Análisis espacial de las fortificaciones medievales del interfluvio Riaza, Duratón y Duero a través de los SIG (original) (raw)

Inventario de fortificaciones medievales a través de los SIG. El Proyecto “CASTELLA-SIG”

In Fernandes, I. C. Ferreira (Coord.), Fortificações e Território na Península Ibérica e no Magreb - Séculos VI a XVI, Lisboa, Edições Colibri - Campo Arqueológico de Mértola, 2013, pp. 541-553.

Se presenta la metodología del Proyecto “CASTELLA-SIG”: diseño de un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) para el estudio de las fortificaciones del periodo medieval y postmedieval en el marco territorial del Principado de Asturias (España).

GIL CRESPO 2013a Fortificacion fronteriza y organizacion territorial medieval Castillos de Soria

Documentación, Conservación, y Reutilización del Patrimonio Arquitectónico, 2013

La frontera bajomedieval entre Castilla y Aragón en la parte soriana oriental no está físicamente determinada por significa tivos accidentes geográficos; por el contrario, todo esta área geográfica supone una transición o comunicación entre el Duero con elJalón y el Ebro. La precisión de la frontera hubo de realizarse artificialmente mediante la sistemática construcción de castillos. El avanzado estado de ruina que amenaza su conservación impulsa su conocimiento histórico y constructivo. Su rehabilitación es improbable y económicamente insostenible, pero al menos se hace necesaria su consolidación. A pesar de que estas edia ficaciones carecen de incentivos artísticos que aumenten su interés, su valor actual reside en que forman parte integrante del paisaje cultural. En su día surgieron como sistema de organización del territorio y esta escala geográfica y paisajística es la que le da importancia y valor actual.

Relación entre los yacimientos arqueológicos y la morfología fluvial durante el Paleolítico antiguo en el interfluvio Riaza-Duratón (Segovia, España)

Archaeological sites studied in this paper are located in the so-called “Sepúlveda-Ayllón Basin”, drained by Duratón and Riaza rivers. This is a narrow marginal sub-basin which is placed in the SW margin of Duero Basin that with a SW-NE orientation is framed, in the South, by high reliefs of Eastern Guadarrama and Somosierra-Ayllón mountain range; and in the North by Sepúlveda and Pradales massif. This corridor was used by human groups during Ancient and Middle Paleolithic as a communication path between the two Iberian Plateaus, mainly due to the wide variety of natural resources in this area caused by the diversity of alluvial geomorphological elements.

El sistema de relaciones territoriales entre las fortificaciones del Cilento interior. Una propuesta de estudio a través de SIG


The territorial relations system between the fortifications of the inner Cilento. A proposal for study through GISThe landscape of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, south of Campania, is dotted with a wide variety of fortresses, castles, towers and all kinds of fortifications. The populations who settled there since the early Middle Ages have left traces of their presence through buildings that, from the initial purpose of independent defense of the individual settlement, have changed over time, especially in the Norman period, in a broader system and structured for the control of the territory. The diversity of the architecture that we still find today, determined by the different origins of the fortifications (sometimes Lombard, sometimes Norman, up to the coastal towers built in the Angevin-Aragonese period to defend against Saracen incursions), however, hides a complex system that connects these artifacts, creating a network that covers large portions of the territor...

2020_El sistema de relaciones territoriales entre las fortificaciones del Cilento interior. Una propuesta de estudio a través de SIG.

The landscape of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, south of Campania, is dotted with a wide variety of fortresses, castles, towers and all kinds of fortifications. The populations who settled there since the early Middle Ages have left traces of their presence through buildings that, from the initial purpose of independent defense of the individual settlement, have changed over time, especially in the Norman period, in a broader system and structured for the control of the territory. The diversity of the architecture that we still find today, determined by the different origins of the fortifications (sometimes Lombard, sometimes Norman, up to the coastal towers built in the Angevin-Aragonese period to defend against Saracen incursions), however, hides a complex system that connects these artifacts, creating a network that covers large portions of the territory. It is not easy today to recognize such relationships and rebuild this network that has in fact laid the foundations for the current layout of the Cilento landscape. The aim of the research is therefore to study, recognize and map this structure through the use of historical maps and direct relief. Starting from the portion of the territory related to the area of the Ancient Cilento, identified by the Monte della Stella Massif, we intend to start a mapping of the fortifications through GIS in order to provide the tools for the study of the geometries and territorial relations that were established between the different settlements, and how these were placed with respect to the surrounding territory. The use of the territorial information systems will also allow a systematic data collection that will open the way for a subsequent phase of survey and documentation of the artifacts scattered over the territory, through which it will be possible to create a typological abacus of the fortifications related to the different historical phases.

Bermudez Beloso, Mariña (2024). Cuando el polígono no es posible: los SIG y el estudio del territorio gallego medieval

H2D | Revista de Humanidades Digitais, 2024

Resumen. Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) han supuesto una revolución metodológica en múltiples campos, entre los que se incluye la disciplina histórica y la historia medieval. Junto con las formas de cartografiado más básicas, los SIG abren posibilidades innovadoras de análisis gracias a una serie de herramientas en continuo desarrollo y cuya aplicación práctica a estudios de historia medieval está aún, en muchos casos, en proceso de experimentación. En el presente artículo se proponen varias hipótesis de aplicación de los SIG a un objeto de estudio que no es novedoso pero que aún no ha sido analizado en profundidad con estas herramientas: el territorio de la Galicia medieval y su organización. Partiendo de una serie de ejemplos tomados de la documentación escrita, se procederá a la identificación de lugares (puntos) a los que se aplicarán distintos algoritmos (buffers, diagramas de Voronoi, triangulaciones de Delaunay y rutas de menor coste), en busca de nuevas formas de reconstrucción de los límites (polígonos) propios de las entidades en las que se dividía dicho territorio. Con estos ejemplos prácticos, se pretende entrar en los horizontes de análisis abiertos por los SIG, aplicados aquí a las fuentes documentales gallegas de época medieval. Palabras clave: Buffer, Galicia, Ruta de menor coste,SIG, Territorio, Triangulación de Delaunay. Abstract. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have led to a methodological revolution in multiple fields, including the historical discipline and medieval history. Along with the most basic forms of mapping, GISopens innovative possibilities of analysis thanks to aseries of toolsin continuous development and whose practical application to studies of medieval history is still, in many cases, in the process of experimentation. This article proposes several hypotheses for the application of GIS to an object of study that is not new but has not yet been analysed in depth with these tools: the territory of medieval Galicia and its organization.Starting from a series of examples taken from writtendocumentation, we will proceed to the identification of places (points) to which different algorithms (buffers, Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulations,and least cost paths)will be applied,in search of new forms of reconstruction of the limits (polygons) of the entities into which the aforementioned territory was divided. With these practical examples, the aim is to enter the horizons of analysis opened by GIS, applied here to Galician documentary sources from the medieval period. Keywords: Buffer, Galicia,Least Cost Path, GIS, Territory,Delaunay Triangulation

El Paleolítico inferior y medio en el interfluvio Riaza-Duratón (Segovia)

This paper shows the preliminary results of the surveys that have been made since 2008 in the northern of the province of Segovia, as a part of the research project: Geo-archaeological study of the middle basin of the rivers Duratón and Riaza (Segovia). Lower and Middle Paleolithic. In this research we are analysing the occupations of Lower and Middle Paleolithic in the inter-fluvial area Riaza – Duratón, confirming the abundance of archaeological evidences in a geographical context which not only is moved away from the large terrace contexts in the Plateau, but also is visible as a potential transit route and sanctuary area, in the South of the Duero basin.

El Paleolítico Inferior y Medio en el interfluvio Riaza - Duratón (Segovia, España)

Férvedes 7 , 2011

This paper shows the preliminary results of the surveys that have been made since 2008 in the north-ern of the province of Segovia, as a part of the research project: Geo-archaeological study of the middle ba-sin of the rivers Duratón and Riaza (Segovia). Lower and Middle Paleolithic. In this research we are analys-ing the occupations of Lower and Middle Paleolithic in the inter-fluvial area Riaza – Duratón, confirming the abundance of archaeological evidences in a geographical context which not only is moved away from the large terrace contexts in the Plateau, but also is visible as a potential transit route and sanctuary area, in the South of the Duero basin.