Determining Mechanical Properties and Material Models of Subsoil for Buildings in Mining Areas (original) (raw)
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Sustainability, 2020
The hard coal seams in the Jiu Valley mining basin have been mined with different mining methods and technologies, including with the complete caving of the surrounding rocks and with top coal caving. These mining systems have led to the degradation of the ground surface by producing subsidence of the land, ranging from a few meters up to tens of meters, in the areas with thick coal seams with high dips. When the limits of the main safety pillars are accidentally exceeded whilst mining, buildings situated either below the ground or on the surface are affected. In the future, the possibility exists of mining some of the very large reserves that are immobilized in the main safety pillars, where the gentle dip seams are stored. In consideration of the above, in order to study the behaviour of typical buildings that are under the influence of underground mining and to develop a model of the stress state in the structural elements of the structures, finite element modelling is used. As s...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
The soil's load on retention walls or underground elements of engineering structures consists of three basic types of pressure: active pressure (p a ), passive pressure (p b ) and at-rest pressure (p 0 ). In undisturbed areas without any mining, due to lack of activity in the soil, specific forces from the soil are stable and unchanging throughout the structure's life. Mining activity performed at a certain depth activates the soil. Displacements take place in the surface layer of the rock mass, which begins to act on the structure embedded in it, significantly changing the original stress distribution. Deformation of the subgrade, mainly horizontal strains, becomes a source of significant additional actions in the contact zone between the structure and the soil, constituting an additional load for the structure. In order to monitor the mining influence in the form of compressive load on building walls, an observation line was set up in front of two buildings located in Silesia (in Mysłowice). In 2013, some mining activity took place directly under those buildings, with expected horizontal strains of ε x =-5.8 mm/m. The measurement results discussed in this paper showed that, as predicted, the buildings were subjected only to horizontal compressive strains with the values parallel to the analysed wall being less than -4.0 ‰ for first building and -1.5‰ for second building, and values perpendicular to the analysed wall being less than -6.0‰ for first building and -4.0‰ for second building (the only exception was the measurement in line 8-13, where ε x =-17.04‰ for first building and -4.57‰ for second building). The horizontal displacement indicate that the impact of mining activity was greater on first building. This is also confirmed by inspections of the damage.
Example Building Damage Caused by Mining Exploitation in Disturbed Rock Mass
Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, 2013
Issues concerning protection of buildings against the impact of underground coal mining pose significant scientific and engineering challenges. In Poland, where mining is a potent and prominent industry assuring domestic energy security, regions within reach of mining influences are plenty. Moreover, due to their industrial character they are also densely built-up areas. Because minerals have been extracted on an industrial scale in majority of those areas for many years, the rock mass structure has been significantly disturbed. Hence, exploitation of successive layers of multi-seam deposits might cause considerable damage - both in terms of surface and existing infrastructure networks. In the light of those facts, the means of mining and building prevention have to be improved on a regular basis. Moreover, they have to be underpinned by reliable analyses holistically capturing the comprehensive picture of the mining, geotechnical and constructional situation of structures. Scientif...
The primary objective of the following paper is to determine the value of strata parameters in a selected area of the Polish mine using the author's own method based on finite element analysis, GSI geotechnical classification and " back analysis " method. The individual rock layer strain parameters are estimated by means of comparing the measured subsidence trough with the result of numerical analysis carried out for the same geological and mining situation.
Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, 2015
Numerical modelling is an important tool used to analyse various aspects of the impact of underground mining on existing and planned buildings. The interaction between the building and the soil is a complex matter and in many cases a numerical simulation is the only way of making calculations which will take into consideration the co–existence of a number of factors which have a significant influence on the solution. The complexity of the matter also makes it a difficult task to elaborate a proper mathematical model – it requires both a thorough knowledge of geologic conditions of the subsoil and the structural characteristics of the building. This paper discusses the most important problems related to the construction of a mathematical model of a building-mining subsoil system. These problems have been collected on the basis of many years of experience the authors have in observing the surveying and tensometric deformations of the rock–mass and buildings as well as in mathematical ...
The paper presents a new geotechnical solution indicating a possibility of effective building structures protection. The presented solutions enable minimization of negative effects of underground mining operations. Results of numerical modelling have been presented for an example of design of preventive ditches reducing the influence of mining operations on the ground surface. To minimize the mining damage or to reduce its reach it is reasonable to look for technical solutions, which would enable effective protection of building structures. So far authors concentrated primarily on the development of building structure protection methods to minimize the damage caused by the underground mining. The application of geotechnical methods, which could protect building structures against the mining damage, was not considered so far in scientific papers. It should be noticed that relatively few publications are directly related to those issues and there are no practical examples of effective geotechnical protection. This paper presents a geotechnical solution indicating a possibility of effective protection of building structures. The presented solutions enable minimization of negative effects of underground mining operations. Results of numerical modelling have been presented for an example of design of preventive ditches reducing the influence of mining operations on the ground surface. The calculations were carried out in the Abaqus software, based on the finite element method. Keywords: FEM (Finite Element Method); geotechnical methods of building protection; decompression ditch; ground surface deformation W celu minimalizacji szkód górniczych lub ograniczenia ich zasięgu, rozsądnym jest poszukiwanie rozwiązań technicznych, które umożliwiałyby skuteczną ochronę obiektów budowlanych. Dotychczas autorzy skupiali się przede wszystkim na opracowywaniu metod zabezpieczenia obiektów budowlanych, aby zminimalizować szkody spowodowane podziemną eksploatacją. Zastosowanie metod geotechnicz-nych, które mogą chronić obiekty budowlane przed szkodami górniczymi nie było do tej pory poruszane w artykułach naukowych. Należy zauważyć, że stosunkowo mało publikacji bezpośrednio związanych * STRATA MECHANICS RESEARCH INSTITITES OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, UL. REYMONTA 27, 30-059 KRAKOW, POLAND # Corresponding author: 920 jest z tą tematyką i brakuje praktycznych przykładów skutecznej ochrony geotechnicznej. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono rozwiązanie geotechniczne wskazujące na możliwość skutecznego zabezpieczenia konstrukcji budowlanych. Prezentowane rozwiązania umożliwiają minimalizację negatywnych skutków podziemnej eksploatacji górniczej. Przedstawiono wyniki modelowania numerycznego dla przykładowej konstrukcji prewencyjnych rowów zmniejszających wpływ działalności górniczej na powierzchnię terenu. Obliczenia przeprowadzono w programie Abaqus opierającym się na metodzie elementów skończonych. Słowa kluczowe: analiza numeryczna, MES (metoda elementów skończonych), ochrona budynku poprzez zastosowanie geotechnicznego rozwiązania, rów geotechniczny, przemieszczenie powierzchni terenu
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: a b s t r a c t The primary objective of the following paper is to determine the value of strata elastic parameters in a selected Polish mining area using a new method based on finite element analysis, GSI geotechnical classification and ''back analysis''. The individual rock layer strain parameters were estimated by means of comparing the measured subsidence trough with the result of numerical analysis carried out for the same geological and mining conditions. As a result of such an analysis, the values of the elastic modulus of the anisotropic model of strata were obtained in the region of underground mining influence.
Numerical study on deformation around underground mining structures (Algeria)
Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu
Purpose. To study the stability of underground mining structures using numerical method based on finite elements, two-dimensional (2D), Finite Element (FE) modeling using GEO5 calculation model. Methodology. To consider the influence of geotechnical parameters, the tunneling is carried out by the NATM method. In order to check settlements in soft ground and to carry out the work in complete safety, we used software based on the finite element method. Findings. Determination of the range and prediction of subsoil displacements are necessary when designing this type of structure due to the need to ensure the safety of the active environment located in the zone of influence. Originality. The originality of this work is the characterization of the soil of the studied region, determining of the different physical and mechanical properties as well as the modeling with a recent calculation model based on the Mohr-Coulomb behavior mode. Practical value. Given the characteristics of the curr...
Deformation and damage to buildings caused by ground movements in mining areas (case study)
Inżynieria Bezpieczeństwa Obiektów Antropogenicznych, 2021
Human activity causes transformations in the near-surface layers of the rock mass, which result in long-term impacts on buildings and engineering infrastructure. Mining activities are particularly disadvantageous in this context, as they trigger severe deformation processes that reach the soil surface as a result of the excavation of deposits. The prevention of accidents and disasters caused by these impacts is based on knowledge derived from observation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to acquire and update knowledge on the impact of mining-related ground deformation and tremors on buildings. The paper presents the results of measurements carried out on a group of buildings located in an underground mining area. The buildings have been affected by mining impacts since their construction in the 1980s. Despite the implementation of appropriate structural protection, the structures have been suffering deformation and damage. For the purposes of the study, two two-axis inclinomet...