Electrospinning of keratin/poly(ethylene oxide)blend nanofibers (original) (raw)

Protein material resulting from chemical free steam explosion of wool was mixed in different proportion with polyamide 6 in formic acid. The viscosity of the blend solutions decreases with the increase of the protein amount in the blend. Nanofibres produced by electrospinning of these polymer blends show an increase of the filament diameters with increasing protein amounts, except for the 30/70 v/v polyamide 6/protein blend, where nanofibres with “beads” defects were produced. In blend films produced by casting, polyamide 6 crystallize in the form of large spherulites prevalently in the α crystalline structure, while protein is totally amorphous and tends to segregate in the course of drying at room temperature. Otherwise, in electrospun nanofibres polyamide 6 and protein show a better miscibility as suggested by spectroscopic and thermal analysis and polyamide 6 shows a higher thermal stability. Moisture regain and water solubility of blend cast films and electrospun nanofibres res...

Nanofibers of poly (Ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL) were produced by electrospinning a 10 wt% solution of PCL/Chloroform and ethanol at room temperature. For electrospinning the voltage was varied from 15-30 kV in seven regular intervals while keeping the feed rate (0.5 ml/h) and needle tip to collector distance (25 cm) constant at ambient atmospheric conditions (22 ± 2˚C and 40% R.H). This led to the study that how voltage variations effect the final morphology and diameter of nanofibers. SEM micrographs of the samples elaborated their morphology as heterogeneous and homogeneous mixing of nanofibers and their diameters ranging from 90-200 nm. Moreover, the crystallinity ratio (C.R) and thermal behavior of pure PCL and its electrospun nanofibers were studied using Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). Results showed that the Tg of pure PCL and of nanofibers was same as -63.8˚C and the crystallinity ratio of pure PCL was 40% that increased to 50% after electrospinning. A viscosity analysis ...

Electrospinning is an intensely facile methodology for the precise manufacturing of polymer nanofibers by manipulation of electrostatic force, which stunts like a driving force. In this technique, fibers produced with a diameter range between 50 to 500 nm. Two practices are made up by the scientists for electrospinning of versatile polymer. Polymers can be electrospun into ultrafine fibers in solvent solution or melt form. Tremendous progress had been made in this field in the past, and numerous applications were inaugurated. It’s a field of nanotechnology which rapidly growing due to enormous potential in creating novel applications regarding morphologies, materials structure, surface area, porosity, and Reinforcement in nanocomposite development. Fibers can be assembled in the form of nonwoven, aligned, patterned, random three-dimensional structures and sub-micron fibers. Many complications faced during electrospinning, for example, control the morphology and structure of Nanofibe...

In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Scaffolds aus elektrisch gesponnenen Nanofasern und Nanokompositen vorgestellt, mit dem Ziel, die natürlichen Nanostrukturen von biologischen Geweben nachzubilden. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei zukünftige medizinische Anwendungen, wie zum Beispiel Knochenregeneration, Hautersatz, Zahnmedizin und pharmazeutische Trägersysteme (drug delivery). Hierzu wurden die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der durch Elektrospinnen verarbeiteten Polymere detailliert untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Durchmesser der Nanofasern deutlich das mikromechanische Deformationsverhalten beeinflusst. So wird die makromolekulare Orientierung und die molekulare Beweglichkeit in Polystyrolnanofasern mit Verringerung des Faserdurchmessers erhöht. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, dass die Mischbarkeit von Polymerblends mit Verringerung des Faserdurchmessers zunimmt. Nanofasern aus Polymerblends erhöhen die Kontaktfläche zwischen unkompatiblen Polymeren und können somit d...

Electrospinning is a process that produces continuous polymer fibers with diameters in the sub-micron range through the action of an external electric field imposed on a polymer solution or melt. Non-woven textiles composed of electrospun fibers have a large specific surface area and small pore size compared to commercial textiles, making them excellent candidates for use in filtration and membrane applications. While the process of electrospinning has been known for over half a century, current understanding of the process and those parameters, which influence the properties of the fibers produced from it, is very limited. In this work, we have evaluated systematically the effects of two of the most important processing parameters: spinning voltage and solution concentration, on the morphology of the fibers formed. We find that spinning voltage is strongly correlated with the formation of bead defects in the fibers, and that current measurements may be used to signal the onset of the processing voltage at which the bead defect density increases substantially. Solution concentration has been found to most strongly affect fiber size, with fiber diameter increasing with increasing solution concentration according to a power law relationship. In addition, electrospinning from solutions of high concentration has been found to produce a bimodal distribution of fiber sizes, reminiscent of distributions observed in the similar droplet generation process of electrospray. In addition, we find evidence that electrostatic effects influence the macroscale morphology of electrospun textiles, and may result in the formation of heterogeneous or three-dimensional structures.