A visualized, self-regulating, easily expandable and low-cost system, for simultane-ous measuring and control of visible and infrared lighting, temperature, humidity and time duration of the above parameters’ values of a greenhouse or industrial environment, using VHDL and FPGAs (original) (raw)
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A g-sensor Based Alarm System for Multiple Tilt Sensor Applications Using VHDL and FPGAs
A g-sensor based alarm system, available for use in many tilt sensor applications, was programmed and put in use in this work. The DE10-Lite FPGA was used, with its digital accelerometer sensor module ADXL345. The tilt sensor is programmed to present in seven segment display of the FPGA board, angle values from 0 to 90 degrees, using minus sign when the slope is to the right and the positive one when it tilts to the left, thus informing us about the sensor's tilt direction. Simultaneously the FPGA's right or left LEDs light up according to system tilt. It also uses key button for freezing its operation, hence presenting the latest angle value. The program controlling the sensor gives the ability of entering a critical angle value, depending on the application. As soon as this value is exceeded buzzer is activated, thus giving our system an alarm behavior.
Implementasi Fpga Sebagai Sistem Pemonitoran Pada Pengontrol Kecepatan Motor DC
Abstrak—FPGA menawarkan keuntungan proses aritmatika dan logika lebih cepat daripada mikrokontroler. Implementasi FPGA sebagai sistem pemonitoran diperlukan untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam menentukan nilai parameter PID khususnya pada sistem kontrol berbasis FPGA. Dalam penelitian ini, sistem pemonitoran diwujudkan dalam implementasi FPGA Xilinx Spartan 3E Nexys2 kit board menggunakan VHDL. Desain dan sintesis dari sistem pemonitoran digunakan software ISE Design Suite 14.6. Masukan sistem berupa pin PS/2 Keyboard, pin PWM dan pin Rotary sedangkan keluaran sistem berupa tampilan pemonitoran dari sinyal PWM dan sinyal Rotary serta nilai parameter PID pada VGA monitor. Masukan sinyal PWM dan sinyal Rotary serta nilai parameter PID dijadikan ke dalam bentuk data bitmap. Data-data bitmap diserempakan dengan scan line VGA monitor sebagai tampilan pixel dari sinyal PWM dan sinyal Rotary serta nilai parameter PID. Warna tampilan pixel pemonitoran pada VGA monitor hanya terdiri satu warna s...
TLFeBOOK 'X' Forcing Unknown (synthesizable unknown) '0' Forcing Low (synthesizable logic '1') '1' Forcing High (synthesizable logic '0') 'Z' High impedance (synthesizable tri-state bu¤er) 'W' Weak unknown 'L' Weak low 'H' Weak high '-' Don't care Examples: SIGNAL x: STD_LOGIC;-x is declared as a one-digit (scalar) signal of type STD_LOGIC.
Câmera digital CMOS para projetos embarcados
Agradeço primeiramente a meus pais que me deram apoio durante todo o tempo em que estive comprometido com este trabalho. Agradeço também as minhas irmãs que souberam compreender e apoiar todas as atitudes que tomei com o intuito de alcançar este objetivo. Meus professores orientadores Alexandre Romariz e Geovany Borges, merecem um agradecimento especial pela paciência que tiveram ao longo do processo e pela oportunidade que me deram de apresentar os resultados que obtive. Finalmente, agradeço aos meus amigos e meu cunhado pela valiosa ajuda e pela confiança que depositaram em mim.
Design Recipes for FPGAs, Second Edition Using Verilog and VHDL by Wilson, Peter Robert
This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility.
Projeto, desempenho e aplicações de sistemas digitais em circuitos programáveis (FPGAs)
Os temas abordados neste livro possibilitam convergências tecnológicas, uma vez que focalizam assuntos importantes na formação de pessoas na área de arquitetura de computadores: interligando a linguagem VHDL, circuitos programáveis FPGAs, conceitos de lógica digital, avaliação de desempenho de circuitos e arquitetura de computadores (em especial arquitetura de processadores e microcontroladores).