A reappraisal of the geographic distribution of Bokermannohyla sazimai (Anura: Hylidae) through morphological and bioacoustic approaches (original) (raw)
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Bokermannohyla juiju is a member of the B. martinsi species group and it was described based on one male specimen. In order to enhance the knowledge about the species, we describe its advertisement call and morphological variation, including for the first time data on females. We also provide additional comments about its natural history, geographic distribution, and conservation. The advertisement call of B. juiju consists of a single note, non-pulsed, harmonic structured call emitted several times in a row. Four out of five males were found calling in bromeliads. The female, as it is common in many Bokermannohyla species, presents some morphological features not shared with the males, like a non-hypertrophied forearm and less developed prepollex.
Phyllomedusa: Journal of Herpetology, 2016
The analysis of anuran vocalizations is an important taxonomic tool, especially within complexes of morphologically similar species. Hypsiboas beckeri and H. stenocephalus are syntopic in their type locality (Poços de Caldas, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil), and both belong to the H. polytaenius species group. Analyzed calls of these species showed that a previous acoustic description for H. beckeri, from another locality, probably represents a distinct species. The calls of topotypical H. beckeri and H. stenocephalus differed substantially from each other, and also could be differentiated from other species of the H. polytaenius group. Additionally, we present the first record of H. beckeri for the State of São Paulo. The conservation status of both studied species varies among the available red lists and should thus be revisited in the future according to new taxonomic and distributional information.
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In this paper, we provide new bioacoustic and distributional data on Bokermannohyla sapiranga, as well as additional comparative bioacoustic data on topotypes of B. pseudopseudis, and re-evaluate the differential diagnosis of the former species with respect to the latter. Head shapes (dorsal and lateral views) presented such variation that should not be used to differentially diagnose them as originally proposed. On the other hand, the presence of a dermal ridge along outer tarsi, and color patterns of the eyes and dorsal surface of hand/toe disks still represent diagnostic characters between both species. We also found differences in temporal (call duration; notes per call), spectral (dominant frequency; harmonics), and structural (pulsed/non-pulsed note structure) traits of their calls. Distribution of B. sapiranga is extended eastward (Paracatu), which corresponds to the first record for the State of Minas Gerais, whereas B. pseudopseudis distribution seems to be restricted to ro...
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Bokermannohyla juiju is a member of the B. martinsi species group and it was described based on one male specimen. In order to enhance the knowledge about the species, we describe its advertisement call and morphological variation, including for the first time data on females. We also provide additional comments about its natural history, geographic distribution, and conservation. The advertisement call of B. juiju consists of a single note, non-pulsed, harmonic structured call emitted several times in a row. Four out of five males were found calling in bromeliads. The female, as it is common in many Bokermannohyla species, presents some morphological features not shared with the males, like a non-hypertrophied forearm and less developed prepollex.
Geographic variation in the advertisement call of Hypsiboas cordobae (Anura, Hylidae)
acta ethologica, 2014
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Vocalizations of Hypsiboas beckeri and H. stenocephalus (Anura: Hylidae), two species of the H. polytaenius group from southeastern Brazil. The analysis of anuran vocalizations is an important taxonomic tool, especially within complexes of morphologically similar species. Hypsiboas beckeri and H. stenocephalus are syntopic in their type locality (Poços de Caldas, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil), and both belong to the H. polytaenius species group. Analyzed calls of these species showed that a previous acoustic description for H. beckeri, from another locality, probably represents a distinct species. The calls of topotypical H. beckeri and H. stenocephalus differed substantially from each other, and also could be differentiated from other species of the H. polytaenius H. beckeri for the State of São Paulo. The conservation status of both studied species varies among the available red lists and should thus be revisited in the future according to new taxonomic and distributional information. Resumo Vocalizações de Hypsiboas beckeri e H. stenocephalus (Anura: Hylidae), duas espécies do grupo de H. polytaenius do sudeste do Brasil. A análise das vocalizações dos anuros é uma importante ferramenta taxonômica, especialmente em complexos de espécies morfologicamente similares. Hypsiboas beckeri e H. stenocephalus são sintópicas em sua localidade-tipo (Poços de Caldas, estado
We describe a new species of the Bokermannohyla circumdata group from the Estação de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Ambiental Galheiro (EPDA-Galheiro) (19 o 12′S; 47 o 08′W), Municipality of Perdizes, State of Minas Gerais, a mid-altitudinal (~ 850 m above sea level) riparian forest environment in the Cerrado of southeastern Brazil. Bokermannohyla napolii sp. nov. is allied to the large-sized species of the group, diagnosed on the basis of adult morphology/morphometrics, and mainly vocalizations. Adult specimens of the new species are most closely related to those of B. luctuosa and B. circumdata, but can be differentiated from the former by having distal subarticular tubercle of finger III bifid/divided in males, and finger IV bifid/divided in males and females; and from both B. luctuosa and B. circumdata by a distinctive advertisement call structure. We also provide bioacoustic data on seven other species of the genus, including previously unknown advertisement calls of B. circumdata and B. carvalhoi, and re-description of the advertisement calls of B. luctuosa, B. ibitiguara, B. nanuzae, B. sazimai, and B. hylax.
Zootaxa, 2015
Bokermannohyla nanuzae (Bokermann & Sazima 1973) e B. feioi (Napoli & Caramaschi 2004) pertencem ao grupo de espécies de B. circumdata. A localidade-tipo da primeira espécie é a Serra do Cipó, Serra do Espinhaço, e a da segunda é o Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Serra da Mantiqueira, ambas no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O padrão de desenhos dorsais, morfologia oral dos girinos e propriedades temporais dos cantos são indicadas como forma de distinguir essas espécies. Porém, diversos espécimes coletados entre as duas localidades-tipo permanecem sem identificação porque apresentam sobreposição nos caracteres e estados propostos para diagnosticar as duas espécies. Com o objetivo de avaliar a variação desses caracteres, foram realizadas análises de morfologia e morfometria de adultos, vocalizações e morfologia de girinos. Espécimes foram divididos em três unidades taxonômicas operacionais: B. nanuzae (Serra do Cipó e localidades ao norte, Serra do Espinhaço), B. cf. nanuzae (Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Serra do Espinhaço ao sul da Serra do Cipó), e B. feioi (Serra do Ibitipoca, Serra da Mantiqueira). Os padrões de desenhos do dorso e membros apresentam variação clinal e as três unidades são muito similares morfometricamente. As propriedades temporais e espectrais do canto apresentam sobreposição entre essas três unidades. Diferenças diagnósticas originalmente propostas para os girinos são variações intrapopulacionais e ocorrem em espécimes de todas as localidades analisadas. Assim, concluímos que essas três unidades são morfologicamente indistinguíveis. Portanto, Bokermannohyla feioi (Napoli & Caramaschi 2004) é designado como um sinônimo júnior de Bokermannohyla nanuzae (Bokermann & Sazima 1973), o que estende a distribuição geográfica desta para a Serra da Mantiqueira.