Coordinating COTS Applications via a Business Event Layer (original) (raw)

Coordinated Web Services Orchestration

process definition the sequence of exchanged messages typically originates from the sequence of business process activities and from the need of coordination of those activities across the participants of the process. As such business concerns (e.g. the sequence of business process steps) are often mixed with technical aspects (e.g. the sequence of coordination messages). In this article we present an architecture to separate business and technical concerns, which results in a clearer overview of the high-level business process and improves the flexibility and maintainability of the orchestration architecture. The described architecture depends on existing Web service standards. Different eventing and coordination specifications are discussed. The ultimate architecture is mainly based on the WS-Brokered Notification and WS-Coordination Framework specifications.

Structured Services Composition: design and implementation

Modern services composition languages such as e.g. the Busi-ness Process Execution Language (BPEL) define business processes as sequence constrains on message exchanges. These types of process de-scriptions are often very complex, because they incorporate many low-level, technical details. As a result, the high-level overview of the business process is easily lost. Therefore we provide a way to structure the compo-sition and orchestration of business services. The structuring technique is based on the concept of business events which is the result of previous research. In this paper we propose the design and implementation of a specific business event architecture that makes structured services com-position possible. The implementation in a Web services environment functions as a proof-of-concept of our approach.

Event Based Web Service Description and Coordination


This paper proposes the concept of business events as the cornerstone to web service description and coordination. First, a web service architecture is introduced as the result of an event based analysis & design phase. Then, it is advocated how the event concept can be used for semantically rich web service description. A distinction is made between two web service interfaces: a non-transactional query interface and a transactional event notification interface. Furthermore, a web service composition model is proposed, based on event broadcasting and event preconditions, instead of traditional one-to-one method invocations. The composition model is presented in a static variant and in a version with dynamic subscription. Throughout the paper, it is shown how the event based approach fits entirely within the current standard SOAP/WSDL/UDDI web services stack.

Event-Based Software Architectures


Implementation architectures of today are based on the modularisation of software into objects, components, web services, (intelligent) agents, … with communication and coordination between components being based on peer-topeer communication (a client-component requests a service from a servercomponent). Because this binary and uni-directional form of communication implies substantial restrictions on software maintainability, this paper proposes the development of a new N-ary and multi-directional communication paradigm based on the notion of "event": components will interact by jointly participating in events. This new communication paradigm uses event broadcasting as a coordination mechanism between software components. It can be implemented by means of generic binary interaction frameworks applicable across diverse platforms (distributed, web-based and centralised systems) and implementation paradigms (synchronous and asynchronous communication).. In addition, events can be enriched with intelligent features so as to be able to act autonomously and to be capable of undertaking some rescue actions when one of the composing actions fails. 1 © Springer-Verlag. This paper will be published in the proceedings of the OOIS'03 conference in the Springer LNCS-

Events as atomic contracts for component integration

Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2004

Today many companies rely on third party applications and application services for (part of) their information systems. When applications from different parties are used together, an integration problem arises. Similarly, cross-organisational application integration requires the coordination of distributed processing across several autonomous applications. In this paper, we describe an integration approach based on an event-based coordination paradigm. Interaction is based

An enterprise layer-based approach to application service integration

Business Process Management Journal, 2003

Today many companies rely on third party applications and application services for (part of) their information systems. When applications from different parties are used together, an integration problem raises. In this paper we describe an integration approach based on the construction of an enterprise layer. This approach is deliberately kept away from a document based, flow-oriented approach were business processes are hard coded into the application architecture. Interaction is based on the concurrent update of a shared underlying enterprise layer. At the same time, the application architecture becomes easily adaptable to re-engineered business processes.

Handling transactional business services

Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs - PLoP '08, 2008

This article discusses the handling of transactional business services, which are service compositions that orchestrate and coordinate underlying services to process a high-level business activity. The main contribution made in this article is the presentation of the pattern TBS handler, which describes how one can implement a transactional business service (TBS). This pattern functions as an overview pattern for a complete pattern language that is outlined in the text. This pattern language provides the appropriate ingredients for the implementation of a TBS. It is presented using thumbnails.

Integration of Third-Party Applications and Web Clients by Means of an Enterprise Layer

Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 2000

This Case Study presents an experience report on an Enterprise Modelling and Application Integration project for a young company, starting in the telecommunications business area. The company positions itself as a broadband application provider for the SME market. Whereas its original information infrastructure consisted of a number of stand-alone business and operational support system (BSS/OSS) applications, the project's aim was to define and implement an Enterprise Layer, serving as an integration layer on top of which these existing BSS/OSS would function independently and in parallel. This integration approach was to be non-intrusive, and wa s to use the business applications as -is. The scope of the case entails the conception of a unifying Enterprise Model and the formulation of an implementation architecture for the Enterprise Layer, based on the Enterprise JavaBeans framework.

Integration of third-party applications and web-clients by means of an Enterprise Layer

Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 2003

This Case Study presents an experience report on an Enterprise Modelling and Application Integration project for a young company, starting in the telecommunications business area. The company positions itself as a broadband application provider for the SME market. Whereas its original information infrastructure consisted of a number of stand-alone business and operational support system (BSS/OSS) applications, the project's aim was to define and implement an Enterprise Layer, serving as an integration layer on top of which these existing BSS/OSS would function independently and in parallel. This integration approach was to be non-intrusive, and wa s to use the business applications as -is. The scope of the case entails the conception of a unifying Enterprise Model and the formulation of an implementation architecture for the Enterprise Layer, based on the Enterprise JavaBeans framework.

Handling Atomic Business Services (conference version)


This article discusses the handling of atomic business services, which are service compositions that orchestrate and coordinate underlying ser- vices to process a high-level business activity. The main contribution made in this article is the presentation of the pattern ABS handler, which de- scribes how one can implement an atomic business service (ABS). This pattern functions as an overview pattern