A Derivative-Free Algorithm for Linearly Constrained Finite Minimax Problems (original) (raw)
Related papers
A derivative-free method for linearly constrained nonsmooth optimization
This paper develops a new derivative-free method for solving linearly constrained nonsmooth optimization problems. The objective functions in these problems are, in general, non-regular locally Lipschitz continuous function. The computation of generalized subgradients of such functions is difficult task. In this paper we suggest an algorithm for the computation of subgradients of a broad class of non-regular locally Lipschitz continuous functions. This algorithm is based on the notion of a discrete gradient. An algorithm for solving linearly constrained nonsmooth optimization problems based on discrete gradients is developed. We report preliminary results of numerical experiments. These results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is efficient for solving linearly constrained nonsmooth optimization problems.
A derivative-free algorithm for linearly constrained optimization problems
Computational Optimization and Applications, 2014
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A derivative-free algorithm for systems of nonlinear inequalities
Optimization Letters, 2008
Recently a new derivative-free algorithm has been proposed for the solution of linearly constrained finite minimax problems. This derivative-free algorithm is based on a smoothing technique that allows one to take into account the non-smoothness of the max function. In this paper, we investigate, both from a theoretical and computational point of view, the behavior of the minmax algorithm when used to solve systems of nonlinear inequalities when derivatives are unavailable. In particular, we show an interesting property of the algorithm, namely, under some mild conditions regarding the regularity of the functions defining the system, it is possible to prove that the algorithm locates a solution of the problem after a finite number of iterations. Furthermore, under a weaker regularity condition, it is possible to show that an accumulation point of the sequence generated by the algorithm exists which is a solution of the system. Moreover, we carried out numerical experimentation and comparison of the method against a standard pattern search minimization method. The obtained results confirm that the good theoretical properties of the method correspond to interesting numerical performance. Moreover, the algorithm compares favorably with a standard derivative-free method, and this seems to indicate that extending the smoothing technique to pattern search algorithms can be beneficial.
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Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2010
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Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1991
bstract. We show that the sequences of function values constructed by two versions of a minimax algorithm converge linearly to the minimum values. Both versions use the Pironneau-Polak-Pshenichnyi search direction subprocedure; the first uses an exact line search to determine step size, while the second one uses an Armijo-type step size rule. The proofs depend on a second-order sufficiency condition, but not on strict complementary slackness. Minimax problems in which each function appearing in the max is a composition of a twice continuously differentiable function with a linear function typically do not satisfy second-ordo" sufficiency conditions. Nevatheless, we show that, on such minimax problems, the two algorithms do converge linearly when the outer functions are con vex and strict complementary slackness holds at solutions.
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Discrete gradient method: derivative-free method for nonsmooth optimization
Abstract A new derivative-free method is developed for solving unconstrained nonsmooth optimization problems. This method is based on the notion of a discrete gradient. It is demonstrated that the discrete gradients can be used to approximate subgradients of a broad class of nonsmooth functions. It is also shown that the discrete gradients can be applied to find descent directions of nonsmooth functions.