26. Orta Çağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat Tarihi Sempozyumu, 2022

Hadrianopolis Ancient City is located 3 kilometer west of the Eskipazar district of Karabük. The city’s first name was the Kaisareis Proseilemmeneitai in ancient era which was border of the Galatia and Paphlagonia and later the city was called Kaisareis Hadrianopoleitai. The city called as Hadrianopolis in the Roman and Byzantine period. Hadrianopolis, which is known that the first settlement was in the Late Chalcolithic period, gained the status of a city during Roman period and lived its brightest period in the Early Byzantine period. The city was part of the Paphlagonia in beginning of the Late Antiquity and later made part of new province called as Honorias during the reign of Emperor Theodosius I (379-395 AD). Hadrianopolis was reintroduced to the borders of Paphlagonia during the reign of Emperor Iustinianus (527-565 AD) with the new arrangements made in 535, but the Bishop of Hadrianopolis remained under the rule of the Honorias Church. Many churches were built on the borders of Hadrianopolis during the Byzantine period, but only three of them were reach to the present day at basic level. These churches dated to the Early Byzantine Period are called Chora Church of Hadrianopolis, Four Rivers Church of Hadrianopolis and Northwest Necropolis Church of Hadrianopolis. In addition, as a result of the archeo-georadar studies carried out in the city, a basilical form church were detected. One of the features that add value to the churches is construction of many graves in and around it. Excavations were carried out between 2003-2020 in the Hadrianopolis from the Paphlagonia Region six buildings dated to the Late Antiquity and many grave remains were found that reflect the period’s architectural characteristics. Only two of Hadrianopolis churches; The Four River Church and The Western Necropolis Church were used as burial areas during the Byzantine period. In addition to the findings from excavations, it was concluded that graves of Hadrianopolis Church was built in 5.-8. centuries based on its architectural characteristics. The graves, which were strengthened under the supervision of restorators and conservators, were preserved in accordance with appropriate techniques. Within the scope of this study, especially the graves of Hadrianopolis churches will be examined, the finds of church graves will be evaluated and the importance of graves of Hadrianopolis churches within Byzantine history will be adressed.


Uluslararası Geçmişten Günümüze Karabük Sempozyum Bildiri Kitabı, 2019

The ancient city called Paphlagonia Hadrianoupolis is located within the borders of Eskipazar district of present-day Karabük province. The first excavations were carried out in 2007 in the structure called Church C, which is one of the 3 churches of Hadrianoupolis, which is the subject of the study. Initially, only the apsis part of the structure was exposed, and it was called Yapı Structure with Apsis nedeniyle because of its inability to determine its function. In 2017 and 2018, the east and northeast sides of the building were excavated and it was discovered that the building was dated to the Early Byzantine Period. Based on the remains and finds obtained as a result of the excavations in Church C, the church was originally built in the 5th-6th centuries AD. thought to have been built between the centuries. Based on archaeological data, archaeological data suggesting that the building was damaged and rebuilt due to an earthquake or invasion in the region or nearby geography has been obtained. An important group of these archaeological data is the coins recovered during the excavations. The earliest coin finds dating to the earliest Constantius II Period (332-335 AD) during the Heraclius Period (610-641 AD) suggest that the building probably suffered a major destruction at the end of the first hâlf of the 7th century AD. Within the scope of the study, information on the coins finds of the Church C structure of Hadrianoupolis will be presented and new suggestions and opinions will be put forward by making use of other archaeological remains and finds about the destruction phases of the structure. Keywords: Paphlagonia, Hadrianoupolis, Early Byzantine, Church, Coin.



Dünya üzerinde bulunan 200’den fazla nehir iki veya daha fazla ülke tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Bu bakımdan Afrika kıtası hem sınır aşan suların sayısı bakımından hem de bu suların paylaşımı konusundaki anlaşmazlıklar nedeniyle başı çekmektedir. Kıta özelinde bu durumun başlıca sebepleri arasında kolonyalizm sürecinde kıtanın doğal sınırlarının ortadan kaldırılması, sınırların sömürgeci ülkelerin siyasi ve ekonomik çıkarlar doğrultusunda oluşturulması gelmektedir. Bununla birlikte daha da önemli bir nedeni Avrupalı kolonyal güçlerin kendi çıkarlarını gözeterek sistematize ettiği emperyal su politikalarıdır. Nil Nehri üzerindeki günümüzdeki Mısır, Sudan ve Etiyopya arasındaki anlaşmazlık bu bakımdan önemli bir örnek teşkil etmektedir. Günümüzde Afrika kıtasında belli başlı büyük problemlerin arka planında kolonyalizmin bıraktığı mirası gözlemlemek mümkündür. Nil Nehri Havzası’nda su temelli problemlerin gerek tarihi süreç içerisinde gerekse günümüzdeki yansıması da kolonyalizm ile doğrudan bağlantılıdır. Britanya’nın Nil Nehri’nde araçtan amaca evrilen siyasetinin sonucunda oluşan hidropolitik konseptin, Mısır ve kısmen Sudan merkezli olması sömürgecilik öncesi ve sonrası dönemde Nil hidropolitiğinin bu ülkeler lehine şekillenmesini beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu durum Nil Nehri sularının mevzubahis olduğu anlaşmalar ile taraf ülkeler Mısır ve Sudan arasındaki su paylaşımlarıyla günümüzdeki tartışmaların temelini oluşturmuştur. Bu çalışmada Nil Nehri’ndeki günümüz su paylaşım sorunlarının kolonyal kökenleri üzerine durulmuştur. Mısır’ın havzada hidrohegemon konuma getiren faktörler, Britanya’nın izlediği hidro emperyal politikalar, bu süreç boyunca ve sonrasında yapılan anlaşmalar ile günümüz Nil statükosunun oluşumu irdelenmiştir. Ayrıca kıtada bağımsızlığını kazanan ülkelerin Nil’deki statükoya karşı ilk tepkilerine yer verilmiştir.


Amisos, 2022

yerleşmelerinden bir tanesi de Akçukur Kalesi'dir. Akçukur Kalesi konumu itibariyle etrafında bulunan tarım yapılabilir alanlara ve su kaynaklarına hâkim olduğu gibi, İpek Yolu ile Tendürek Geçidi'ne de kontrol sağlayabilecek bir konumdadır. Kale yerleşmesinin bulunduğu alçak tepe aynı zamanda eski Suluçem Yolu'na hâkim bir konumdadır.


K. Levent Zoroğlu’na Armağan Studies in Honour of K. Levent Zoroğlu, 2013

Nif (Olympos), situated within the borders of Kemalpaşa, Torbalı, Buca and Bornova districts of Izmir, used to be part of ancient Ionia and Lydia regions in the antiquity. Prof. Elif Tül Tulunay has initiated first detailed and systematic researches in this region that has comprehensively been investigated neither by ancient voyagers nor by researchers, as preliminary visits in 1999. Survey has been carried out in 2004-2005 and archaeological excavations started in 2006 under the direction of Prof. E. Tül Tulunay. Excavations revealed architectural remains and some contexts related to this structures dating from Archaic Period (7.-6. c. B.C.). Beside, pottery dating to earlier periods (last quarter of 8th c. BC) are not related to any of above mentioned Archaic structures. This pottery should belong to the earliest phase of the settlement that has been destroyed by later layers after 8th c. BC. The above mentioned pottery dating from the last quarter 8th-7th centuries BC is mainly composed of bird-kotylae and bird-skyphoi which are the subject of this paper. According to pottery taken into consideration in the study, three main groups have been observed in Karamattepe settlement: First, bird-kotylae with four panels dating between the last quarter of 8th century and the beginning of the 7th century; second, bird-kotylae with three panels dating from 700-650 BC and third, bird-skyphoi dating from the mid-7th century BC. This paper is a preliminary assessment, which calls attention to the fact that the distribution of bird-kotylae and bird-skyphoi is not limited to the cities in the islands and the seashore but covers some settlements of the highlands areas such as Nif Dagi.


TEKE. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisi, 2018

SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS AT THE NECROPOLIS OF APOLLONIA IN 2016-2017 AN ANALYSIS ON GRAVE TYPES Abstract Salvage excavations at the Necropolis of ancient city of Apollonia, which is located in Gölyazı neighbourhood at district of Nilüfer in the city of Bursa today, and on the southern border of Bithynia and Mysia regions according to ancient geography, took place in 2016 and 2017 because of the increased illicit excavations. 9 different types of graves are identified from 27 graves which were unearthed through the excavations. In this article, the terminology we suggested for the types of graves detected in Apollonia will be discussed with new updates. Another point we would like to draw attention to be the name of the city of Apollonia. Apollonia is known as Apollonia ad Rhyndacum in the literature. “ad Rhyndacum” means near the Rhyndacum, and this stream(known as Kocasu/Orhaneli Stream today) feeds Lake Apolyont/Uluabat. However, the Rhyndacum/Kocasu Stream flows into the lake about 15 km southwest of the city. In other words, Apollonia, which is located in modern Gölyazı, has no direct relationship with Rhyndacum / Kocasu.


Özet Bu çalışmada, Asaf Hâlet Çelebi ve Necip Fazıl Kısakürek’in Mansur başlıklı şiirleri, metin merkezli bir yakın okumayla karşılaştırılmıştır. Çelebi’nin Mevlevîlikle ilgisi, Mevlânâ ve Mevlevîlik adlı kitabı ile birlikte değerlendirildiğinde şiirde Mevlevilikteki semâ’ ayinindeki ritüellere gönderme yapıldığını düşündürmektedir. Şiirde sesi duyulan diyalojik öznenin, söylemlerinden hareketle “ölmeden evvel ölen bir Mevlevî dervişi”ni imlediği ve bu dervişin Mevlevî sema’ındaki dervişlerin ney/ sûr sesiyle dirilmeleri gibi “[bütün sesleri bir araya toplayan] büyük kös”ün [=sûrun] sesiyle yeniden dirildiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Kısakürek’in şiiri ise metnin sunduğu imkânlar ışığında üç farklı anlam düzeyinde yorumlanmıştır: Birinci anlam düzeyinde Mansûr’un, Şeyh Şibli’yi galeyana gelen halktan korumaya çalıştığı; ikinci anlam düzeyinde Mansûr’un “gül” ve “çiçek” nesneleri vasıtasıyla bile olsa “atmak” eylemine iştirak eden Şeyh Şibli’ye incindiği; üçüncü anlam düzeyinde ise Mansûr için Allah yolunda kurban olmanın, Şeyh Şibli’nin merhameti ile idamdan kurtarılmaktan daha aziz kabul edildiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Metinlerin çözümlenmesi sürecinde yer yer metinlerarası gönderimlere de işaret edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Asaf Hâlet Çelebi, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, Mansûr, Şeyh Şiblî, Metin Merkezli Yakın Okuma. ASAF HÂLET ÇELEBI’S and NECIP FAZIL KISAKUREK’S MANSUR ENTITLED POEMS Abstract In this study, poems titled “Mansur” written by Asaf Halet Çelebi and Necip Fazıl Kısakürek were compared with text-based close reading. When the Mevleviyeh interest of Çelebi is considered together with his book named “Mevlana and Mevleviyeh”, it is thought that in his poem he refers to rituals in whirling ceremonies of Mevleviyeh. From the discourse of dialogical subject, it is concluded that he implies “a Mevlevi dervish who dies before actual death” and this dervish resurges with the sound of big kettledrum [=sûr] (which gathers all the sounds at one place) as the dervishes in Mevlevi whirling resurge with the sound of reed/sûr. The poem of Kısakürek was interpreted at three different content level in the light of opportunities provided by the text. It was concluded that in the first content level Mansur tries to protect Şeyh Şibli from agitated people, in the second content level Mansur is offended towards Şeyh Şibli who participates in the action of “throwing” even through “rose” and “flower” objects; in the third content level it is admitted by Mansur that being sacrificed for God is more sacred than being saved from execution with the mercy of Şeyh Şibli. Intertextual references were also pointed in specific parts in the process of analysis of text. Keywords: Asaf Halet Çelebi, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, Mansûr, Şeyh Şibli, Text Based Close Reading.