Under the influence of alcohol: The effect of ethanol and methanol on lipid bilayers (original) (raw)

Alcohol's Effects on Lipid Bilayer Properties

Biophysical Journal, 2011

Alcohols are known modulators of lipid bilayer properties. Their biological effects have long been attributed to their bilayer-modifying effects, but alcohols can also alter protein function through direct protein interactions. This raises the question: Do alcohol's biological actions result predominantly from direct protein-alcohol interactions or from general changes in the membrane properties? The efficacy of alcohols of various chain lengths tends to exhibit a so-called cutoff effect (i.e., increasing potency with increased chain length, which that eventually levels off). The cutoff varies depending on the assay, and numerous mechanisms have been proposed such as: limited size of the alcohol-protein interaction site, limited alcohol solubility, and a chain-length-dependent lipid bilayer-alcohol interaction. To address these issues, we determined the bilayer-modifying potency of 27 aliphatic alcohols using a gramicidin-based fluorescence assay. All of the alcohols tested (with chain lengths of 1-16 carbons) alter the bilayer properties, as sensed by a bilayer-spanning channel. The bilayer-modifying potency of the short-chain alcohols scales linearly with their bilayer partitioning; the potency tapers off at higher chain lengths, and eventually changes sign for the longest-chain alcohols, demonstrating an alcohol cutoff effect in a system that has no alcohol-binding pocket.

Drunken Membranes: Short-Chain Alcohols Alter Fusion of Liposomes to Planar Lipid Bilayers

Biophysical Journal

Although the effects of ethanol on protein receptors and lipid membranes have been studied extensively, ethanol's effect on vesicles fusing to lipid bilayers is not known. To determine the effect of alcohols on fusion rates, we utilized the nystatin/ergosterol fusion assay to measure fusion of liposomes to a planar lipid bilayer (BLM). The addition of ethanol excited fusion when applied on the cis (vesicle) side, and inhibited fusion on the trans side. Other short-chain alcohols followed a similar pattern. In general, the inhibitory effect of alcohols (trans) occurs at lower doses than the excitatory (cis) effect, with a decrease of 29% in fusion rates at the legal driving limit of 0.08% (w/v) ethanol (IC 50 ΒΌ 0.2% v/v, 34 mM). Similar inhibitory effects were observed with methanol, propanol, and butanol, with ethanol being the most potent. Significant variability was observed with different alcohols when applied to the cis side. Ethanol and propanol enhanced fusion, butanol also enhanced fusion but was less potent, and low doses of methanol mildly inhibited fusion. The inhibition by trans addition of alcohols implies that they alter the planar membrane structure and thereby increase the activation energy required for fusion, likely through an increase in membrane fluidity. The cis data are likely a combination of the above effect and a proportionally greater lowering of the vesicle lysis tension and hydration repulsive pressure that combine to enhance fusion. Alternate hypotheses are also discussed. The inhibitory effect of ethanol on liposome-membrane fusion is large enough to provide a possible biophysical explanation of compromised neuronal behavior.

Ethanol and biological membranes: Injury and adaptation

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 1983

biological membranes: lnjuo ' and adaptation. PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BEHAV 18: Suppl. 1, 7-13, 1983.--Ethanol intoxication affects the protein and lipid constituents of biological membranes, Mitochondria exhibit specific decreases in components of the electron transport chain and in protein synthesis. In vitro ethanol reduces the transition temperatures of membrane-bound enzyme activities and decreases the order parameter. On the other hand, both are increased after chronic ethanol administration. After chronic ethanol treatment membranes are resistant to disordering by ethanol, possibly owing to an increased saturation of mitochondrial phospholipids, particularly cardiolipin. The increased rigidity of mitochondrial and synaptosomal membranes is associated with reduced binding of ethanol and of the general anesthetic halothane. The data suggest that initially ethanol increases the fluidity of all biological membranes. If continued chronically, this effect is balanced by a change in the lipid composition of the membranes, which increases their rigidity and makes them resistant to disordering by ethanol (homeoviscous adaptation). The change in molecular order reduces the binding of ethanol and other compounds, but also impairs a variety of membrane-bound functions. These changes may play a role in tolerance to ethanol and cross-tolerance to anesthetics, and in the pathogenesis of maladies associated with alcohol abuse.

Ethanol-induced modifications to membrane lipid structure: Effect on phospholipase A2-membrane interactions

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1988

Chronic ethanol intoxication leads to the development of a resistance to lipid disordering by ethanol, a phenomenon known as "membrane tolerance." In the absence of the added ethanol, the lipid order, as measured by ESR and fluorescence techniques, does not necessarily change as a result of chronic ethanol ingestion (as in liver microsomes, for example). This suggests that the spectroscopic techniques detect tolerance somewhat indirectly, in that the modification responsible may reside in a region distinct from that being probed and also raises the question of whether membrane tolerance is necessarily associated with an alteration in the membrane lipid structure. Here we show that liver microsomes from rats treated chronically with ethanol are rendered relatively resistant to the hydrolytic action of exogenous phospholipase As, compared to preparations from control animals. This resistance persists in reconstituted lipid vesicles prepared from extracted phospholipids. Since the same substrate (1-palmitoylB-N-(4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole)amino caproylphosphatidylcholine) was used in both membranes from ethanol-treated animals and controls, the modification appears to reside in the structure and/or organization of the membrane. Further evidence that the lipid structure is modified by chronic ethanol treatment is provided by the observation that perturbance of the membrane structural integrity by increasing levels of oleic acid led to a progressive loss of the ethanol-induced relative resistance to hydrolysis by phospholipase AZ. The results of this study support the idea that membrane tolerance involves a modification to lipid structure probably at the bilayer surface. The use of exogenous phospholipase AZ provides a new method for probing the structural modifications induced by chronic ethanol ingestion. o ISSS Academic press, I~~.