The Culture Industry in Brazil (original) (raw)
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Brazilian mass culture through three visionary thinkers
Revista FAMECOS, 2008
Este ensaio trata do tema da cultura de massa e as suas propriedades no mundo contemporâneo através das perspectivas de três pensadores importantes: Noam Chomsky, Umberto Eco e Marshall McLuhan. A análise do Chomsky sobre o impacto da mass media na realidade política é discutida e são fornecidos contra-exemplos da cultura brasileira. Os insights de Eco em relação às propriedades de cultura em massa são abordados e ilustrados. O par frioquente de McLuhan é considerado no contexto de cultura de massa e, finalmente, as três visões são aplicadas à síntese moderna de todas a mídias: a Internet.
Revista Intercom, 2021
The following article seeks to study the radio program "História da Literatura Brasileira" ("History of Brazilian Literature"-HLB), produced by Osvaldo Moles, and broadcasted between the years 1952-1954. Part of the so-called "golden age" of the radio in Brazil, the program appears to successfully encompass the two models that have marked the history of broadcasting: the civilizer-educative proposal, through the discussion of a national literary canon, and the commercial orientation, expressed in the audience and critical success achieved by the program. Therefore, an accomplishment such as HLB evidence the complexity of the radio universe, and its constitution as an environment of multiform and polysemic production. In this paper, we seek to reflect upon the significances contained in the massification of the Program's themes, broaching aspects such as the national identity and Brazilian culture, and the interests and disputes behind the (re)production of these debates.
Cultural diplomacy and cultural relations: strengthening fair collaboration, diversity and dialogue, 2022
This past decade, according to the 2016 UNESCO report, the growth of trade in cul-tural goods has been led by a small group of developed countries, such as China. Atthe same time emerging markets such as Brazil have played an important role in theexport of these goods and the digital transformation of culture. In this sense, it ispossible that there is a reordering of world consumption arising from a greater diver-sification of the export agenda or an adaptation of these emerging countries to theWestern export model, or rather, the parameters of North American and Europeancultural expansion. Therefore, we sought to gather data/information with the pur-pose of answering the following research problem: what is the place of Brazil in the difusion of cultural goods and services in the world? Given the extensive numberof variables and the dynamics of globalisation, measuring cultural flows has become even more difficult in the era of digitalisation, not only because part of a product maystart manufacturing in one country and be finished in another, but also because thespread of the internet has destroyed physical barriers, impacting areas such as music,books and films. In the development of this work, bibliographical research was used,as well as sources from the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, suchas speeches and UNESCO reports in the field of cultural economy. The bibliographicalresearch was based on scientific publications in the area of public policies, culturaldiplomacy and foreign policy in the Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousse governments. The article is structured in three parts. In the first part, we seek to present changes in the economy of culture in the world. For this, we use the reports of circulation of Brazilian cultural goods and services in the world in the Lula and Dilma governments. Then, wedeal with terms such as cultural diplomacy and soft power in international relations as foreign policy instruments of the Brazilian State. Finally, we also highlight the mainchallenges and adverse effects related to maintenance and continuity in the transition onto the Bolsonaro government. Keywords:
Under the Spell of Populism: Popular Culture and Intellectuals in Brazil
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, 2015
In the 1960s, Brazil experienced profound changes, due mainly to the emer gence of the urban masses. At that time, political and cultural projects of a populist and nationalist nature appeared, supported by the idea of a national popular culture through which the masses would be led to a tomnda de consciencia (critical consciousness) of the country's social problems. It fell to the intellectuals to lead the way, to create a distinctive national popular cul ture that, contrary to foreign imports, would reflect the true experience of the popular classes, among whom they proudly counted themselves. In this context, popular culture became associated with products made and dis tributed by the Centros Populares de Cultura (Popular Culture Centers-CPC). This essay aims at analyzing the role of the intellectuals affiliated with the CPC in realizing these objectives. Those who, by what is essentially an abuse of power, feel they have the right or make it their duty to speak for the people, that is, in its favor, but also in its place. . ., are still speaking for themselves; or, at least, they are still speaking about themselves, in that they are thus trying, in the best cases. .. to allay the suffering caused by social separation by becoming members of the people in their imaginations.-Pierre Bourdieu, In Other Words, 146 P ierre Bourdieu's statement rests on the premise that, for the possess ors of cultural authority, speaking about the "popular" usually involves an illusion of otherness and a politically dubious will to speak on behalf of "the people" who, from their viewpoint, lack intelligence, aesthetic sensibil ity, and erudition. Such an exercise of authority is immensely complicated when intellectuals, whether or not they are formally engaged in politics, be come interested in popular culture. This is so, at least in part, because, while permitting themselves to leap imaginatively into the shoes of the so-called ordinary people, more often than not intellectuals evince a condescending attitude toward popular culture, either tacitly or overtly.
The Journal Cadernos Brasileiros and the Congress for Cultural Freedom, 1959-1970
Sociologia & Antropologia
The article reconstructs and analyses the links between the journal Cadernos Brasileiros and the Congress for Cultural Freedom, which involved a relation of both dependency and relative autonomy, between 1959 and 1970. Despite both institutions claiming to be liberal and anti-communist, they did not always fully coincide in their response to decisive historical events of the period, such as the 1964 military coup in Brazil, collaboration with the military regime and resistance to it. The intellectuals involved with the Brazilian journal were active in the ongoing social struggles, shifting from strong anti-communist positions, favourable to what they called the '1964 revolution,' to the later formulation of criticism of the military regime, opening up the journal to collaboration of social scientists considered left-wing, without losing the opportunity to accommodate the demands of the regime in power.
A Arte Moderna no Brasil e o seu processo de institucionalização
Resgate: Revista Interdisciplinar de Cultura, 2017
Este texto faz uma análise panorâmica do processo de institucionalização da arte moderna no Brasil, acompanhando as principais publicações sobre a arte moderna brasileira nas décadas de 1920 a 1950. Temos com o objetivo fazer uma investigação sobre o uso dos termos ‘arte moderna’ e ‘modernismo’ em um conjunto de publicações que abarcam o período de 1922 às primeiras Bienais. Tentarei desta forma, traçar um roteiro de estudo e uma listagem das principais referências bibliográficas da época, fornecendo assim subsídios para pesquisa da história da crítica de arte e da historiografia do modernismo brasileiro a partir de fontes primárias. Buscarei fundamentalmente acompanhar, nesta série de publicações, o processo de institucionalização da arte moderna no Brasil, em especial em São Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro, tendo como critério o desenvolvimento da crítica de arte em textos testemunhais, jornalísticos e acadêmicos que foram posteriormente publicados em formato de livro e que ainda serem ...