A Field Study on Political Socialization of Political Science Students (original) (raw)

Development of political culture of Kazakhstani students: Political and cultural determinants

Nowadays the problem of political activity and political culture of students has assumed some current character. The following article considers the degree of interest and participation of Kazakhstani youth in the politics and their political orientation in accordance with the results of content- analysis. The content-analysis was held within the framework of scientific project "The development of political culture in students of Kazakhstan as a strategic resource of the country ". The research and the analysis were fulfilled on the base of materials and publications in 15 associations with social-political direction registered in social network. The research period is March - May 2015, in the period of preparations and conducting the extraordinary president elections in the RK. According to the results of the research it was revealed that most Kazakhstani students are equally interested in political processes and show interest in social-political life of the country. Also the results let us reveal the level of social state and students' attitude towards different directions of the government policy, the level of possibility of students' protesting mood. In conclusion the author gives recommendations for organs of government authority to think of the system of organisation of social monitoring of Kazakhstani youth's election mood. By organisation it could be realised on the level of helding social interviewing, focus-teaming and expert interviewing, also by content-analysis of communities registered in social network. Keywords: Kazakhstan student youth, political culture, political activity, determinants of youth political culture, elections, modernization


Today, the citizenship education has become a very important study field in the entire world. Political education, on the other hand, has another important dimension in the citizenship education. Thus, there is a rapid increase in the number of studies concerning the citizenship education and the political education. Educational system in different countries involves lesson or lessons aimed at bringing political knowledge in students. In Turkey, on the other hand, an important part of knowledge and skills that are required for students to become good citizens is brought via the Social Studies lesson. This study aims to determine the applications in social studies classes where citizenship and political education is basically taught via observations and to determine the views of social studies teachers on this subject. In this study using the mixed method, we received the opinions of 75 social studies teachers regarding the education of political subjects and observed the intraclass applications of 12 social studies teachers for 10 weeks. According to the results of the study, there are differences between the views of students and intraclass applications. While teachers emphasize the necessity of teaching political subjects in social studies classes and giving information about the political process, the observation results show that a number of social studies teachers do not involve political subjects and information about the political process. ÖZET Vatandaşlık eğitimi, artık bütün dünyada çok önemli bir çalışma alanı haline gelmiştir. Vatandaşlık eğitimi içerisinde ise politik eğitim önemli bir boyut oluşturmaktadır. Bu nedenle, vatandaşlık eğitimi ve politik eğitim ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların sayısı hızla artmaktadır. Farklı ülkelerde, politik bilginin öğrencilere kazandırılması için eğitim sistemi içerisinde ders veya dersler yer almaktadır. Türkiye'de öğrencilere iyi bir vatandaş olmak için gerekli bilgi ve becerilerin önemli kısmı Sosyal Bilgiler dersi aracılığıyla kazandırılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, vatandaşlık ve politik eğitimin öğretildiği temel ders olan sosyal bilgiler sınıflarında uygulamaların gözlem yolu ile tespit edilmesi ve bu konu ile ilgili sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin görüşlerinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Karma yöntemin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada 75 sosyal bilgiler öğretmeninin, politik konuların öğretimi ile ilgili görüşleri alınmış ayrıca 12 sosyal bilgiler öğretmenin ise sınıf içi uygulamaları 10 hafta boyunca gözlemlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğretmenlerin görüşleri ile sınıf içi uygulamalar arasında farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Öğretmenler, sosyal bilgiler sınıflarında politik konuların öğretilmesi gerektiğini, politik süreç hakkında bilgiler verilmesi gerektiğini ifade ederken gözlem sonuçları ise birçok sosyal bilgiler öğretmeninin, politik konulara ve politik süreç hakkında bilgilere, uygulama sırasında yer vermediğini göstermektedir..

The impact of political socialization on students' behavior: Empirical research in schools of Central Macedonia in Greece

International Journal of Educational Research Review, 2017

The main purpose of this article is to present the secondary education students' points of view regarding issues that are related to their everyday reality. A link to their political socialization is attempted. At the same time, the influence of independent variables is examined, like "sex", "urbanity", "performance" and "parents' occupation". The final conclusion shows that even though the majority of students do not express intense negative feelings about different origin, sex and religion, a tendency is at sight, mainly by male students. This conclusion is also compared with the findings of the survey "EUROPE ON THE EDGE", regarding issues of difference and democratic values.

Study of the Factors Influencing Political Socialization of Student Community in Mumbai

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2014

Mumbai is one of the most important metropolitan cities in India which is known for its dynamic politics. In both popular and academic literature Mumbai has always been a centre of attraction for numerous academicians and scholars. It provides a replica of regional politics since political underpinnings in Mumbai has indirect influence on politics of Maharashtra. The most dynamic and active force engaged in political activity is the young college going students. It is because of their resourcefulness and vigorous political activity almost all political parties are in competition to induct them within their fold. Such situation provides a space to research and study how the process of political orientation of the college students takes place in a metropolitan city like Mumbai. It is for this reason the author has attempted a small research to enquire how political socialization of student community in Mumbai takes place. The writer actually surveyed around fifty students in different colleges in Mumbai and endeavored to inquire the process of Political Socialisation. Political socialization is the process by which people come to acquire political attitudes and values. Political socialization is a process that takes place in every society. This process begins very early in life and is a continuous process. Generally, the main aim of political socialization is to create good citizens. The current research was undertaken to study the process

Political Socialization in Pakistan: A Study of Political Efficacy of the Students of Madrassa

The Madrassa system has been providing an alternative mean to get education, which is religious in nature, according to the Islamic traditional values and is also affordable. Madrassa system in Pakistan, as a part of education-a social institution, is performing the functions of education institution. Acquisition of political culture and incorporation of political norms is political socialization. One of the important variable to understand the society " s political socialization is the level of political efficacy. More efficacious the members of the society are, more positive is the political socialization of the society which ultimately leads to the good functioning of political system of the society. The present study aims to study the political efficacy of the madrassa students of the Lahore district of Pakistan.

Stabilization of Passive Interaction with Political Culture: A Typological Study of the Undergraduate Students of the Selçuk University

Journal of Social Sciences Research & Policy (JSSRP), 2024

Political culture can be considered a significant and decisive component of societies. The political culture of any society is formed based on its cultural values within the context of existing social, economic, and political conditions. This aspect of culture is crucial in helping us understand historical complexities and make political predictions. This study aims to identify the prevalent political culture among undergraduate students in the Faculty of Literature and Economics at Selçuk University. The researchers conducted this study using the third-generation grounded theory method and drawing on Almond and Verba's political culture theory concepts. After conducting face-to-face interviews with 17 students, considering gender diversity, field of study, and political outlook, and extracting 43 subcategories and main categories, they concluded that Turkey's existing cultural and political challenges pave the way for political and economic transformations. Moreover, the government's inefficacy, which participants described as authoritarian and undemocratic, in managing financial issues and political challenges has raised the issue of structural reforms to prevent the gap between the government and the people from widening further. This gap is characterized by declining political trust, reluctance to participate in political processes, and a sense of passivity toward the political system.