Geochemical Features of Mizur Mining and Concentration Factory Industrial Wastes (Unal Tailing, Republic of Northern Ossetia-Alania) as a Basis for the Estimation of Pollution Scale by It’s the Soil of the Adjacent Area (original) (raw)
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Вестник Владикавказского научного центра, 2019
В статье впервые публикуются данные, полученные количественным методом РФА (XRF), о вариациях содержаний макро- и микроэлементов в вертикальных разрезах в захороненных промышленных отходах (по данным бурения трех скважин) Фиагдонского хвостохранилища, на всю его мощность (10 м, 22 м и 31,5 м с востока на запад, соответственно). Хвостохранилище Фиагдонской обогатительной фабрики (ФОФ) расположено в пойме р. Хаником-дон (правый при- ток р. Фиагдон, в 2,5 км к северу от пос. Верхний Фиагдон). Площадь хвостохранилища около 56 000 м2. В нем захоронено, по данным ФОФ, 2,4 млн тонн промышленных отходов с содержаниями (в масс. %): Pb – 0,19 (запасы – 4 560 т); Zn – 0,36 (запасы – 8 400 т); Cu – 0,12 (запасы – 2 880 т); Fe – 6,8 (запасы – 163 200 т); Ti – 0,16 (запасы – 3 840 т); Mn – 0,14 (запасы – 3 360 т); Ag – 4,0 г/т (запасы – 9,6 т). Вариации в распределении содержаний макро- и микроэлементов в вертикальных разрезах на всю мощность хвостохранилища в разных его частях, с востока на запа...
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Arctic and Subarctic Natural Resources
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Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 2019
The article presents the ecological and geochemical research results of As and Hg in soils within urbanized areas of Belarus. 292 soil samples have been analyzed for As and Hg content (of which 148 samples were taken within Minsk, 132 – regional and district centres, and 12 – Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve). Determination of As and Hg total content has been carried out by atomic absorption method. Outside the industrial sites, the territories of enterprises and dumps, a fairly stable average level of As in the humus horizon, determined by natural factors (mainly mineralogical) has been observed. The average content of the element in the soils of the recreational zone for Belarus as a whole is 0.57 mg / kg, in the residential area is 0.48 mg / kg, in the transport zone is 0.64 mg / kg, in the industrial zone is 0.57 mg / kg. The average content of As in the soils of Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve agricultural lands is 0.50 mg / kg. An insignificant accumulation of As in the soils of the ...
Ekologo-geochemical estimation of contamination of soils of city aglomeraciy of kievan area
ScienceRise, 2015
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Environmental safety and natural resources, 2020
As a result of the analytical research and result of the previous stages of study it was found the significant contamination of the soil layer by the heavy metals (HMs) within the Landfill area No 5 for the municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal and the surrounding areas. It was revealed also the negative its effect on the contents of these pollutants in the soil of adjacent buffer zone, which is under the influence of north-eastern, northern, and north-western parts of the Landfill. This is a result of 34 years of the operation of the MSW disposal facility, when there were operating troubles. That caused by the breach of operating procedures of the covering the garbage storages by the isolating layers of dirt, intermittent work of the leachate treatment system, capacity exceeded, etc. Therefore, the soils within the Landfill’s boundaries and also in the buffer its zone have been contaminated by the different toxic substances, in particular by the HMs. So, soil deposits of the Landfil...
Известия Российской академии наук. Серия географическая, 2019
The paper summarizes results of long-term remote sensing and geochemical monitoring of soils and vegetation cover influenced with abandoned industrial waste dumping site at the southern periphery of Kursk city. Analysis of prolonged image time series (1954-2018) has resulted in the reconstruction of natural landscape pattern in study area, mapping the expansion of waste deposit area under the period of active exploitation, delineation of five historic-functional zones of the dumping site. These zones are featured with different age and type of technogenic transformations in landscape structure, particular levels of heavy metals' content and their distribution in soils and vegetation. Studies of spatial pattern and long-term (2000-2017) changes in contamination of soils and technogenic surface formations with heavy metals revealed that the maximum level of soil and vegetation pollution with heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cu, Sb) is fixed for the zone of excavation, mixing and secondary burying of industrial wastes in 2000s. Increased concentrations of Sb and Zn still persist in surface soil layers of chernozems outside the territory of abandoned dumping site.
Ways of reduction of environmental risks of slag heaps of metallurgical enterprises, Ukraine
The purpose of this work is a quantitative assessment of the level of reduction of environmental risks of slag heaps of metallurgical enterprises with the use of metallurgical slag as an alternative road construction material.Methods. Quantitative analysis of the emergence of the risk of environmental hazard is carried out in accordance with the "Methodology for determining the risks and their adopted levels for the declaration of safety of objects of high danger", which determines the procedure for conducting a hazard analysis and risk assessment of high-risk objects, which is carried out through the definition of the probability of undesirable consequences of accidents on based scripts for their emergence and development. For the risk assessment, a logical-probabilistic hazard response scheme in the form of a "failure tree" is constructed and analyzed, which is a form of an ordered graphical representation of the logical-probabilistic connection of random event...
Мінеральні ресурси України, 2020
It is characterized main features of landscape-geochemical structure of “Oleshkivski pisky” military range. It is analysed special aspects of military training activity influence on the of soils and plants contamination level with heavy metals. Sampling scheme for studying of heavy metals migration features, with respect to landscape structure of the territory is substantiated. Special features of heavy metals distribution in soils at different distances from firing positions within military range have been determined. It is investigated distribution and accumulation of I and II danger class heavy metals in soil and vegetational cover of the military training site. The regularities of spatial distribution of mobile and potentially accessible forms of heavy metals are determined. It was defined that content of heavy metals in three movable forms are represented in the following geochemical units, mg/kg: in acid soluble form – Mn > Zn > Pb > Cu > V > Ni > Co > Cd;...