Is Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) the Parameter of Mobile Phone? (original) (raw)

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value of mobile phones: An awareness study among mobile users

Indian Journal of Community Health

Mobile phone is an inevitable part of ones life. Once been luxury has now become necessity. It’s been used by all age group people for different application apart from calling and texting. The advance in mobile technology has brought many new applications using mobile. But while using cell phone for talking or being connected to someone the user gets exposed to harmful Electro Magnetic Radiations. The exposure rate to these radiations vary from handset to handset. When cell phones are used in close proximity to human body, the radiations emitted from cell phones penetrate deep inside the human skin. Penetrated radiations produce induced electric field inside the body, resulting in absorption of power, which can be analyzed using a parameter called specific absorption rate (SAR). But still one question arises in mind that are people really aware of Safety standard especially SAR value. What does SAR value mean? It’s the specific absorption ratio measure of amount of radio frequency i...

Increase in Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) qf Mobile Phone -A Threat to Human

Abstrucl-Drastic increase of mobile phone usage increases the concern about the effect of electromagnetic radiation on human brain, puring the last decade, several researches were conducted in this area and reported the effect of radiation on brain. Unfortrlrnately most of these findings cannot be reproduced. Findings of a number of studies ascertain that, there is no clear evidenqe to link the relationship between the adverse effects and mobile phone usage. The reason of the changes observed in human body due to radiation and the causes that leads to non reprodqcibility of these results has to be investigated. In [1] it is reported that, adverse effect ofradiation occurs in cellular level if SAR is much higher. So we tried to study the change in SAR using ['DTD simulation by increasing the power of excitation. Frequeircy range is selected as the specified range of frequency permisgible for mobile phone communication. The value of SAR obtained for the above specified range of frequency is found within rthe permissible limit insisted by ICNIRP/IEEE. But on increasing the magnitude of power of excitation, the magnitude of SAS. also increased. It can be concluded that, if the transmitting power is not within the permissible limit, there is a possibifity to increase the values of SAR, which may cause health hazards.

Sar Associated with the Use of Hands-Free Mobile Telephones

The material presented here outlines a study to determine the level of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) associated with the use of Hands Free Kit's (HFK's) with GSM mobile telephones and to identify the factors that influence these levels. A novel current probe was designed to measure the current profile along the HFK cables. Measurements of the HFK current were made on human subjects in an anechoic chamber and in the presence of a phantom head used for SAR measurements – good agreement was found. The SAR level was measured for both the phones and phones with HFK's and the comparative data is presented. The factors that influence the observed level of SAR when using a HFK have been identified and their relative importance determined.

Analysis of Specific Absorption Rate of electromagnetic field, generated by smartphone

Proceedings of the XIX International Scientific Congress “Machines. Technologies. Materials” – Winter Session, 09-12.03.2022, Borovets, Bulgaria, vol. 2, issue 2 (22), pp. 170-173, ISSN 2535-0021 (Print), ISSN 2535-003X (Online), 2022

This article analysеs the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) and outlines the thermal effect in depth of the human head. SAR is the most important dosimetric value when the human body is irradiated with signals in the radio frequency range. For this purpose, a computer model is created using COMSOL Multiphysics software, taking into account the specific characteristics of the human head and the parameters of a working smartphone. This model is suitable for studying the effects of radio waves on humans.

Measurement of the SAR Levels Near the Human Head for Different Types of Mobile Phone device


With the increasing of mobile phones users during the last decades , the potential adverse outcomes from exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted from different types of these mobile phones has also been increased. In this work the measurement of electric field (EF) emitted from different types of mobile phone have been conducted and the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) had been mathematically calculated for different types of mobile phones in different ranges from the human head . The comparison of measured levels with the international radiation exposure ICNIRP indicate that they are lay within the standards limits .that means there is no negative effect on human health from the exposure to these radiations if the exposure is for a short and discontinues periods

Evaluation of Specific Absorption Rate Distributions from GSM Base Stations in Benin City, Nigeria


This study is aimed at evaluating the Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) distribution in human head tissues from measured electric field strengths around selected GSM base stations in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. A total of forty (40) mobile phone base station masts were studied and their electric field strength (V/m) were determined by means of a digital Electrosmog digital meter, model MECO 9810 RF covering the frequency range 10 MHz – 8 GHz. Measurements were made at the base of the masts and at distances 25, 50, 75 and 100 m respectively from the base of the masts. The measured values of the electric field strength along with the human head tissues properties were used to compare the SAR values. The result showed that the SAR values in the different human head tissues evaluated at different distances from the mobile base stations are below the United States (US) Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the ICNIRP exposure limit for the general public which is 1.6 W/kg in 1 g ...

The study of specific absorption rate (SAR) reduction in mobile phones using materials and metamaterials


In this paper, reducing of specific absorption rate (SAR) with materials and metamaterials attachment is investigated. The finite-difference time-domain method with lossy-Drude model is adopted in this study. The methodology of SAR reduction is addressed and the belongings of attaching position, distance, and size of ferrite sheet material properties, perfect electric conductor (PEC), and metamaterials on the SAR reduction are investigated. Materials have achieved a 47.02% reduction of the initial SAR value while metamaterials achieved a reduction of 49.21% respectively for the case of 1 g SAR. These results propose a guideline to decide assorted types of materials and metamaterials with the utmost SAR reducing effect for a phone model.

Rapid SAR measurement of mobile phones


Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) designates the electromagnetic power density deposited per unit mass of biological tissues. This paper presents a new approach where SAR calculation for mobile phones is based on a parametric reconstruction of the E-field distribution in the phantom to assess rapid SAR measurements, by means of an ellipsoidal model. The estimation of its parameters is achieved by

Indicative sar levels due to an active mobile phone in a front trouser pocket in proximity to common metallic objects

2008 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, 2008

This paper investigates Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) in the human body with a realistic mobile phone source positioned in a 'front trouser pocket' of a truncated male heterogeneous anatomical body model. A Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) code was used to analyse the SAR in the body in the mobile communication frequency range 0.9 to 4GHz. Realistic everyday metallic objects, including a coin, a ring and a zip were added to the model. These objects increased the SAR in the body at different frequencies. The cumulative effect of the three objects generally increased the SAR in the waist section over the frequency range considered.

Effect of shape, size and electrical properties on specific absorption rate (SAR

This paper presents the dependency of SAR distribution in human brain and eye on shape, size and electrical properties for different frequencies. Calculations were carried out using the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Method. The results indicate that the SAR distribution does not much depend on the shape and size but it depends mainly on the electrical properties of the tissues. There is a drop in magnitude of the SAR in the brain, when moving from a cubical model to the spherical model. There is a magnitude drop in the eye, when going from a spherical model to the cubical model. For both brain and eye, when the size is decreased, the volume is reduced and therefore the electromagnetic energy absorption goes up. The human eye at 2500 MHz was considered to observe how the electrical properties of the tissues affect the electromagnetic energy absorption in an organ. When relative permittivity is perturbed in small percentages with conductivity remaining unchanged; the value of the maximum SAR also changes by small values. However both these cases, when the electrical properties are changed, the location of maximum SAR remains unchanged. It is exactly at the center of the eye.