2023, Emerging Management Practices: Sustainability and Development

Tobacco use and its pattern are closely linked to age, sex, class , education, income, etc amongst many other factors. Findings from studies within the Member countries of the Region reveal that tobacco use is higher among the agricultural , illiterate and poor population. The utilization of tobacco among rural people in Bangladesh, India and Thailand was above the urban population. Tobacco use is a major public health problem in India, and its impact is particularly devastating to the poor. Effective tobacco control must be a top priority, both as a health problem and as a way to combat poverty. Tobacco consumption is deeply rooted in cultural practices, and there are countless types of tobacco. We investigated several determinants of tobacco use, including socioeconomic status, marriage, population growth, marketing strategies, and prices. It also took into account tobacco pollution, including economic and social costs, and the adverse health effects of oral cancer in particular. Tobacco consumption in India continues to increase despite tobacco control policies. What is needed is a more visible and proactive tobacco control campaign, including increased public awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco and the active involvement of workplaces and health care workers to promote smoking cessation. People smoke more tobacco in urban areas than in the rural mind. With age, the prevalence of smoking increases and in India men smoke more tobacco than women. Compared to the urban area, there is more consumption of bidis and hookah in rural areas. Daily smoking is around 6% compared to bidi smoking, which is 10%. In total, 63% of cigarette smokers smoke cigarettes every day, while 81% of bidis smokers smoke bidi every day. Current study focuses on the consumer spending in India on Tobacco and its impact on the lower income group and the effect of it on the rising household debt burden since 2000. The study has based the analysis on secondary data collected from authentic sources.