Evidence for light-induced 13-cis, 14-s-cis isomerization in bacteriorhodopsin obtained by FTIR difference spectroscopy using isotopically labelled retinals (original) (raw)
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Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2007
By using a sub-5-fs visible laser pulse, we have made the first observation of the vibrational spectra of the transition state during trans-cis isomerization in the retinal chromophore of bacteriorhodopsin (bR S68). No instant isomerization of the retinal occurs in spite of electron promotion from the bonding p-orbital to the anti-bonding p*-orbital. The difference between the in-plane and out-of-plane vibrational frequencies (about 1150-1250 and 900-1000 cm)1 , respectively) is reduced during the first time period. The vibrational spectra after this period became very broad and weak and are ascribed to a ''silent state.'' The silent state lasts for 700-900 fs until the chromophore isomerizes to the cis-C 13 =C 14 conformation. The frequency of the C=C stretching mode was modulated by the torsion mode of the C 13 =C 14 double bond with a period of 200 fs. The modulation was clearly observed for four to five periods. Using the empirical equation for the relation between bond length and stretching frequency, we determined the transitional C=C bond length with about 0.01 Å accuracy during the torsion motion around the double bond with 1-fs time resolution.
Fourier Transform Infrared Difference Spectroscopy of Bacteriorhodopsin and Its Photoproducts
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, 1982
Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy has been used to obtain the vibrational modes. in the chro-*mophore and apoprotein 'that change in intensity or position between light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin and the K and M-intermediates in its photocycle and between dark-adapted and lightadapted bacteriorhodopsin. Our infrared' measurements provide independent verification of resonance Raman results that in lightadapted bacteriorhodopsin the protein-chromophore linkage is a protonated Schiff base and in the M state the Schiff base is un-,protonated. Although we cannot unambiguously identify the Schiff base stretching frequency in the K state, the most'likely interpretation of deuterium shifts of the chromophore hydrogen out-ofplane vibrations is that the Schiff base in K is protonated. The intensity of the hydrogen out-of-plane vibrations in the K state compared with the intensities of.those in light-adapted and'darkadapted bacteriorhodopsin shows that the conformation of the chromophore in K is considerably distorted. In addition, we find evidence that the conformation of the protein changes during the photocycle.
Biochemistry, 1989
Solid-state 13C N M R spectra of the M photocycle intermediate of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) have been obtained from purple membrane regenerated with retinal specifically 13C labeled at positions 5, 12, 13, 14, and 15. The M intermediate was trapped at -40 OC and pH = 9.5-10.0 in either 100 mM NaCl [M (NaCl)] or 500 mM guanidine hydrochloride [M (Gdn-HCl)]. The 13C-12 chemical shift at 125.8 ppm in M (NaC1) and 128.1 ppm in M (Gdn-HC1) indicates that the Cl3==CI4 double bond has a cis configuration, while the 13C-13 chemical shift at 146.7 ppm in M (NaCl) and 145.7 ppm in M (Gdn-HC1) demonstrates that the Schiff base is unprotonated. The principal values of the chemical shift tensor of the 13C-5 resonance in both M (NaCl) and M (Gdn-HC1) are consistent with a 6-s-trans structure and a negative protein charge localized near C-5 as was observed in dark-adapted bR. The -5 ppm upfield shift of the 13C-5 M resonance (-140 ppm) relative to 13C-5 bRSas and bR548.(-145 ppm) is attributed to an unprotonated Schiff base in the M chromophore. Of particular interest in this study were the results obtained from 13C-14 M. In M (NaCl), a dramatic upfield shift was observed for the 13C-14 resonance (115.2 ppm) relative to unprotonated Schiff base model compounds (-128 ppm). In contrast, in M (Gdn-HC1) the I3C-14 resonance was observed at 125.7 ppm. The different 13C-14 chemical shifts in these two M preparations may be explained by different C=N configurations of the retinal-lysine Schiff base linkage, namely, syn in NaCl and anti in guanidine hydrochloride.
Biochemistry, 1985
Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy has been used to obtain the vibrational modes. in the chro-*mophore and apoprotein 'that change in intensity or position between light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin and the K and M-intermediates in its photocycle and between dark-adapted and lightadapted bacteriorhodopsin. Our infrared' measurements provide independent verification of resonance Raman results that in lightadapted bacteriorhodopsin the protein-chromophore linkage is a protonated Schiff base and in the M state the Schiff base is un-,protonated. Although we cannot unambiguously identify the Schiff base stretching frequency in the K state, the most'likely interpretation of deuterium shifts of the chromophore hydrogen out-ofplane vibrations is that the Schiff base in K is protonated. The intensity of the hydrogen out-of-plane vibrations in the K state compared with the intensities of.those in light-adapted and'darkadapted bacteriorhodopsin shows that the conformation of the chromophore in K is considerably distorted. In addition, we find evidence that the conformation of the protein changes during the photocycle.
Evidence for a 13,14-Cis Cycle in Bacteriorhodopsin
Biophysical Journal, 1986
We discuss to what extent the vibrational spectra of bacteriorhodopsin that have been observed and assigned by Smith et al. (1, 2) by means of resonance Raman and by Gerwert and Siebert (EMBO (Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.) J. In press) by means of infrared absorption experiments are in agreement with a photo-cycle of bacteriorhodopsin that involves the sequence BR, IO(all-trans)-K(13,14-cis)-L(1 3,14-cis)-M(13-cis) 0 N(13-cis)-O(all-trans). Our discussion is based on a quantumchemical modified neglect of diatomic overlap [MNDO] calculation of the vibrational spectra of the relevant isomers of the protonated retinal Schiff base. In particular, we investigated in these calculations the effects of different charge environments on the frequencies of the relevant CC single bond stretching vibrations of these isomers.
Biochemistry, 1984
The first step of the bacteriorhodopsin (bR) photocycle involves the formation of a red-shifted product, K. Fourier transform infrared difference spectra of the bR570 to K630 transition at 81 K has been measured for bR containing different isotopic substitutions at the retinal Schiff base. In the case of bacteriorhodopsin containing a deuterium substitution at the Schiff base nitrogen, carbon 15, or both, we find spectral changes in the 1600-1610-and 1570-1580cm-' region consistent with the hypothesis that the K630 C=N stretching mode of a protonated Schiff base is located near 1609 cm-'. A similar set of Schiff base deuterium substitutions for retinal containing a I3C at the carbon 10 position strongly
Biophysical Journal, 1985
We studied an analogue of bacteriorhodopsin whose chromophore is based on all-trans retinal. A five-membered ring was built around the 13-14 double bond so as to prohibit trans to 13-cis isomerization. No light-induced photochemical changes were seen, other than those due to a small amount (--5%) of unbleached bacteriorhodopsin remaining in the apomembrane used for regeneration. The techniques used included flash photolysis at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures and Fourier-transform infrared difference spectroscopy. When the trans-fixed pigment was incorporated into phospholipid vesicles, no evidence of light-initiated proton pumping could be found. The results indicate that trans to 13-cis isomerization is essential for the photochemical transformation and function of bacteriorhodopsin.
Dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin contains 13-cis, 15-syn and all-trans, 15-anti retinal Schiff bases
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1984
13C NMR spectra of Iyophilized dark-adapted [14-13C]retinyl-labeled bacteriorhodopsin show a large anomalous upfield shift for the 13C-14 resonance assigned to the 13-cis isomer, relative to both the all-trans isomer and model compounds. We attribute this to the so-called y effect, which results from a steric interaction between the C-14 retinal proton and the protons on the e CH2 of the lysine. As a consequence of this observation, we infer that dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin is composed of a mixture of all-trans,15anti (trans or E) and 13-cis,15-syn (cis or Z) isomers. These occur in an approximate 4:6 ratio and are commonly identified as bRm and bR54. This conclusion is based on an examination of the isotropic and anisotropic chemical shifts and a comparison with 13C shifts of the carbons adjacent to the C=N linkage in protonated ketinines. Other possible origins for the anomalous shift are examined and shown to be insufficient to account for either the size of the shift or the nature of the shift tensor. We discuss the consequences of this finding for the structure and photochemistry of bacteriorhodopsin.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013
Photochemistry of bacteriorhodopsin (bR), anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR), and all-trans retinal protonated Schiff base (RPSB) in ethanol is followed with femtosecond pump−hyperspectral near-IR (NIR) probe spectroscopy. This is the first systematic probing of retinal protein photochemistry in this spectral range. Stimulated emission of the proteins is demonstrated to extend deep into the NIR, and to decay on the same characteristic time scales previously determined by visible probing. No signs of a transient NIR absorption band above λ pr > 1.3 μm, which was recently reported and is verified here for the RPSB in solution, is observed in either protein. This discrepancy demonstrates that the protein surroundings change photochemical traits of the chromophore significantly, inducing changes either in the energies or couplings of photochemically relevant electronic excited states. In addition, low-frequency and heavily damped spectral modulations are observed in the NIR signals of all three systems up to 1.4 μm. By background subtraction and Fourier analysis they are shown to resemble wave packet signatures in the visible, stemming from multiple vibrational modes and by analogy are assigned to torsional wave packets in the excited state of the retinal chromophore. Differences in the vibrational frequencies between the three samples and the said discrepancy in transient spectra are discussed in terms of opsin effects on the RPSB electronic structure.