Regionalism, Institutional Crisis, and Subnational Integration: (Dis)Continuities in a Fragmented Latin America (original) (raw)
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After more than twenty years of regional convergences, South America renders a fragmented space, hindering collective actions related to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this context of slender political dialogue, it is noteworthy to understand the role of subnational governments at the regional arena. Since the dismantling of regional dialogue forums, such as the Summit of South American Presidents, and UNASUR, the presidential leaders demonstrate clear divergences, resulting in a disconnected region, even when facing common problems. With the crisis of regionalism and the diminishing of spaces to dialog and cooperate, we ask if there is any alternative being taken into account to foster and continue the efforts implemented during the last decades. We argue that, although the interaction and cooperation at the Executive level have been very low, some subnational actors’ initiatives have taken place, assuming a new role in the regional integration, through what has been called subnational integration. Considering the specialized literature of regionalism and paradiplomacy, we aim to discuss how subnational governments act in the region amidst a controversial scenario. Keywords: South American Regionalism; Subnational Integration; Infrastructure; Border Integration; 2030 Agenda.
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The periphery at the centre: an analysis of Latin American regionalism from the borders
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The article analyses the role of border in theories and policies of Latin American regionalism. It shows that neither the explanatory 'waves' of regionalism in studies of International Relations nor Latin American regional integration policies have addressed borders seriously. Accordingly, it argues for a view of border regions as key political and epistemological places for understanding spatial relations between state, region, and globalization. Though some academic and political initiatives have started to unpack the Cartesian reading of border in Latin American regionalism, the article argues that further steps can be taken by treating borders (peripheries) as epistemological centres.
Contexto Internacional, 2021
Mercosur has gone through distinct phases, leading to the articulation between a myriad of sectors, groups, and actors, among which subnational governments stand out. Local governments started this movement in 1995, with the foundation of the Mercosur Cities Network. In 2000, the Specialized Meeting of Municipalities and Intendencies (REMI) was created, replaced in the following years by the Mercosur Advisory Forum of Municipalities, States, Provinces, and Departments (FCCR), known for being the channel for subnational representation in the bloc. Drawing on bibliographic and document analysis, in addition to interviews and questionnaires, this article aims to analyze the internationalization and inclusion of subnational actors in Mercosur, mainly focusing on the changes observed over the years within these three institutions. The first section introduces the literature on paradiplomacy and deals specifically with Mercosur, seeking to verify how the regional agenda has been expanded, despite decision-making processes not being decentralized. The second and third sections analyse the origins of subnational integration through Mercocities alongside the development of REMI and FCCR. Considering the historical and institutional specificities of Mercosur, the research concludes by questioning the assumption of International Relations literature that regional blocs are potential arenas for effective internationalization of subnational governments.
Trabajos de Investigación en Paradiplomacia, 2023
[PT] Na América do Sul, destacam-se duas iniciativas regionais levadas a cabo por governos subnacionais de diferentes esferas administrativas: a Mercocidades e a Zona de Integração do Centro-Oeste da América do Sul (ZICOSUL). Ambas foram fundadas na década de 1990, período do “novo regionalismo” e ascensão dos temas globais. Objetiva-se comparar os eixos temáticos abarcados por elas, identificando seleções de prioridades e tratamentos conferidos desde a fundação aos temas globais de desenvolvimento sustentável e desenvolvimento social. Para tal, procedeu-se com pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, o que propiciou compará-las e argumentar que ambas tiveram motivações e ênfases próprias na aplicação desses temas. [EN] In South America, two regional initiatives carried out by subnational governments of different administrative spheres stand out: Mercocities and the South America Midwest Integrated Zone (ZICOSUR). Both were founded in the 1990s, a period of “new regionalism” and the rise of global issues. The aim is to compare its thematic axes, identifying priorities and treatments conferred since their foundation. To this end, documentary and bibliographic research was carried out to compare them and to argue that both had their own motivations and emphases in the application of the global issues of sustainable development and social development. [ES] En Sudamérica se destacan dos iniciativas regionales de gobiernos subnacionales de diferentes ámbitos administrativos: Mercociudades y la Zona de Integración del Centro Oeste de América del Sur (ZICOSUR). Ambas se fundaron en la década de los 90, periodo del “nuevo regionalismo” y auge de los temas globales. El objetivo es comparar los ejes temáticos, identificando prioridades y tratamientos conferidos por las iniciativas a los temas globales de desarrollo sostenible y desarrollo social. Para eso, se llevó a cabo una investigación documental y bibliográfica que permitió compararlas y argumentar que ambas tenían sus propias motivaciones y énfasis en aplicar eses temas.
This article aims at critically analyzing cross-border paradiplomacy in MERCOSUR. MERCOSUR's process constitutes a strategic sphere of projection for local, border government s with a certain level of capabilities in project design, management, and accountability. The process of integration of MERCOSUR has attempted to reflect the importance of cross-border integration. Nevertheless, the current Subgroup N. 18 on border integration could limit the expressions of cross-border paradiplomacy. PARADIPLOMACIA TRANSFRONTEIRIÇA NO MERCOSUL: UMA VISÃO CRÍTICA RESUMO: O presente artigo visa analisar criticamente a paradiplomacia transfronteiriça no Mercosul. O processo do Mercosul constitui uma esfera estratégica de projeção para os governos locais e fronteiriços com um certo nível de capacidades em desenho de projeto, gestão e prestação de contas. O processo de integração do Mercosul tem tentado refletir a importância da integração transfronteiriça. No entanto, o atual Subgrupo nº 18 sobre integração fronteiriç a pode limitar as expressões da paradiplomacia transfronteiriça.
Concepciones alternativas de la integración latinoamericana, 2022
La agricultura ha representado un sector estratégico para el desarrollo de los países latinoamericanos. Este se enfrenta al dilema entre el enfoque de seguridad alimentaria, agricultura sostenible y hambre cero (ODS 2) frente a un enfoque de crecimiento económico y ventaja comparativa (ODS 8) en la Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible (2015). De esta manera, es evidente la correlación entre cambio climático, desarrollo sostenible y la agricultura, trilema que ha buscado ser abordado y gestionado en espacios multilaterales desde un enfoque multidimensional e integral con distintos instrumentos. Frente a ello, la denominada “troika latinoamericana” —México, Argentina y Brasil, miembros del G20— ha intentado ejercer un liderazgo para una acción colectiva, donde se destaca la importancia del debate desde el ecologismo y el ambientalismo como variables intervinientes que permiten reconocer la ruptura entre los modelos de desarrollo económico —del actual paradigma económico de libre mercado— y la preocupación por los temas medioambientales.