Marbles from the Domus of ‘Bestie ferite’ and from the Domus of ‘Tito Macro’ in Aquileia (UD), Italy (original) (raw)

Stone materials used for monumental buildings in the historical centre of Turin (NW Italy): architectonical survey and petrographic characterization of Via Roma

From: Pereira, D., Marker, B. R., Kramar, S., Cooper, B. J. & Schouenborg, B. E. (eds) 2015. Global Heritage Stone: Towards International Recognition of Building and Ornamental Stones. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 407, 201–218., 2015

« Stone operational chain and workshops within the Civitas Aeduorum between the 1st and the 4th centuries AD ». Coquelet C., Creemers G., Dreesen R. et Goemaere É. (éd.), Roman Ornamental Stones in North-Western Europe. Namur, Agence Wallonne du Patrimoine, p. 199-210

Coquelet C., Creemers G., Dreesen R. et Goemaere É. (éd.), Roman Ornamental Stones in North-Western Europe. Natural Resources, Manufacturing, Supply, Life and After-Life, actes du colloque de Tongres des 20-22 avril 2016, Namur, Agence Wallonne du Patrimoine, p. 199-210, 2018