Uncertainties in estimated phosphorus loads as a function of different sampling frequencies and common calculation methods (original) (raw)

Using high-frequency phosphorus monitoring for water quality management: a case study of the upper River Itchen, UK

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Increased concentrations of phosphorus (P) in riverine systems lead to eutrophication and can contribute to other environmental effects. Chalk rivers are known to be particularly sensitive to elevated P levels. We used high-frequency (daily) automatic water sampling at five distinct locations in the upper River Itchen (Hampshire, UK) between May 2016 and June 2017 to identify the main P species (including filterable reactive phosphorus, total filterable phosphorus, total phosphorus and total particulate phosphorus) present and how these varied temporally. Our filterable reactive phosphorus (considered the biologically available fraction) data were compared with the available Environment Agency total reactive phosphorus (TRP) values over the same sampling period. Over the trial, the profiles of the P fractions were complex; the major fraction was total particulate phosphorus with the mean percentage value ranging between 69 and 82% of the total P present. Sources were likely to be at...

Trend-oriented sampling strategy and estimation of soluble reactive phosphorus loads in streams

Water Resources Research, 2005

1] Nutrient transfer from soils to surface waters is associated with large, hydrologically induced fluctuations. Consequently, stream-based estimation of long-term changes in nutrient leaching is masked by variations of stream discharge. Using high-resolution discharge and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) data from three small catchments (up to 42 km 2 ), SRP loads are calculated by applying two different rating curves. Monte Carlo simulations are carried out to determine monitoring strategies for optimizing the number of water samples, their distribution between periods of low and high discharge, and the duration of composite sample collection. Trends in SRP load are isolated from natural variations by applying the discharge time series of 1 year each to annually changing rating curves. By applying this approach to various monitoring data sets, collected over the past 15 years, downward trends in SRP leaching of up to À3% yr À1 are detected. We describe how to determine the number of annual samples required to detect trends in nutrient load, depending on monitoring duration, available resources, and the magnitude of the expected trend.

Using high-resolution phosphorus data to investigate mitigation measures in headwater river catchments

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2015

This study reports the use of high-resolution water quality monitoring to assess the influence of changes in land use management on total phosphorus (TP) transfers in two 5 km 2 agricultural sub-catchments. Specifically, the work investigates the issue of agricultural soil P management and subsequent diffuse transfers at high river flows over a 5-year timescale. The work also investigates the phenomenon of low flow P pollution from septic tank systems (STSs) and mitigation efforts -a key concern for catchment management. Results showed an inconsistent response to soil P management over 5 years with one catchment showing a convergence to optimum P concentrations and the other an overall increase. Both catchments indicated an overall increase in P concentration in defined high flow ranges. Low flow P concentration showed little change or higher P concentrations in defined low flow ranges despite replacement of defective systems and this is possibly due to a number of confounding reasons including increased housing densities due to new-builds. The work indicates fractured responses to catchment management advice and mitigation and that the short to medium term may be an insufficient time to expect the full implementation of policies (here defined as convergence to optimum soil P concentration and mitigation of STSs) and also to gauge their effectiveness.

Calibration of an in-river phosphorus model: prior evaluation of data needs and model uncertainty

Journal of Hydrology, 2004

A simulation model of in-stream phosphorus mobilisation and transport, developed to predict monthly total phosphorus export from the upper Hun River (northeast China), is described. To evaluate alternative programmes for collection of in-river calibration data, a set of a priori computational experiments are devised. Initially, assuming that the model and boundary condition data are error-free, daily in-river phosphorus concentration data are synthesised, representing an idealised system response. Scenarios of error in the calibration and boundary condition data, and in the system conceptualisation are then imposed, as a hypothetical representation of the conditions under which the model will actually be calibrated and evaluated. The model is calibrated under the various conditions of error, and its predictive reliability is tested using an independent idealised data set. These controlled experiments allow evaluation of sampling programme design, of other controls on model reliability, and of needs for additional a priori investigations. The results indicate that the value of the calibration data is seriously compromised by the presence of error in the pollution load data, error in the model structure, and inherent parameter equifinality. While these controls are not generally very detrimental to model reliability under calibration conditions, in some cases they cause serious misrepresentation of forecasted phosphorus export. For the case study, it is concluded that the resources for monitoring need to be increased in order to achieve the sought modelling capability. In light of the limited resources, expectations of model performance should be reviewed, and a more robust approach to model uncertainty estimation adopted. q

Review of robust measurement of phosphorus in river water: sampling, storage, fractionation and sensitivity

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2002

This paper reviews current knowledge on sampling, storage and analysis of phosphorus (P) in river waters. Potential sensitivity of rivers with different physical, chemical and biological characteristics (trophic status, turbidity, flow regime, matrix chemistry) is examined in terms of errors associated with sampling, sample preparation, storage, contamination, interference and analytical errors. Key issues identified include:

Monitoring strategies of stream phosphorus under contrasting climate-driven flow regimes

Climate and hydrology are relevant control factors determining the timing and amount of nutrient losses from land to downstream aquatic systems, in particular of P from agricultural lands. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the differences in P export patterns and the performance of alternative monitoring strategies in streams under contrasting climate-driven flow regimes. We compared a set of paired streams draining lowland micro-catchments under temperate climate and stable discharge conditions (Denmark) and under sub-tropical climate and flashy conditions (Uruguay). We applied two alternative nutrient sampling programs (high frequency composite sampling and low frequency instantaneous-grab sampling) and estimated the contribution derived from point and diffuse sources fitting a source apportionment model. We expected to detect a pattern of higher total and particulate phosphorus export from diffuse sources in streams in Uruguay streams, mostly as a consequence of hig...

Influence of Sampling Frequency on Estimation of Annual Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids Loads 1

JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2012

The determination of sediment and nutrient loads is typically based on the collection and analysis of grab samples. The frequency and regularity of traditional sampling may not provide representation of constituent loading, particularly in systems with flashy hydrology. At two sites in the Little Bear River, Utah, continuous, high-frequency turbidity was used with surrogate relationships to generate estimates of total phosphorus and total suspended solids concentrations, which were paired with discharge to estimate annual loads. The high frequency records were randomly subsampled to represent hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly sampling frequencies and to examine the effects of timing, and resulting annual load estimates were compared to the reference loads. Higher frequency sampling resulted in load estimates that better approximated the reference loads. The degree of bias was greater at the more hydrologically responsive site in the upper watershed, which required a higher sampling frequency than the lower watershed site to achieve the same level of accuracy in estimating the reference load. The hour of day and day of week of sampling impacted load estimation, depending on site and hydrologic conditions. The effects of sampling frequency on the determination of compliance with a water quality criterion were also examined. These techniques can be helpful in determining necessary sampling frequency to meet the objectives of a water quality monitoring program.

Seasonal variation and release of soluble reactive phosphorus in an agricultural upland headwater in central Germany

Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations in agricultural headwaters can display pronounced seasonal variability at low flow, often with the highest concentrations occurring in summer. These SRP concentrations often exceed eutrophication levels, but their main sources, spatial distribution, and temporal dynamics are often unknown. The purpose of this study is therefore to differentiate between potential SRP losses and releases from soil drainage, anoxic riparian wetlands, and stream sediments in an agricultural headwater catchment. To identify the dominant SRP sources, we carried out three longitudinal stream sampling campaigns for SRP concentrations and fluxes. We used salt dilution tests and natural 222 Rn to determine water fluxes in different sections of the stream, and we sampled for SRP, Fe, and 14 C dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to examine possible redox-mediated mobilization from riparian wetlands and stream sediments. The results indicate that a single short section in the upper headwater reach was responsible for most of the SRP fluxes to the stream. Analysis of samples taken under summer lowflow conditions revealed that the stream water SRP concentrations, the fraction of SRP within total dissolved P (TDP), and DOC radiocarbon ages matched those in the groundwater entering the gaining section. Pore water from the stream sediment showed evidence of reductive mobilization of SRP, but the exchange fluxes were probably too small to contribute substantially to SRP stream concentrations. We also found no evidence that shallow flow paths from riparian wetlands contributed to the observed SRP loads in the stream. Combined, the results of this campaign and previous monitoring suggest that groundwater is the main long-term contributor of SRP at low flow, and agricultural phosphorus is largely buffered in the soil zone. We argue that the seasonal variation of SRP concentrations was mainly caused by variations in the proportion of groundwater present in the streamflow, which was highest during summer low-flow periods. Accurate knowledge of the various input pathways is important for choosing Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 1262 M. Rode et al.: Seasonal variation and release of soluble reactive phosphorus effective management measures in a given catchment, as it is also possible that observations of seasonal SRP dilution patterns stem from increased mobilization in riparian zones or from point sources.

Impact of Sampling Frequency on Annual Load Estimation of Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids

The determination of sediment and nutrient loads is typically based on the collection and analysis of grab samples. The frequency and regularity of traditional sampling may not provide representation of constituent loading, particularly in systems with flashy hydrology. At two sites in the Little Bear River, Utah, continuous, high-frequency turbidity was used with surrogate relationships to generate estimates of total phosphorus and total suspended solids concentrations, which were paired with discharge to estimate annual loads. The high frequency records were randomly subsampled to represent hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly sampling frequencies and to examine the effects of timing, and resulting annual load estimates were compared to the reference loads. Higher frequency sampling resulted in load estimates that better approximated the reference loads. The degree of bias was greater at the more hydrologically responsive site in the upper watershed, which required a higher sampling frequency than the lower watershed site to achieve the same level of accuracy in estimating the reference load. The hour of day and day of week of sampling impacted load estimation, depending on site and hydrologic conditions. The effects of sampling frequency on the determination of compliance with a water quality criterion were also examined. These techniques can be helpful in determining necessary sampling frequency to meet the objectives of a water quality monitoring program.