F. PISTELLA - Considerazioni 2017 su Migrazioni Integrazione (original) (raw)

F. PISTELLA - Considerazioni 2017 su Globalizzazione Sviluppo Sostenibilità

Linkedin, 2017

We citizens of the Western civilization receive alarm signals on our perspectives mostly dealing with risks and rarely proposing sound suggestions on what should be done taking in mind that attractivity and feasibility must be both considered to reach concrete results. Some indications are given to this purpose including an underlining of the consensus issue which is vital and decisive in democracies and which is made more complicate due to the global nature of the problems to be faced which are not under the control of national entities. Several links help to understand the context and the opinions of other people.

F. PISTELLA - Considerazioni 2019 su Globalizzazione Sviluppo Sostenibilità

Linkedin, 2019

We citizens of the Western civilization receive alarm signals on our perspectives mostly dealing with risks and rarely proposing sound suggestions on what should be done taking in mind that attractivity and feasibility must be both considered to reach concrete results. Some indications are given to this purpose including an underlining of the consensus issue which is vital and decisive in democracies and which is made more complicate due to the global nature of the problems to be faced which are not under the control of national entities. Several links help to understand the context and the opinions of other people.

Alcuni Aspetti Dell’Integrazione Degli Immigrati Nella Provincia DI Napoli

Rivista italiana di economia, demografia e statistica

The aim of this paper is to examine specific aspects of immigrants’ integration in Naples, focusing attention on family and housing. The data are drawn from a 2008 sample survey on 402 foreigners coming from Less Development Countries and Central and Eastern Europe. The data collected with a structured form are analysed using multidimensional methods.


Si tratta di un Rapporto annuale, curato dalle Colleghe Greco e Tumminelli e che vede la collaborazione di ricercatori e studiosi presso Centri privati, Università, Istat e finanziato dal Centro Pedro Arrupe di Palermo. Io personalmente ho coordinato la sezione integrazione e diritto e scritto un mio contributo sulla kafala islamica ed il ricongiugimento familiare


Pluralismo confessionale e dinamiche interculturali. LE ‘BEST PRACTICES’ PER UNA SOCIETÀ INCLUSIVA, 2023

Orthodox Christianity, together with Islam, is reported as one of the main 'foreign religions' in Italy. A mapping of the Orthodox communities in Emilia-Romagna revealed 70 realities, 45 of which are stable churches. The research used ethnographic research tools and qualitative-quantitative analysis to offer a broad overview of the micro and macro history of the Orthodox communities in Italy. The aim is to provide verified data for future research and tools to build new forms of awareness and collaboration with institutions. The research also revealed that the different definitions of integration that emerged from the interviews enter into dialogue with the different models and practices of local Orthodox communities and their jurisdictions. The paper therefore proposes a focus on the object as subject and a shift from the theoretical framework through which the integration debate is predominantly conducted today.

F. PISTELLA - Considerazioni 2018 su Globalizzazione Sviluppo Sostenibilità

Linkedin, 2018

We citizens of the Western civilization receive alarm signals on our perspectives mostly dealing with risks and rarely proposing sound suggestions on what should be done taking in mind that attractivity and feasibility must be both considered to reach concrete results. Some indications are given to this purpose including an underlining of the consensus issue which is vital and decisive in democracies and which is made more complicate due to the global nature of the problems to be faced which are not under the control of national entities. Several links help to understand the context and the opinions of other people.


Nuova Antologia, 2019

Rivista di lettere, scienze ed arti Serie trimestrale fondata da GIOVANNI SPADOLINI La rivista è edita dalla «Fondazione Spadolini Nuova Antologia» -costituita con decreto del Presidente della Repubblica, Sandro Pertini, il 23 luglio 1980, erede universale di Giovanni Spadolini, fondatore e presidente a vita -al fine di «garantire attraverso la continuità della testata, senza fine di lucro, la pubblicazione della rivista Nuova Antologia, che nel suo arco di vita più che secolare riassume la nascita, l'evoluzione, le conquiste, il travaglio, le sconfitte e le riprese della nazione italiana, nel suo inscindibile nesso coi liberi ordinamenti» (ex art. 2 dello Statuto della Fondazione).