Inertial, Substratal and Landmark Cue Control of Hippocampal CA1 Place Cell Activity (original) (raw)
Related papers
Behavioural Brain Research, 2001
Rats learned to find the baited corner of a box surrounded by a curtain, regardless of whether they had a fixed or random point of entry (POE) through the curtain. On probe trials, rats used an internal direction sense carried from outside the curtain to solve the problem, and only used the visual cue inside the curtain if disoriented and denied access to a view of the room en route. Similar disorientation procedures were required to obtain cue control of hippocampal place fields. The results suggest that: (1) POE effects previously found in the water maze may be task-specific; (2) an undisrupted internal sense of direction carried from one environment to another may provide the preferred solution to spatial problems in the second environment, even when this second environment is a familiar one with stable visual cues; and (3) choice behaviour is sometimes, but not always, representative of the hippocampal representation of space.
Task-dependent representations in rat hippocampal place neurons
Journal of neurophysiology, 1997
It is suggested that the hippocampal formation is essential to spatial representations by flexible encoding of diverse information during navigation, which includes not only externally generated sensory information such as visual and auditory sensation but also ideothetic information concerning locomotion (i.e., internally generated information such as proprioceptive and vestibular sensation) as well as information concerning reward. In the present study, we investigated how various types of information are represented in the hippocampal formation, by recording hippocampal complex-spike cells from rats that performed three types of place learning tasks in a circular open field with the use of intracranial self-stimulation as reward. The intracranial self-stimulation reward was delivered in the following three contexts: if the rat 1) entered an experimenter-determined reward place within the open field, and this place was randomly varied in sequential trials; 2) entered two specific ...
The Hippocampus, Memory, and Place Cells
Neuron, 1999
in humans and nonhuman primates. A major source of this limitation has been the contention that hippocampal processing is dedicated to spatial memory in rodents, in contrast to the global memory deficits observed following damage to the hippocampal region in humans and more recently in animals as well . Furthermore, several recent electrophysiological McGill University Montreal PQH3A 1B1 studies have revealed properties of hippocampal neuronal firing patterns that are inconsistent with the notion Canada ‡ Department of Neuroscience and Neurology of a cognitive map and indicate a broader scope of information processing. This paper will focus on these University and University Hospital of Kuopio 70211 Kuopio studies, reviewing some of the history and basic properties of place cells, and considering both early and recent Finland findings that shed light on the content and organization of information encoded within hippocampal neuronal activity. We will call into question the cognitive map Identifying the scope and nature of memory processing by the hippocampus has proved a formidable challenge. account and offer an alternative view.
Hippocampus, 2011
To ask if the properties of spatial learning supported by the hippocampus are distinct from the properties of conditioning, we conducted a blocking-like experiment in which the measured variable was not a conditioned response but rather the ability of a novel visual stimulus to control the location of place cell firing fields after being briefly combined with a familiar, salient stimulus to form a compound stimulus. For most rats, we found that rotations of the novel stimulus on the wall of a cylindrical recording chamber produced equal rotations of firing fields, whether exposure to the compound stimulus lasted 10 min or 60 min. Thus, there was little indication that the blocking phenomenon acted to prevent the rapid inclusion of a new stimulus into a previously experienced cue constellation. This result is in agreement with the finding of Doeller and Burgess (2008) that blocking is seen for landmark stimuli inside an arena but not for boundary stimuli that circumscribe the arena. We conclude that the rules governing incidental spatial learning are different for the hippocampal representation of a rat's environment than for conditioning. V V C 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Place-related neural responses in the monkey hippocampal formation in a virtual space
Hippocampus, 2005
Place cells in the rodent hippocampal formation (HF) are suggested to be the neural substrate for a spatial cognitive map. This specific spatial property of the place cells are regulated by both allothetic cues (i.e., intramaze local and distal cues) as well as idiothetic sensory inputs; the context signaled by the distal cues allows local and idiothetic cues to be employed for spatial tuning within the maze. To investigate the effects of distal cues on place-related activity of primate HF neurons, 228 neurons were recorded from the monkey HF during virtual navigation in a similar situation to a rodent water maze, in which distal cues were important to locate the animal's position. A subset of 72 neurons displayed place-related activity in one or more virtual spaces. Most place-related responses disappeared or changed their spatial tuning (i.e., remapping) when the arrangements of the distal cues were altered/moved in the virtual spaces. These specific features of the monkey HF might underlie neurophysiological bases of human episodic memory. V
Failure of centrally placed objects to control the firing fields of hippocampal place cells
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1997
Previous work has shown that the angular position of hippocampal place cell firing fields is accurately controlled by the position of a single white cue card attached to the wall of a recording cylinder: when the card is rotated, fields rotate equally. In this study, we asked whether similar control could be exerted by three-dimensional objects placed directly in the recording arena. In each of several conditions, the locations of the objects relative to each other and their distances from the cylinder wall were fixed. In Experiment 1, the objects were all near the center of the cylinder. In this condition, the angular position of firing fields could, in general, not be predicted from the angular position of the object set. When a white wall card was added to the object arrangement, the stimulus ensemble exerted nearly ideal control over angular firing position. Nevertheless, when the card was withdrawn, the objects still did not control field position. In Experiment 2, place cells ...
Hippocampus, 2014
Human navigation studies show that landmarks are used for orientation, whereas objects contribute to the contextual representation of an environment. What constitutes a landmark? Classic rodent studies show that hippocampal place fields are controlled by distal, polarizing cues. Place fields, however, are also influenced by local cues. One difficulty in examining mechanisms by which distal and local cues influence the activity of hippocampal cells is that distant cues are necessarily processed visually, whereas local cues are generally multimodal. Here, we compared the effects of 90 rotations under different cue conditions in which cues were restricted to the visual modality. Three twodimensional visual cue conditions were presented in a square open field: a large vertical cue on one wall, a large floor cue in a corner abutting two walls, and a smaller complex floor cue in a corner adjacent to two walls. We show that rotations of large distal cues, whether on the wall or floor, were equally effective in controlling place fields. Rotations of the smaller floor cues were significantly more likely to result in remapping, whether or not animals were also exposed to the distal polarizing cues. Responses of distal and local cues were affected differently by extended experience. Our data provide evidence that hippocampal place cell responses to visual cues are influenced by perspective, salience of the cue, and prior experience. The hippocampus processes visual cues either as stable landmarks useful for orientation and navigation or as nonstationary objects or features of the local environment available for associative learning or binding items in context. V
Neuroscience, 2003
Although extensive behavioral studies have demonstrated that hippocampal lesions impair navigation toward specific places, the role of hippocampal neuronal activity in the development of efficient navigation during place learning remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate how hippocampal neuronal activity changes as rats learn to navigate efficiently to acquire rewards in an open field. Rats were pre-trained in a random reward task where intracranial self-stimulation rewards were provided at random locations. Then, the rats were trained in a novel place task where they were rewarded at two specific locations as they repeatedly shuttled between them. Hippocampal neuronal activity was recorded during the course of learning of the place task. The rats learned reward sites within several sessions, and gradually developed efficient navigation strategies throughout the learning sessions. Some hippocampal neurons gradually changed spatial firing as the learning proceeded, and discharged robustly near the reward sites when efficient navigation was established. Over the learning sessions, the neuronal activity was highly correlated to formation of efficient shuttling trajectories between the reward sites. At the end of the experiment, spatial firing patterns of the hippocampal neurons were reexamined in the random reward task. The specific spatial firing patterns of the neurons were preserved if the rats navigated, as if they expected to find rewards at the previously valid locations. However, those specific spatial firing patterns were not observed in rats pursuing random trajectories. These results suggest that hippocampal neurons have a crucial role in formation of an efficient navigation.