Rediscovering the Umma: Muslims in the Balkans between Nationalism and Transnationalism [reviewed by Evgenia Troeva], in: Journal of Muslims in Europe 4, 2015, 113-136. (original) (raw)

Rediscovering the Umma: Muslims in the Balkans between Nationalism and Transnationalism [reviewed by Evert van der Zweerde], in: Religion, State, and Society 1, 2015.

To cite this article: Evert van der Zweerde (2015): Rediscovering the umma: Muslims in the Balkans between nationalism and transnationalism, by Ina Merdjanova, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, xiii + 198 pp., £47.99 (hbk), ISBN 978-0-19-996403-1, Religion, State and Society,

Muslims in the Balkans: Problems of (Re)Institutionalization and Transformation of Identity

Đorđević, D., Todorović, D. and Mitrović, Lj. (ed.), Islam at the Balkans in the Past, Today and Future, Niš: YSSSR, 2007

(2007): “Muslims in the Balkans: Problems of (Re)Institutionalization and Transformation of Identity”, in: Đorđević, D., Todorović, D. and Mitrović, Lj. (ed.), Islam at the Balkans in the Past, Today and Future, Niš: YSSSR

The Balkan Muslim discourse: Identity among the Muslims of Slavic origin


The Balkan Muslim discourse is determined by many factors that are synthesized within a complex identity system of interdependence. Ethnicity, language, culture, customs, religion, and geographical factors, together with the urban rural character of the communities determine the collective sense of solidarity and building of national affiliations. Of course, this section should also mention the factor of political mobilization, which has been intensified in certain historical periods. The basis of the identities, which originated in the late Ottoman Millet confessional structure is upgraded with the invention of the Western ideologies, primarily the national ideology. But in many of the Balkan countries, which in fact were constituted on basis of the Christian identity, the Muslims of the same language, cultural and ethnical origin, i.e. the Muslims of Slavic origin, were often excluded. Such examples will contribute to the construction of new forms of solidarity, even new national ...

New Balkan Politics The Balkan Muslim discourse: Identity among the Muslims of Slavic origin

The Balkan Muslim discourse is determined by many factors that are synthesized within a complex identity system of interdependence. Ethnicity, language, culture, customs, religion, and geographical factors, together with the urban rural character of the communities determine the collective sense of solidarity and building of national affiliations. Of course, this section should also mention the factor of political mobilization, which has been intensified in certain historical periods. The basis of the identities, which originated in the late Ottoman Millet confessional structure is upgraded with the invention of the Western ideologies, primarily the national ideology. But in many of the Balkan countries, which in fact were constituted on basis of the Christian identity, the Muslims of the same language, cultural and ethnical origin, i.e. the Muslims of Slavic origin, were often excluded. Such examples will contribute to the construction of new forms of solidarity, even new national identities and affiliations.