Magnitno kartirane na arheologicheski landshaft v Kazlacha mezhdu s. Hadzidimitrovo, obshtina Tundzha l i s. Chokoba, obshtina Sliven (original) (raw)

The article examines the tradition of laying small stones that couldn’t played any utilitarian function into graves. 111 interments with small stones on the cemeteries of the Chernyakhiv Culture east from the river Prut are analyzed.

The paper describes the life and academic work of S.K. Kuznetsov, ethnographer and archaeologist, whose works have left a noticeable mark on historiography and is are actively cited by modern researchers. S.K. Kuznetsov was a prominent representative of the generation of researchers of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia who worked at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries under the auspices of the Society of Archaeology, History and Ethnography affiliated to Imperial Kazan University. In his study of the spiritual and material culture of the Mari and Udmurt population of the Kama-Vyatka region, he was guided by humanistic principles, generally characteristic of the Kazan scientific community.

The main results of the research of cultural layers preceding the building of Desyatynna Church on its site and the area around it are presented. New materials on the history of Kyiv in the pagan times were obtained: a dwelling and a stove of the 8th c. have been studied under the temple; full cut of a ditch of Ancient Kyiv hill-fort was completed; new graves and barrow ditches of the 10th c. burial ground were recorded; ceramics of Romny culture was found, and objects of Trypillya and Zarubynetska cultures were uncovered.

The materials obtained during the work on the complex of mausoleums of the Golden Horde era near the village of Lapas in the Astrakhan region by the Volga archaeological expedition led by V.V. Dvornichenko in 1995 – 1997 are introduced into scientific circulation. These were the first scientific studies of the largest cult complex of the Golden Horde nobility, little known in the scientific community. It was then that the idea of the true size, composition and potential of the archaeological monument, its significance in the culture of the Golden Horde and the development of Islam in the Eurasian space appeared.

В статье рассматриваются результаты аварийных раскопок кургана Узловое Северное, проведенных осенью 2017 г. Крымским отрядом ИАЭТ СО РАН на территории Республики Крым. Исследованный курган расположен в юго-восточной части Крымского п-ва, в окрестностях г. Феодосии и входил в зону строительства автомобильной трассы «Таврида». В кургане исследовано 38 объектов, большинство из которых являлись погребениями. Наиболее многочисленная группа погребений относилась к эпохе ранней бронзы (III – середина II тыс. до н. э.). В скифо-сарматское время и в эпоху Средневековья курган также использовался для совершения в нем впускных погребений. Новые археологические материалы, полученные в ходе исследования кургана, должны представлять интерес для специалистов по археологии и истории Крымского полуострова. This article covers the results of rescue archaeological work undertaken at the Uzlovoe Severnoe earth mound (barrow), made during autumn of 2017 by the Crimean Team of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences within the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. The barrow which was investigated is located in the south-eastern area of the peninsula, within the construction zone of the new Tavrida highway. 38 items were surveyed within the barrow, of which the majority were burials. The most numerous group of these burials related to the Early Bronze Age (mid-3rd to 2nd millenium BC). During the Scythian and Sarmatian period, and the Middle Ages, the barrow continued to be used for in-situ burials. New archaeological material, obtained during the course of this investigation, will be of interest to specialists in the history of the Crimean peninsula.

In 2017 the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov conducted the scientific and scientific-organizational activities in the field of complex archaeological, historical, ethnological, museological and natural scientific research in accordance with the State assignment and the “Development Strategy of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences for 2016–2020.” Scientific research conducted by the Institute are associated with the study of the multifaceted issues of ancient and medieval archaeology, historical and cultural heritage of the Volga-Ural region in the context of studying the medieval Eurasian civilization.