A conservative data flow algorithm for detecting all pairs of statements that may happen in parallel (original) (raw)
Related papers
Computing reachable states of parallel programs
Proceedings of the 1991 ACM/ONR workshop on Parallel and distributed debugging - PADD '91, 1991
A concurrency history graph is a representation of the reachable states of a parallel program, A new abstraction for representing the state of a parallel program is presented. This new abstraction is more general than previous work by the authors. At the same time, the new abstraction makes it possible to produce concurrency history graphs that require much less storage than that suggested by a simple worst case complexity analysis. Concurrency history graphs based on this new abstraction form the foundation upon which a static analysis tool capable of detecting race conditions in parallel programs is being built. keywords: parallel processing, debugging, static program analysis
May-happen-in-parallel analysis of x10 programs
Proceedings of the 12th …, 2007
X10 is a modern object-oriented programming language designed for high performance, high productivity programming of parallel and multi-core computer systems. Compared to the lower-level thread-based concurrency model in the Java TM language, X10 has higher-level concurrency constructs such as async, atomic and finish built into the language to simplify creation, analysis and optimization of parallel programs. In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm for May-Happen-in-Parallel (MHP) analysis of X10 programs. The analysis algorithm is based on simple path traversals in the Program Structure Tree, and does not rely on pointer alias analysis of thread objects as in MHP analysis for Java programs. We introduce a more precise definition of the MHP relation than in past work by adding condition vectors that identify execution instances for which the MHP relation holds, instead of just returning a single true/false value for all pairs of executing instances. Further, MHP analysis is refined in our approach by using the observation that two statement instances which occur in atomic sections that execute at the same X10 place must have MHP = false. We expect that our MHP analysis algorithm will be applicable to any language that adopts the core concepts of places, async, finish, and atomic sections from the X10 programming model. We also believe that this approach offers the best of two worlds to programmers and parallel programming tools -higher-level abstractions of concurrency coupled with simple and efficient analysis algorithms.
Data flow analysis for checking properties of concurrent Java programs
Proceedings of the 21st …, 1999
In this paper we show how the FLAVERS data flow analysis technique, originally formulated for systems using a rendezvous concurrency model, can be applied to the various concurrency models used in Java programs. The general approach of FLAVERS is based on modeling a concurrent system as a flow graph and, using a data flow analysis algorithm over this graph, statically checking if a property holds on all (or no) executions of the program. The accuracy of this analysis can be iteratively improved, as needed, by supplying additional constraints, represented as finite state automata, to the data flow analysis algorithm.
The combining DAG: a technique for parallel data flow analysis
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1994
As the number of available multiprocessors increases, so does the importance of providing software support for these systems, including parallel compilers. Data flow analysis, an important component of software tools, may be computed many times during the compilation of a program, especially when compiling for a multiprocessor. Although converting a sequential data flow algorithm to a parallel algorithm can present some opportunities for computing data flow in parallel, more parallelism can be exposed by the development of new parallel data flow algorithms. In this paper, we present a technique that computes rapid data flow problems in parallel and thus is applicable for commonly used classical data flow problems, including reaching definitions, reachable uses, available expressions, and very busy expressions. Unlike previous techniques, our technique exploits the inherent parallelism in the data flow computation that occurs across independent paths, within linear paths, and in paths through loops of a control flow graph. The technique first changes cyclic structures in a control flow graph to acyclic structures and then builds a combining directed acyclic graph (DAG) that represents the paths through the control flow graph needed to compute data Bow. Data flow is then computed using two passes over the DAG by computing the data flow for the nodes on each level of the DAG in parallel. We also present experimental results comparing the performance of our algorithm with a sequential algorithm and a parallelixed sequential algorithm.
Concurrency analysis in the presence of procedures using a data-flow framework
Proceedings of the symposium on Testing, analysis, and verification - TAV4, 1991
Although the data-flow framework is a powerful tool to statically analyze a program, current data-flow analysis techniques have not addressed the effect of procedures on concurrency analysis. This work develops a data race detection technique using a data-flow framework that analyzes concurrent events in a program in which tasks and procedures interact. There are no restrictions placed on the interactions between procedures and tasks, and thus recursion is permitted. Solving a system of data-flow equations, the technique computes a partial execution order for regions in the program by considering the control flow within a program unit, communication between tasks, and the cdlinglcreation context of procedures and tasks. From the computed execution order, concurrent events are determined as unordered events. We show how the information about concurrent events can be used in debugging to automatically detect data races. * This work was partiafly supported by the Nationaf ScienceFotmdation under Grant CCR-8801 104 to the University of Pittsburgh.
Graph models for reachability analysis of concurrent programs
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 1995
Reachability analysis is an attractive technique for analysis of concurrent programs because it is simple and relatively straightforward to automate, and can be used in conjunction with model-checking procedures to check for application-specific as well as general properties. Several techniques have been proposed differing mainly. on the model used; some of these propose the use of fiowgraph based models, some others of Petri nets. This paper addresses the question: What essential difference does it make, if any, what sort of finite-state model we extract from program texts for purposes of reachability analysis? How do they differ in expressive power, decision power, or accuracy? Since each is intended to model synchronization structure while abstracting away other features, one would expect them to be roughly equivalent. vVe confirm that there is no essential semantic difference between the most well known models proposed in the literature by providing algorithms for translation among these models. This implies that the choice of model rests on other factors, including convenience and efficiency. Since combinatorial explosion is the primary impediment to application of reachability analysis, a particular concern in choosing a model is facilitating divide-andconquer analysis of large programs. Recently, much interest in finite-state verification systems has centered on algebraic theories of concurrency. Yeh and Young have exploited algebraic structure to decompose reachability analysis based on a fiowgraph model. The semantic equivalence of graph and Petri net based models suggests that one ought to be able to apply a similar strategy for decomposing Petri nets. We show this is indeed possible through application of category theory.
Finding Non-terminating Executions in Distributed Asynchronous Programs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
Programming distributed and reactive asynchronous systems is complex due to the lack of synchronization between concurrently executing tasks, and arbitrary delay of message-based communication. As even simple programming mistakes have the capability to introduce divergent behavior, a key liveness property is eventual quiescence: for any finite number of external stimuli (e.g., client-generated events), only a finite number of internal messages are ever created. In this work we propose a practical three-step reduction-based approach for detecting divergent executions in asynchronous programs. As a first step, we give a code-to-code translation reducing divergence of an asynchronous program P to completed state-reachability-i.e., reachability to a given state with no pending asynchronous tasks-of a polynomiallysized asynchronous program P. In the second step, we give a code-to-code translation under-approximating completed state-reachability of P by state-reachability of a polynomially-sized recursive sequential program P (K), for the given analysis parameter K ∈ N. Following Emmi et al. [8]'s delay-bounding approach, P (K) encodes a subset of P 's, and thus of P 's, behaviors by limiting scheduling nondeterminism. As K is increased, more possibly divergent behaviors of P are considered, and in the limit as K approaches infinity, our reduction is complete for programs with finite data domains. As the final step we give the resulting state-reachability query to an off-the-shelf SMT-based sequential program verification tool. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by implementing a prototype analysis tool called Alive, which detects divergent executions in several hand-coded variations of textbook distributed algorithms. As far as we are aware, our easy-to-implement prototype is the first tool which automatically detects divergence for distributed and reactive asynchronous programs.
Trace Generation and Deterministic Execution for Concurrent Programs
This paper proposes new algorithms for generation of trace files and deterministic execution of concurrent programs under test. The proposed algorithms are essential to automate the coverage testing of concurrent programs and allow to execute new synchronizations automatically, increasing the source code coverage with focus on non-determinism, and edges of communication and synchronization. Our algorithms consider programs with multiple paradigms of communication and synchronization (collective, blocking and non-blocking point-to-point message passing, and shared memory). We validate our algorithms by means of experiments based on nine representative benchmarks, which exercise non-trivial aspects of synchronization found in real applications. Our algorithms have a robust behaviour and meet their objectives. We also highlight the overhead generated with the algorithms.
Information Sciences 194 (7): 254-269, 2012
We present a flow analysis technique for detecting unreachable states and actions in concurrent systems. It is an enhancement of the approach by Cheung and Kramer. Each process of a concurrent system is modeled as a finite state machine, whose states represent process execution states and whose transitions are labeled by actions. We construct dependency sets incrementally and eliminate spurious paths by checking the execution sequences of actions. We prove mathematically that our algorithm can detect more unreachability faults than the well-known Reif/Smolka and Cheung/Kramer algorithms. The algorithm is easy to manage and its complexity is still polynomial to the system size. Case studies on two commonly used communication protocols show that the technique is effective.