Entrainment of the locomotor rhythm by group Ib afferents from ankle extensor muscles in spinal cats (original) (raw)
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Stimulation of the group I extensor afferents prolongs the stance phase in walking cats
Experimental Brain Research, 1995
Group I afferents in nerves innervating the lateral gastrocnemius-soleus (LG-Sol), plantaris (P1), and vastus lateralis/intermedius (VL/VI) muscles were stimulated during walking in decerebrate cats. The stimulus trains were triggered at a fixed delay following the onset of bursts in the medial gastrocnemius muscle. Stimulation of all three nerves with long stimulus trains (>600 ms) prolonged the extensor bursts and delayed
Journal of Neurophysiology, 2012
Electrical stimulation of the lateral gastrocnemius-soleus (LGS) nerve at group I afferent strength leads to adaptations in the amplitude and timing of extensor muscle activity during walking in the decerebrate cat. Such afferent feedback in the stance leg might result from a delay in stance onset of the opposite leg. Concomitant adaptations in hip abductor and adductor activity would then be expected to maintain lateral stability and balance until the opposite leg is able to support the body. As many hip abductors and adductors are also hip extensors, we hypothesized that stimulation of the LGS nerve at group I afferent strength would produce increased activation and prolonged burst duration in hip abductor and adductor muscles in the premammillary decerebrate walking cat. LGS nerve stimulation during the extensor phase of the locomotor cycle consistently increased burst amplitude of the gluteus medius and adductor femoris muscles, but not pectineus or gracilis. In addition, LGS st...
Plasticity of the extensor group I pathway controlling the stance to swing transition in the cat
Journal of …, 1995
This study examines whether the efficacy of polysynaptic group I excitatory pathways to extensor motoneurons are modified after axotomy of a synergistic nerve. Previously, it has been shown that stimulation of extensor nerves at group I strength can extend the stance phase and delay swing. Stimulation of the lateral gastrocnemius and soleus (LG/S) nerve prolongs stance for the duration of the stimulus train, whereas stimulation of the medial gastrocnemius (MC) nerve moderately increases stance. Our hypothesis was that after axotomy of the LG /S nerve the efficacy of the MG group I input would increase. 2. This idea was tested in 10 adult cats that had their left LG/ S nerves axotomized for 3-28 days. On the experimental day the cats were decerebrated and the left (experimental) and right (control) LG/S and MG nerves were stimulated during late stance as the animals were walking on a motorized treadmill. A significant increase in the efficacy of the left MG nerve occurred 5 days after axotomy of the LG/S nerve when compared with the control response. By contrast, the previously cut LG/S nerve showed a reduction in efficacy after 3 days compared with the control limb. 3. Functionally, this plasticity may be an important mechanism by which the strength of the group I pathway is calibrated to different loads on the extensor muscles.
The Journal of physiology, 1995
1. The effects of stimulating hindlimb extensor nerves (100-200 ms trains, 100 Hz, < or = 2 times threshold) during the flexor and extensor phases of the locomotor step cycle were analysed in the decerebrate, paralysed cat during fictive locomotion evoked by stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region. 2. Stimulation during extension of either the medial gastrocnemius (MG), lateral gastrocnemius-soleus (LGS) or plantaris (Pl) nerves was equally effective in increasing the duration and amplitude of electroneurogram (ENG) activity recorded in ipsilateral ankle, knee and hip extensor nerves. Enhancement of extensor ENG activity could be evoked with near threshold stimulation intensity and appeared within 10-40 ms of the onset of ankle extensor nerve stimulation. Stimulation of anterior biceps during extension occasionally evoked a modest increase in the duration of activity of hip, knee and ankle extensors. Stimulation of quadriceps during extension enhanced the activity of pr...
AND CONCLUSIONS 1. In this investigation, we tested the hypothesis that muscle spindle afferents signaling the length of hind-leg flexor muscles are involved in terminating extensor activity and initiating flexion during walking. The hip flexor muscle iliopsoas (IP) and the ankle flexors tibialis anterior (TA) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) were stretched or vibrated at various phases of the step cycle in spontaneously walking decerebrate cats. Changes in electromyogram amplitude, duration, and timing were then examined. The effects of electrically stimulating group I and II afferents in the nerves to TA and EDL also were examined.
Effects of Ankle and Hip Muscle Afferent Inputs on Rhythm Generation During Fictive Locomotion
Journal of Neurophysiology, 2010
Hip position and loading of limb extensors are major sensory cues for the initiation and duration of different phases during walking. Although these inputs have pathways projecting to the locomotor rhythm generator, their effects may vary in different parts of the locomotor cycle. In the present study, the plantaris (Pl), sartorius (Sart), rectus femoris (RF), and caudal gluteal (cGlu) nerves were stimulated at group I and/or group II strength during spontaneous fictive locomotion in 16 adult decerebrate cats. These nerves supply muscles that extend the ankle (Pl), flex the hip (Sart, RF), or extend the hip (cGlu). Stimuli were given at six epochs of the locomotor cycle to evaluate when they access the rhythm generator. Group I afferents from Pl nerve always reset the locomotor rhythm; stimulation during extension prolonged cycle period and extension phase duration, while stimulation during flexion terminated flexion and initiated extension. On the other hand, stimulating RF and cGl...
Effects of stimulation of hindlimb flexor group II afferents during fictive locomotion in the cat
The Journal of physiology, 1995
1. This study examines the effects of electrical stimulation of hindlimb flexor nerves on the fictive locomotion pattern. Locomotion was initiated by stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region in the decerebrate paralysed cat and monitored by recording the electroneurogram from selected hindlimb flexor and extensor muscle nerves. Flexor nerves were stimulated using short trains (20-50 stimuli at 100 Hz) during either the flexor or the extensor phase of the fictive locomotor cycle. 2. Stimulation of tibialis anterior (TA), posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt) or sartorius (Sart) nerves at 5 times threshold (T) during the flexor phase of the fictive locomotor cycle terminated on-going activity in flexor nerves and initiated activity in extensors. Thus, flexor nerve stimulation during flexion shortened the locomotor cycle by resetting to extension. The failure of lower intensity (2T) stimulation of PBSt or Sart nerves to reset the step cycle to extension suggests that grou...
Brain Research, 1989
Electromyographic activity (EMG) was used to determine how hindlimb muscle activation patterns are modified as speed and incline of locomotion are varied in treadmill-trained cats. EMG was recorded using chronically implanted i.m. electrodes from the soleus, medial gastrocnemius, gluteus medius, and tibialis anterior muscles of adult cats during treadmill locomotion at a range of speeds and inclines. The patterns of changes in EMG activity at varying speeds and inclines were similar in all cats. Across speeds, the integrated EMG per step decreased for the soleus but remained constant for the other muscles. The integrated EMG per step was elevated in all muscles at higher inclines. Generally, with increased speed or incline the mean EMG per step was elevated in the medial gastrocnemius, gluteus medius, and tibialis anterior, the largest increase seen in the medial gastrocnemius. Soleus mean EMG per step remained unchanged with increased speed, but showed an absolute increase at the higher inclines. The integrated EMG per minute was always highest for the soleus followed by the medial gastrocnemius, and always lowest for the tibialis anterior. At the faster speeds, the 'on-time' increased in the tibialis anterior and decreased in the other muscles. These data suggest that the number of motor units activated and/or their firing frequencies increased in the medial gastrocnemius and the gluteus medius during locomotion at faster speeds or larger inclines, while relatively little change occurred in the soleus and tibialis anterior. These data also suggest that while there is considerable modulation of the level and duration of excitation of the extensor motor pools there is relatively little modulation of the flexor motor pools to adjust for both the speed and the incline of locomotion.