Cattell’s Personality Factor Questionnaire (CPFQ): Development and Preliminary Study (original) (raw)

Cattell’s Personality Factor Questionnaire (CPFQ): Development and Preliminary Study

This study was aimed at: (a) developing an instrument for personality assessment according to Cattell's model, in which the 16PF is based on; and (b) carrying out an empirical analysis of the internal structure of the instrument. Three hundred and forty seven people, mostly female (67.4%), attending higher education (62.5%) and aged between 16 and 66 (M = 25.69; SD = 8.90) participated in the study. One hundred and twenty items were created and an exploratory factor analysis of the main factors was carried out. Then, a parallel analysis, an exploratory full information factor analysis with categorical variables and an internal consistency analysis were performed. The results suggest that the instrument is composed of 12 factors of reasonable internal consistency rates. The model developed by Cattell helped to understand the structural organization found for the instrument, since there is coherency, especially in relation to more general terms (global factors).

Questionário Fatorial Cattell de Personalidade (QFCP): Construção e Estudo Preliminar

This study was aimed at: (a) developing an instrument for personality assessment according to Cattell's model, in which the 16PF is based on; and (b) carrying out an empirical analysis of the internal structure of the instrument. Three hundred and forty seven people, mostly female (67.4%), attending higher education (62.5%) and aged between 16 and 66 (M = 25.69; SD = 8.90) participated in the study. One hundred and twenty items were created and an exploratory factor analysis of the main factors was carried out. Then, a parallel analysis, an exploratory full information factor analysis with categorical variables and an internal consistency analysis were performed. The results suggest that the instrument is composed of 12 factors of reasonable internal consistency rates. The model developed by Cattell helped to understand the structural organization found for the instrument, since there is coherency, especially in relation to more general terms (global factors).

Personality structure and measurement: The contributions of Raymond Cattell

British Journal of Psychology, 2009

nfluence on the field of personality is hard to overstate. With over 8,900 citations to his lifetime work, and an 'h rating' of 40, his contributions continue to be well recognized. His productivity was amazing. In the 18 yearsbefore he wrote the target article , he had already published at least 62 articles or books, with at least another 414 to go. Of his articles in the British Journal of Psychology ( BJP), two in 1946 had the same goal: outliningabroad program of researchinto the structure and measurement of personality .Inthat sameyear,heelaborated on these ideas in yet one more of what wouldb ecomeh is 55 books . To understand the target article, it is important to understand both of his articles in BJP that year as well as the context of his research.

How response biases affect the factor structure of Big Five personality questionnaires

Anales de Psicología

Título: Cómo afectan los sesgos de respuesta a la estructura factorial de los tests basados en el modelo de los Cinco Grandes factores de personalidad. Resumen: Diversos estudios muestran que los tests de personalidad pueden verse afectados por los sesgos de respuesta, lo que puede tener consecuencias en su estructura factorial, especialmente en muestras con bajo nivel educativo o adolescentes. El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en determinar cuál es el efecto de la deseabilidad social y la aquiescencia en la estructura factorial de tres cuestionarios basados en el modelo de los Cinco Grandes factores de personalidad: Big Five Inventory, Five Factor Personality Inventory y Overall Personality Assessment Scale. Los datos se analizaron a partir de un nuevo método que elimina los efectos de la deseabilidad social y la aquiescencia de la matriz de correlaciones inter-item utilizada en el análisis factorial. La muestra está compuesta por 392 estudiantes universitarios, por lo que no incluye individuos con bajo nivel educativo, niños o adolescentes. Los resultados indican que, incluso en muestras sin individuos con bajo nivel educativo, controlar la deseabilidad social y la aquiescencia da lugar a una estructura factorial más simple y congruente con la solución teórica esperada a partir del modelo de los Cinco Grandes. Además, los resultados sugieren que en los tests basados en este modelo, este efecto puede ser debido especialmente a la aquiescencia. Palabras clave: Modelo de los Cinco Grandes; personalidad; deseabilidad social; aquiescencia; sesgos de respuesta.

Factor Analysis as a Research Technique in Psychology


century, factor analysis (FA) has undergone considerable developments. The simple initial model proposed by Spearman (1904) for validating his theory of intelligence has given rise to an extensive family of models for use not only in the social sciences but also in other domains, such as Biology or Economics. Given that a thorough treatment of FA would go well beyond the possibilities of the present article, it makes sense to first of all specify the aspects that we shall cover here. For many years now, the first author has been reviewing empirical studies that use FA in psychological research, and the experience acquired will help to make the initial selection of issues on which to focus. First of all, most factorial studies in psychology use FA to assess (a) the structure of a test based on the scores on its items, or (b) dimensional hypotheses using as measures the scores on different tests. It seems reasonable, then, to focus this exposition on this type of measure: scores on it...

The Effects of Individual Characteristics on the


Las interacciones entre los determinantes observables e inobservables del éxito educativo implican que los primeros tienen un efecto heterogéneo en el rendimiento. Para cuantificar estas interacciones, se estima un modelo de regresion por cuantiles utilizando microdatos de universidades públicas argentinas. Los resultados muestran que los factores que contribuyen positivamente al rendimiento son mayores en las colas inferiores de la distribución. Políticas que mejoran el rendimiento de quienes se encuentran en la parte inferior de la distribución condicional tienen un efecto dual de incrementar los rendimientos absolutos y de reducir las disparidades debido a un mayor efecto en este grupo. Clasificación JEL: I21

The Cross-Cultural Generalizability of Zuckerman's Alternative Five-Factor Model of Personality

Journal of Personality Assessment, 2007

Since parents' rearing styles may affect adolescents' behavior and socialization, it is relevant to know how some psychological variables are related to parent rearing styles. This study is aimed to explore this point by analysing altogether parents' rearing styles (EMBU-P), social values (social power, order, benevolence, and conservatism-liberalism), Big-five personality traits, and marital satisfaction (consensus, affection, satisfaction, and cohesion) in parents of adolescents. This is a prospective study based in correlational analysis method. It was found that rearing styles defined by warmth and acceptance are related to a responsible and emotionally stable personality profile, high marital satisfaction, and the preference for prosocial values. On the contrary, overprotected and favouring rearing styles are related to low friendliness, low emotional stability and low openness, poor marital adjustment with a lack of cohesion, and social values defined by a lack of benevolence, and the preference for social power. KEYWORDS. Rearing styles. EMBU. Marital satisfaction. Dyadic adjustment. Bigfive personality traits. Social values. Conservatism-liberalism. Ex post facto study. RESUMEN. Los estilos de crianza parentales pueden afectar la conducta y socialización de los adolescentes, por lo que es de interés conocer cómo algunas variables PALABRAS CLAVE. Estilos de crianza. EMBU. Satisfacción de pareja. Ajuste diádico. Cinco-grandes rasgos de personalidad. Valores sociales. Conservadurismo-liberalismo. Estudio ex post facto. RESUMO. Os estilos de educação parental podem afectar o comportamento e socialização dos adolescentes, pelo que é de interesse conhecer como algumas variáveis psicológicas dos pais se relacionam com os estilos de educação parental. Este estudo tem como objectivo analisar os estilos de educação parental, valores sociais (prestígio social, ordem, benevolência, e conservadorismo-liberalismo), os cinco grandes factores de personalidade, e a satisfação com o cônjuge (acordo geral, satisfação e coesão) em pais de adolescentes. Encontrou-se que os estilos educativos definidos pelo carinho e aceitação se relacionam com os traços de personalidade como responsabilidade e estabilidade emocional, alta satisfação no casal e preferência por valores pró-sociais. Ao contrário, os estilos de educação parental de superprotecção e favoritismo se relacionam com baixa amabilidade e baixa abertura; o baixo ajustamento de casal com falta de coesão e valores sociais definidos por falta de benevolência e preferência por valores de prestígio social. PALAVRAS CHAVE. Estilos de educação parental. EMBU. Satisfação de casal. Ajustamento diádico. Cinco grandes traços de personalidade. Valores sociais. Conservadorismo-liberalismo. Estudo ex post facto.

Validación del cuestionario de evaluación docente de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, aplicando el método de Análisis Factorial con extracción de componentes principales


This work validates a teaching evaluation instrument applied to professors in engineering, sciences and higher technological level programs of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional, using the method of Factor Analysis with extraction of principal components. The database used for the research was previously examined and refined due to inconsistency, eg. outliers, out of range values, etc. The result of the method described above was a reduced survey of 15 items, which was obtained from an original study of 33 items. This new questionnaire clearly identifies the four main dimensions or aspects required: teaching development and planning, teacher-student relationship, evaluation, and a global assessment question. The reduction of the evaluation scale will allow to improve the process of integral teaching performance evaluation of the faculty at Escuela Politécnica Nacional, and this method could serve as a benchmark for the teaching evaluation process of other universities that belong to t...