side (left/right) of ...
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2004
Objectives: To characterize fine motor control through finger tapping in both arms of 10 patients with chronic stroke, to make baseline comparisons with matched controls, and to examine the responsiveness of deficits seen in stroke patients after 6 weeks of bilateral arm-based training. Design: Nonrandomized controlled, cohort before-after trial. Setting: Research institution. Participants: Ten people from the community with chronic unilateral ischemic stroke and 10 age-and sex-matched healthy controls. Participants with hemiparesis had completed all conventional care and were more than 6 month poststroke. Inclusion criteria were at least 6 months since a unilateral stroke, ability to follow simple instructions and 2-step commands, volitional control of the nonparetic arm, and at least minimal antigravity movement in the shoulder of the paretic arm. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Measurements included rate and timing consistency of unilateral tapping at a preferred and a maximal rate and the accuracy and stability of interlimb coordination in bilateral simultaneous (inphase) and alternating (antiphase) tapping at a preferred rate. Results: Nonparetic finger control was similar to that of the nondisabled participants except under bilateral conditions, where it was less consistent. A subgroup with residual paretic finger function, had slower and less consistent paretic finger tapping, as well as less accurate and more variable interlimb coordination; however, basic bilateral coupling relationships were preserved. Bilateral arm-based training improved bilateral nonparetic consistency but slowed unilateral preferred tapping. Training also improved paretic fine motor control in 2 of 4 participants with mild stroke severity. The 2 responders, with dominant hemisphere lesions, indicated a possible recovery advantage with bilateral training for such lesions. Conclusions: In general, nonparetic finger control for tapping was preserved but paretic finger control was compromised. Disruption of nonparetic control of tapping, particularly consistency of tapping, occurred during bilateral tapping tasks but was responsive to 6 weeks of bilateral arm-based training. Despite the apparent lack of training specificity, the generalizable effects of bilateral arm training to fine motor interlimb coordination may reflect central motor control mechanisms for upper-extremity coordination, which may be accessed and may influence the recovery of arm function after stroke.
Neuroscience Letters, 2001
During pointing movements involving trunk displacement, healthy subjects perform stereotypically, selecting a strategy in which the movement is initiated with either the hand or trunk, and where the trunk continues after the end of the hand movement. In a previous study, such temporal co-ordination was not found in patients with left-hemispheric brain lesions reaching with either their dominant paretic or with their non-dominant non-paretic arm. This co-ordination deficit may be associated in part with the presence of a lesion in the dominant left hemisphere. If so, then no deficit should be observed in patients with stroke-related damage in their non-dominant right hemisphere moving with their ipsilesional arm. To verify this, 21 right-hand dominant adults (7 who had had a stroke in the right hemisphere, 7 who had had a stroke in the left hemisphere and 7 healthy subjects) pointed to two targets located on a table in front of them in the ipsilateral and contralateral workspace. Pointing was done under three movement conditions: while not moving the trunk, while bending the trunk forward and while bending the trunk backwards. The experiment was repeated with the non-paretic arm of patients with stroke and for the right and left arms of healthy subjects. Kinematic data were recorded (Optotrak). Results showed that, compared to healthy subjects, arm-trunk timing was disrupted in patients with stroke for some conditions. As in patients with lesions in the dominant hemisphere, arm-trunk timing in those with lesions in the non-dominant hemisphere was equally more variable than movements in healthy subjects. However, patients with dominant hemisphere lesions used significantly less trunk displacement than those with nondominant hemisphere lesions to accomplish the task. The deficit in trunk displacement was not due to problems of trunk control or sitting balance since, in control experiments, all subjects were able to move the trunk the required distance, with and without the added weight of the limb. Results support the hypothesis that the temporal co-ordination of trunk and arm recruitment during pointing movements is mediated bilaterally by each hemisphere. However, the difference in the range of trunk displacement between patients with left and right brain lesions suggests that the left (dominant) hemisphere plays a greater role than the right in the control of movements involving complex co-ordination between the arm and trunk.
Motor Planning in Chronic Upper-Limb Hemiparesis: Evidence from Movement-Related Potentials
PloS one, 2012
Background: Chronic hemiplegia is a common long-term consequence of stroke, and subsequent motor recovery is often incomplete. Neurophysiological studies have focused on motor execution deficits in relatively high functioning patients. Much less is known about the influence exerted by processes related to motor preparation, particularly in patients with poor motor recovery.
Feedback and Cognition in Arm Motor Skill Reacquisition After Stroke
Stroke, 2006
Background and Purpose-A debated subject in stroke rehabilitation relates to the best type of training approach for motor recovery. First, we analyzed the effects of repetitive movement practice in 2 feedback conditions (knowledge of results [KR]; knowledge of performance, [KP]) on reacquisition of reaching. Second, we evaluated the impact of cognitive impairment on motor relearning ability. Methods-A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in Montreal-area rehabilitation centers between 1998 and 2003 with 37 patients with chronic hemiparesis. Patients were randomly assigned to 3 groups: (1) KR (nϭ14) practiced a reaching task involving 75 repetitions per day, 5 days per week for 2 weeks, with 20% KR about movement precision;
Disruption of bilateral temporal coordination during arm swinging in patients with hemiparesis
Persistent motor deficits in the paretic arm present a major barrier to the recovery of the ability to perform bimanual tasks even in individuals who have recovered well after a stroke. Impaired performance may be related to deficits in bimanual temporal coordination due to stroke-related damage of specific brain motor structures as well as changed biomechanics of the paretic arm. To determine the extent of the deficit in bilateral temporal coordination after the stroke, we investigated how bilateral reciprocal coordination was regained after external perturbations of the arm in individuals with hemiparesis due to stroke. We used a bilateral task that would be minimally affected by the unilateral arm motor deficit. Nine non-disabled control subjects and 12 individuals with chronic hemiparesis performed reciprocal (anti-phase) arm swinging in the standing position for 15 s per trial. In each trial, movement of one arm was unexpectedly and transiently ($150-350 ms) arrested at the level of the wrist once in the forward and once in the backward phase of swinging. Perturbation was applied to the left and right arms in control subjects and to the paretic and non-paretic arms of individuals with hemi-paresis. Kinematic data from endpoint markers on both hands and electromyographic activity of anterior and posterior deltoid muscles from both arms were recorded. The oscillatory period, the phase differences between arms and the mean EMG activity before, during and after perturbation were analyzed. In both groups the perturbation altered the period of the perturbed cycle in both the arrested and non-arrested arms and resulted in a change from anti-phase to in-phase coordination, following which anti-phase coordination was regained. Recovery of anti-phase swinging took significantly longer in patients with hemiparesis compared to control subjects. Stable pre-perturbed (anti-phase) reciprocal coordination was regained within one cycle following perturbation for the control subjects and within two cycles following perturbation for the patients with hemiparesis. Analysis of EMG activation levels showed that, compared to control subjects, there was significantly less activation of the shoulder muscles in response to perturbation in the patient group and the pattern of muscle activation in the paretic arm was opposite to that in the non-paretic and control arms. The finding that patients had a reduced capacity for maintaining and restoring the required reciprocal coordination when perturbation occurred suggests that stroke-related brain damage in our patients led to instability of bilateral temporal coordination for this rhythmical task.
Motor rehabilitation and brain plasticity after hemiparetic stroke
This review intends to begin to build a bridge between our understanding of the effect of motor rehabilitation and brain plasticity on recovery after hemiparetic stroke. It discusses the impact of intensive post-stroke motor rehabilitation on motor recovery. This is followed by an overview of our current understanding, based on human brain mapping technologies, of brain plasticity underlying spontaneous recovery after hemiparetic stroke. These discussions lead to a descriptive review of human brain mapping studies that have begun to provide an understanding of the neural basis of rehabilitation-induced gains in motor function after stroke. Finally, it speculates on how a solid understanding of the neural underpinnings of spontaneous and rehabilitation-induced motor recovery will permit brain mapping technologies to be applied toward optimizing post-stroke motor rehabilitation.