The Political Hegemony in Orwell's 1984 (original) (raw)
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The Community Manipulation through Big Brother’s Tyranny in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature
This research aimed on some instruments or agencies that implemented in constracting the community engineering in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four, describe the logic used and present the community engineering carried out the novel. The writer then uses library research and sosiology literature as method in analyzing the novel. The data were collected by using note taking technique which exists in Nineteen Eighty-Four accord with the pages. Then, all the quotation classified and analyzed based on the case that had beeen arround by each moment/event in that novel. After doing the considerable study, the writer finds basically the bad effect of human engineering to the society. The over control by agents were bringing individuals’ loss of human nature and a critical thinking faculty and the diminished capacity for self expression. So, finally the human being is not exists as a human with high level values, in fact in this novel, human is less than the animal.
The Brutality of Political Pressure Towards Citizens in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four
A Thesis of The Brutality of The Goverments Towards Society, 2019
This study aims to investigate and finds out the Brutality of Politics Pressure towards citizens. Therefore, political pressure on society has been restricted and seizes the space of freedom for the citizen to thought and acts as reflected in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. The objectives of the study is a novel entitled Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell’s. It used observation sheet as the research instrument and the data collection was based on the library research. This is a descriptive qualitative research. That used Genetic Structuralism theory by Lucien Goldman. By using Genetic Structuralism and sociological approach, the analysis of the study was conducted through the discussion of the brutality of political pressure through the binary oppositions found in the novel, and the discussion of the interpretations of freedom as a representation of the citizens worldview are found by the real evidence through the article that described. The research indicates that: 1) The communi...
1984 is a dystopian novel by George Orwell that clearly describes the life under totalitarian government. Totalitarianism is not merely a political system but also movement that goes beyond private, public, and political sphere. Totalitarian government dreams of uniformity in all aspects of life and they pursue for global domination. In order to reach for global domination and their ideal version of state, totalitarian government does not allow freedom in all aspects of life. The pursuit of global domination requires some strategies to make the society in uniformity. The strategies applied are propaganda, terror, and indoctrination. These strategies make the main characters lose the freedom and become alienated from the self and the society. Alienation and the lost of freedom also lead to inauthenticity, since they are related to each other. Inauthenticity can be caused by repression from external agents in which a person cannot do anything spontaneously since he is being dictated b...
The Practice of Symbolic Violence in George Orwell's Novel 1984
In this study, the researcher discusses a practice of subtle violence which Bourdieu calls symbolic violence that occurs between two classes of society. By using Ian Watt's sociological theory of literature, the researcher tries to analyze how violence occurs in a structured and organized manner and what forms of violence look like. By making the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the researcher found that there are various forms of violence that occur in the novel, namely: (a) political ideology, (b) culture, and (c) orthodoxa. This form of violence occurs because of differences in the social structure determined by group habitus so that a social class is formed in society. This study aims to determine the types of symbolic violence practices, as student library materials and notification to readers and the public that there is a practice of violence that not only attacks physically but also forms of violence that is subtle even the victim is not aware of being in the practice of victims of violence, which is called as symbolic violence.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2022
This article's aim is to analyze the three different dystopian works; comparing George Orwell's 1984 with Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games and Mockingjay, concerning anarchic positive perspective. It also presents how and why anarchism is necessary. Anarchism becomes important when dystopic systems dehumanize people and violate their free will by enslaving them. Moreover, this article intends to find an answer to the questions of how and why revolutions succeed; as in Mockingjay or fail as in 1984. Is anarchism a precept of life or is it simply a political theory that rejects all forms of despotic power? In his novel, Orwell addresses Oceania's citizens' situation of, control, oppression, power, and dehumanization. The author also predicts the future when people are under extreme control by the state. In a postapocalyptic world, Collins displays the situation of the people of Panem, where control, violence, oppression, and dehumanization are also dominant matters. Additionally, this work shows how the state violates people's available choices in life, and its impact on individuals. Furthermore, it explores the revolutions and conflicts to be in power or to be free.
Language as an oppressive device in Orwell’s 1984 (by Bakhtiar Sabir Hama)
This paper is a critical study of “1984”, a novel by George Orwell. It specifically aims to study how language is used by the dominant authority in the fiction to oppress and to exert power over the population in the country. The analysis focuses on how the totalitarian system limits conversations and prevents freedom of speech through imposing on the characters to speak a language which is strange to them and very limited in terms of vocabulary. To achieve this objective, the study will focus on the sentences and paragraphs which show how language is used to frighten and oppress people. In certain cases, the dialogues which occur between the characters will be explored so as to clearly manifest the role of language in controlling the actions and the minds of the population. To manifest the relationship between language and power, the analysis is conducted within the framework of stylistics and critical discourse analysis. The researcher explores the linguistic features in some paragraphs and dialogues selected from the entire text so as to show how the government of Oceania controls the minds and actions of its inhabitants. Through such a framework of analysis, the thesis concludes that the totalitarian government manipulates language to dominate people, and language is not a social practice but it has political dimensions and regarded as a threat to the government if people can use it freely. Keywords: 1984, stylistics, critical discourse analysis, language, power
Critique of Ideology Bin George Orwell’s Novel 1984: A Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Hermeneutics Reading
Journal of Language and Literature, 2019
This study is to analyze George Orwell’s novel 1984 that published in 1949. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. The analysis of this undergraduate thesis focuses on hermeneutical reading of the text. This study aims to find out critique of ideology concept by reading both the text and the researcher (as interpreter) horizons to get a current meaning of the text. This study applies philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Jurgen Habermas’s critical theory to analyze the novel. After interprets the horizon of the text with three stages of analysis (understanding, historical consciousness, and history of effect), then the prejudice/presupposition (Habermas’ critique of ideology) appear dialectically as interpreter horizon to read the 1984 in its current context. The result proves that, although the work of structure of power in Orwell's life and interpreter are different - Orwell who live in the tension of world ideologies (with fascism, soviet communism, an...
This study aims to understand the strategic foundations of organizing within the context of political behavior. Organizing, whether viewed through a sociological lens or analyzed through the dynamics of power inside an organization, is an unavoidable need that necessitates skilled management. A comprehensive survey of the available literature shows notable publications that provide light on this topic. Notably, “Animal Farm,” George Orwell’s classic, was meticulously analyzed using qualitative data analysis paradigms. This investigation resulted in creating a conceptual framework outlining the organizational strategic principles. During this investigation, important themes developed that addressed topics such as: What causes an organization to form? What fundamental processes are at work? How is the current order modified? What motivational techniques are used? What shape is the emergent structure taking? What measures assure its longterm viability? How do standard unfreeze-change-refreeze sequences work? What causes the redesigned system to fail? According to these results, the study provides expanded insights useful for academic discourse and entities dealing with organizational complexities. Also, this intersection of literature study with in-depth qualitative analysis promises a more nuanced understanding, essential for scholars and practitioners negotiating the junction of politics and organizational behavior. Bu çalışma politik davranış bağlamında örgütlenmenin stratejik temellerini anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. İster sosyolojik bir bakış açısıyla bakılsın ister bir organizasyon içindeki güç dinamikleri üzerinden analiz edilsin, örgütlenme, yetenekli yönetim gerektiren kaçınılmaz bir ihtiyaçtır. Mevcut literatür kapsamlı bir şekilde incelendiğinde, konuya ilişkin önemli yayınlara rastlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda George Orwell’in klasiği olan “Hayvan Çiftliği” değerlendirmeye alınmış ve nitel veri analizi paradigmaları kullanılarak titizlikle analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma, örgütsel stratejik ilkelerin ana hatlarını çizen kavramsal bir çerçevenin oluşturulmasıyla sonuçlanmıştır. Araştırma sırasında şu konuları ele alan önemli temalar geliştirilmiştir: Bir örgütlenmenin oluşmasına ne sebep olur? Hangi temel süreçler iş başında yer alır? Mevcut düzen nasıl değiştirilir? Hangi motivasyon teknikleri kullanılıyor? Ortaya çıkan yapı nasıl şekillendiriliyor? Hangi önlemler onun uzun vadeli sürdürülebilirliğini garanti ediyor? Standart çözme-değiştirme-yeniden dondurma dizileri nasıl çalışıyor? Yeniden tasarlanan sistemin başarısız olmasına ne sebep oluyor? Bu sonuçlara göre araştırma, akademik söylem ve örgütsel karmaşıklıklarla uğraşan kuruluşlar için yararlı genişletilmiş bilgiler sunmaktadır. Ayrıca literatür ile niteliksel analizin bu şekilde kesişmesi, politik ve örgütsel davranış kavşağını müzakere eden akademisyenler ve uygulayıcılar için gerekli olan daha incelikli bir anlayış vaat etmektedir.
A Nightmarish Tomorrow: Orwellian Methods of Social Control in Contemporary Dystopian Literature
Dystopian literature is considered a branch of science fiction which writers use to portray a futuristic dark vision of the world, generally dominated by technology and a totalitarian ruling government that makes use of whatever means it finds necessary to exert a complete control over its citizens. George Orwell’s 1984 (1949) is considered a landmark of the dystopian genre: it portrays a futuristic where a totalitarian, fascist party rules London aiming to keep its citizens under their complete control. This paper will take two examples of contemporary dystopian literature, Philip K. Dick’s “Faith of Our Fathers” (1967) and Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta (1982-1985), in order to closely analyze the influence that Orwell’s dystopia played in their construction. It will focus on how these two works took Orwellian vision of a totalitarian state, the different methods of control it employs to keep citizens under complete control and submission, and how they introduce them into their stories. KEYWORDS: Orwell, V for Vendetta, Faith of Our Fathers, social control, manipulation, submission. La ciencia ficción es uno de los géneros cuye auge se encuentra al alza hoy en día. De entre sus diversas ramificaciones, la literatura distópica es una de las más usadas por los escritores para proyectar una visión del mundo oscura y futurista, dominado por la tecnología y caracterizada por un gobierno totalitario que hace uso de todos los medios que encuentra necesarios para ejercer un control total sobre sus ciudadanos. La novela de George Orwell 1984 (1949) es considerada un hito del género distópico: en ella, Orwell retrata un Londres futurista, gobernado por un partido fascista y totalitario, cuyo mero objetivo es el control total sobre sus ciudadanos. El objetivo de este ensayo es analizar dos ejemplos de la literatura distópica contemporánea, por un lado "La Fe de Nuestros Padres" (1967) de Philip K. Dick, así como la novela gráfica de Alan Moore V de Vendetta (1982-1985), con el objetivo de estudiar la influencia que el modelo distópico de Orwell desempeñó en la construcción de las distopías anteriormente mencionadas. De igual modo, este ensayo se centrará en cómo estas dos obras tomaron las representaciones de Orwell de un estado totalitario, los diferentes métodos de control que éste emplea para mantener a sus ciudadanos bajo un estado de absoluta sumisión y control, y cómo plasmaron éstas representaciones en sus respectivas obras. PALABRAS CLAVE: Orwell, V de Vendetta, La Fe de Nuestros Padres, control social, manipulación, sometimiento.