Effect of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) on Parietal and Premotor Cortex during Planning of Reaching Movements (original) (raw)

Parieto-occipital cortex and planning of reaching movements: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study

Behavioural Brain Research, 2009

A large amount of evidence supports a role for the parietal and frontal cortex in the planning of reaching movements. Nevertheless, neither the timing of involvement of these areas nor if and how their activity can be influenced by external stimuli has been clarified. The parieto-occipital cortex has been investigated by applying transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) at 25% (Time 1), 50% (Time 2) and 75% (Time 3) of the reaction time from a go signal to hand movement. No local effect was found with Time 1, since pulses were administered before subjects opened their eyes. Reduction of reaction time was observed at Time 2 when stimuli were applied over the anterior occipital lobe, parieto-occipital cortex and posterior parietal cortex. The effect on the posterior parietal cortex reverted when Time 3 was used. The present data confirm the existence, in humans, of a dorso-medial set of areas involved in on-line planning of reaching movements. Moreover, they provide novel evidence on the time course of this involvement. Finally, present data show that it is possible to interact with the flow of activity along this stream by appropriately delivering TMS pulses.

Functional interplay between posterior parietal and ipsilateral motor cortex revealed by twin-coil transcranial magnetic stimulation during reach planning toward …

Journal of …, 2008

Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) has connections with motor and premotor cortex, thought to transfer information relevant for planning movements in space. We used twin-coil transcranial magnetic stimulation (tcTMS) methods to show that the functional interplay between human right PPC and ipsilateral motor cortex (M1) varies with current motor plans. tcTMS during the reaction time of a reach task revealed facilitatory influences of right PPC on right M1 only when planning a (contralateral) leftward rather than rightward reach, at two specific time intervals (50 and 125 ms) after an auditory cue. The earlier reach-direction-specific facilitatory influence from PPC on M1 occurred when subjects were blindfolded or when the targets were presented briefly, so that visual feedback corrections could not occur. PPC-M1 interplay was similar within the left hemisphere but was specific to (contralateral) rightward planned reaches, with peaks at 50 and 100 ms. Functional interplay between human parietal and motor cortex is enhanced during early stages of planning a reach in the contralateral direction.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation and preparation of visually-guided reaching movements

Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 2012

To better define the neural networks related to preparation of reaching, we applied transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the lateral parietal and frontal cortex. TMS did not evoke effects closely related to preparation of reaching, suggesting that neural networks already identified by our group are not larger than previously thought. We also replicated previous TMS/EEG data by applying TMS to the parietal cortex: new analyses were performed to better support reliability of already reported findings (Zanon et al., 2010; Brain Topography 22, 307-317). We showed the existence of neural circuits ranging from posterior to frontal regions of the brain after the stimulation of parietal cortex, supporting the idea of strong connections among these areas and suggesting their possible temporal dynamic. Connection with ventral stream was confirmed. The present work helps to define those areas which are involved in preparation of natural reaching in humans. They correspond to parieto-occipital, parietal and premotor medial regions of the left hemisphere, i.e., the contralateral one with respect to the moving hand, as suggested by previous studies. Behavioral data support the existence of a discrete stream involved in reaching. Besides the serial flow of activation from posterior to anterior direction, a parallel elaboration of information among parietal and premotor areas seems also to exist. Present cortico-cortical interactions (TMS/EEG experiment) show propagation of activity to frontal, temporal, parietal and more posterior regions, exhibiting distributed communication among various areas in the brain. The neural system highlighted by TMS/EEG experiments is wider with respect to the one disclosed by the TMS behavioral approach. Further studies are needed to unravel this paucity of overlap. Moreover, the understanding of these mechanisms is crucial for the comprehension of response inhibition and changes in prepared actions, which are common behaviors in everyday life.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Over the Human Medial Posterior Parietal Cortex Disrupts Depth Encoding During Reach Planning

Cerebral Cortex

Accumulating evidence supports the view that the medial part of the posterior parietal cortex (mPPC) is involved in the planning of reaching, but while plenty of studies investigated reaching performed toward different directions, only a few studied different depths. Here, we investigated the causal role of mPPC (putatively, human area V6A–hV6A) in encoding depth and direction of reaching. Specifically, we applied single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the left hV6A at different time points while 15 participants were planning immediate, visually guided reaching by using different eye-hand configurations. We found that TMS delivered over hV6A 200 ms after the Go signal affected the encoding of the depth of reaching by decreasing the accuracy of movements toward targets located farther with respect to the gazed position, but only when they were also far from the body. The effectiveness of both retinotopic (farther with respect to the gaze) and spatial position (far ...

Functional interplay between posterior parietal and ipsilateral motorcortex revealed by twin-coil transcranial magnetic stimulation duringreach planning toward contralateral space


Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) has connections with motor and premotor cortex, thought to transfer information relevant for planning movements in space. We used twin-coil transcranial magnetic stimulation (tcTMS) methods to show that the functional interplay between human right PPC and ipsilateral motor cortex (M1) varies with current motor plans. tcTMS during the reaction time of a reach task revealed facilitatory influences of right PPC on right M1 only when planning a (contralateral) leftward rather than rightward reach, at two specific time intervals (50 and 125 ms) after an auditory cue. The earlier reach-direction-specific facilitatory influence from PPC on M1 occurred when subjects were blindfolded or when the targets were presented briefly, so that visual feedback corrections could not occur. PPC-M1 interplay was similar within the left hemisphere but was specific to (contralateral) rightward planned reaches, with peaks at 50 and 100 ms. Functional interplay between human parietal and motor cortex is enhanced during early stages of planning a reach in the contralateral direction.

Role of the posterior parietal cortex in updating reaching movements to a visual target

Nature Neuroscience, 1999

The exact role of posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in visually directed reaching is unknown. We propose that, by building an internal representation of instantaneous hand location, PPC computes a dynamic motor error used by motor centers to correct the ongoing trajectory. With unseen right hands, five subjects pointed to visual targets that either remained stationary or moved during saccadic eye movements. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied over the left PPC during target presentation. Stimulation disrupted path corrections that normally occur in response to target jumps, but had no effect on those directed at stationary targets. Furthermore, left-hand movement corrections were not blocked, ruling out visual or oculomotor effects of stimulation.

The role of parietal cortex in awareness of self-generated movements: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study


Awareness of self-generated movements arises from comparing motor plans, and the accompanying (hypothetical) efference copy, with the visual and proprioceptive consequences of movement. Here we used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to investigate the role of a posterior region in the superior parietal lobule (SPL) in this process. Nine healthy volunteers performed a finger extension actively and passively while wearing a CyberGlove; the glove recorded these (actual) finger movements and used this information in real time to move a virtual hand displayed on a computer screen. To assess the participant's awareness of movement onset, we introduced a delay between the onset of the actual and virtual movement (60-270 ms, 30 ms increments); the task was to judge whether the virtual hand movements were delayed relative to the actual hand movements. Low-frequency rTMS (15 min, 0.6 Hz) was applied either over the left SPL or the left temporal cortex (control site) to decrease excitability of these regions and, in turn, test their role in the awareness of self-generated movement. Following the SPL stimulation, participants' assessments of asynchrony were impaired for active but not passive movements. No significant changes were observed after rTMS applied over the control site. We suggest that these findings are consistent with the role of the SPL in evaluating the temporal congruency of peripheral (visual) and central (efference copy) signals associated with selfgenerated movements. As such, this region may contribute to the sense of 'agency' and its disturbances in disorders such as apraxia and schizophrenia.

Posterior parietal cortex control of reach-to-grasp movements in humans

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2002

The aim of the present study was to ascertain the neural correlates for the integration of visual information with the control of the reach-to-grasp action in the healthy human brain. Nine adult subjects (18±38 years; four females and ®ve males) were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging while reaching-to-grasp a three-dimensional target. Results demonstrated differential activation of the parietal cortices according to the number of potential targets to be taken into account before movement initiation and the variability of target location. Comparing conditions where a target object that can appear at an unpredictable location with conditions where the target object appears at a predictable location revealed activations in the left superior parietal lobule, the left parieto-occipital sulcus and the right intraparietal sulcus. Results are discussed in terms of visual selective attention and action planning.