Critica meridiana, decolonialità e autonomia dei subalterni (original) (raw)
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L’egemonia e i “subalterni”: utopia, religione, democrazia
La mia esposizione si divide in quattro capitoli. Il primo sara dedicato a illustrare quella che chiamero “egemonia post-giacobina” nei Quaderni del carcere. Il punto di partenza sara dunque il tentativo di mostrare la presenza, nei Quaderni, non di una ma di due nozioni di egemonia. La prima di esse – quella “giacobina” – corrisponde al passaggio dall’economico-corporativo all’egemonico e al primato della “cultura”. La seconda, propria della societa di massa e standardizzata degli anni Venti e Trenta, appare come un intreccio indissolubile di aspetti progressivi e regressivi, riassunti nella formula ossimorica di “rivoluzione passiva”. Il secondo capitolo mettera a fuoco questa nuova situazione, caratterizzata da una sorta di “doppio assedio” o assedio reciproco: delle masse allo Stato e viceversa e quindi da polarita costituita da burocratizzazione e democratizzazione, come due aspetti entrambi presenti nell’egemonia “capillare” e “diffusa” in atto nelle societa post-belliche. Il ...
Tra margini e subalternità. Una chiave politica gramsciana per pensare il Mezzogiorno
Consecutio Rerum, 2023
Through Margins and Subalternity. A Gramscian Political Key to Think about the South of Italy The idea of subaltern groups is one of the most notable Gramscian concepts that has become part of the global historical-political lexicon, and not only that: the work on the Southern Question has been integrated into the broader discourse of the Global South. If these new views, on the one hand, had the merit of spreading some of the key terms from Quaderni del carcere beyond Italy, on the other hand they had the effect of depoliticising and historicising the potential topicality of Gramscian thought. Global readings of Gramsci have developed to the detriment of more specific aspects concerning the Mezzogiorno and the idea of «subaltern social groups»: consider, for example, the change in direction carried out by the Subaltern Studies in rereading the relation between hegemony and subalternity under a dichotomous light. The conception of subalternity outlined by Gramsci cannot be separated from his Marxism, as it is precisely within hegemony that the subaltern classes can reaffirm the non-synchronicity and thus show the multiplicity of the lines of historical movement. Hegemony for Gramsci thus assumes a strategic character, where the analysis of power coincides with its critique. The aim of this contribution is to relocate the concept of subalternity within the philosophy of praxis, thus unfolding the political potential of Gramscian reflections. It will be thus possible to ascertain not only the political topicality, but also how Gramsci's ideas on the Mezzogiorno can still provide insights for renewed perspectives of analysis.
Città, autonomia e monarchia nel Mezzogiorno tardomedievale. Osservazioni sul caso aquilano
in «Studi storici», 56, 2015, 2, pp. 349-375 - Autonomy and freedom have been leading concepts for historians of late medieval towns of the Kingdom of Naples, since their model of political development was the communal independence of northern Italian cities. This essay analyses the reasons and paths of this cultural tradition for the city of L’Aquila, one the most important in the Kingdom. The idea of freedom was constitutive of urban identity since the town’s foundation in the mid thirteenth century. But liberty had to be reached through submission to a monarchical power, seen as a superior guarantor. Despite that, since the late fifteenth century historiography created a global vision of L’Aquila marked by richness, military power and antimonarchical feelings, based upon two impressive revolts in the 1460s and 1480s. An in-depth analysis of some Renaissance historians reveals that other specific elements were underscored to point out the nature of L’Aquila, such as the leadership of the Camponeschi family and the political attitude towards the papacy. These views have been often recalled by modern historiography in simplistic ways, feeding the idea of a de facto autonomy. The systematic study of the sources leads instead to focusing on different leading concepts, such as negotiation, plurality of local powers and the persistent idea of freedom under a sovereign.
Recensione su Opera Viva Magazine del libro Il libro di Marco Gatto, Rocco Scotellaro e la questione meridionale. Letteratura, politica, inchiesta (Carocci, Milano, 2023, pp. 165), 2024
Il libro di Marco Gatto Rocco Scotellaro e la questione meridionale. Letteratura, politica, inchiesta (Carocci, Milano, 2023, pp. 165), pubblicato nel centenario della nascita del poeta lucano, lungi dall’essere stato scritto per l’occasione e – come spesso accade – dai tratti tediosi, ridondanti e poco innovativi. Anzi, è un testo prodotto da studi approfonditi fra archivi e bibliografia meridionalistica, che ridona ossigeno tanto alla biografia quanto al profilo intellettuale e soprattutto politico di Scotellaro – con buona pace del mainstream letterario nazionale. Esordisce Goffredo Fofi nella Prefazione, con un afflato quasi liberatorio: «Finalmente un saggio che rende giustizia alla complessità e soprattutto e nonostante tutto all’attualità di una figura come quella di Scotellaro, poeta e militante politico, lucano ma di sintonie vaste e sconfinate».
L'altra Italia. Per una lettura subalterna del Meridione di Grazia Deledda
The Other Italy. For a subaltern reading of Grazia Deledda's South Postcolonial interpretations of Gramsci's thought may be fruitfully employed to analyse the history of the Italian South, in both its meanings: the South of Italy and Italy as European South. Subaltern Studies are also useful in order to understand the particular semi-peripheral position of Italy and to recognize the same duplicity in the condition of Southern Italy. It is believed that the Subaltern Studies critical approach, focusing on textuality and its identity role, provides valuable keys for interpreting the Italian case. Italian literature contributed to the construction of national identity, during and after the Risorgi-mento, by means of 'orientalist' representations of the South. Even southern authors, influenced by folklorists and criminologists, described the South as a primitive and exotic land. This article investigates works written by Grazia Deledda (Nuoro 1871-Roma 1936), that, at first, mirror the centralistic project, but later reveal her attempt to emancipate her narrative firstly from colonial subjection and secondly from the patriarchal one. For this purpose, it is necessary to read her work diachronically and to decipher the gradual transfiguration into symbols of her polemic against power. Canne al vento, presenting the recomposition of a Sardinian matriarchal community after the invasion of a stranger, seems to speak of a redemption from 'double colonization', yet warning against the violent and sacrificial nature of any emancipation.
Il pensiero meridiano come mediterraneismo anti-popolare
Consecutio Rerum, 2023
About five years after the publication of my book Mediterraneismo. Il pensiero antimeridiano (Meltemi 2017), I still wonder whether it was necessary to publish such a text. This contribution is an attempt to formulate an answer to that question. An answer that, in my opinion, is affirmative. And it is so because not only are the traces of what I had defined in the book as Mediterraneanism of the first kind (of backwardness) still widespread; but above all because what I had defined as a second form of Mediterraneanism (of redemption), that is, the process of the reversal of the stigma, which was the central focus of the book, does not receive adequate critical attention. Here I attempt to contribute to that discussion, pointing out how Mediterraneanism of the second type (which we can identify here with the expression ‘Meridian thought’) does nothing more, in its attempt to construct a ‘Meridian’ identity, than re-propose those same stereotypes of Mediterraneanism of the first type, only overturned and re-semantitised. Meridian thought continues to produce its aesthetic and political effects.
Subalternità e autonomia da Antonio Gramsci ai Subaltern Studies
martedì 15 dicembre ore 17:30 Centro Demo-etno-antropologico (cubo 17/b, ponte coperto) Università della Calabria Il Laboratorio gramsciano, sorto all'interno del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, ha preso le mosse dalla volontà di alcuni studenti, professori, ricercatori e dottori che hanno avvertito l'esigenza di avviare un serio percorso di studi sul pensiero del marxista sardo. Possono partecipare ai lavori del 'Laboratorio' tutti coloro che vogliono studiare Gramsci, approfondirne collettivamente i testi, prendere parte a seminari e conferenze con specialisti e studiosi italiani e stranieri. Gli interessati possono richiedere di essere aggiunti alla mailing list inoltrando richiesta all'indirizzo: