Decoherence induced by interacting quantum spin baths (original) (raw)
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Decoherence by engineered quantum baths
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2007
We introduce, and determine decoherence for, a wide class of non-trivial quantum spin baths which embrace Ising, XY and Heisenberg universality classes coupled to a two-level system. For the XY and Ising universality classes we provide an exact expression for the decay of the loss of coherence beyond the case of a central spin coupled uniformly to all the spins of the baths which has been discussed so far in the literature. In the case of the Heisenberg spin bath we study the decoherence by means of the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group. We show how these baths can be engineered, by using atoms in optical lattices.
Decoherence of a quantum memory coupled to a collective spin bath
We study the quantum dynamics of a single qubit coupled to a bath of interacting spins as a model for decoherence in solid state quantum memories. The spin bath is described by the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model and the bath spins are subjected to a transverse magnetic field. We investigate the qubit interacting via either an Ising-or an XY-type coupling term to subsets of bath spins of differing size. The large degree of symmetry of the bath allows us to find parameter regimes where the initial qubit state is revived at well defined times after the qubit preparation. These times may become independent of the bath size for large baths and thus enable faithful qubit storage even in the presence of strong coupling to a bath. We analyze a large range of parameters and identify those which are best suited for quantum memories. In general we find that a small number of links between qubit and bath spins leads to less decoherence and that systems with Ising coupling between qubit and bath spins are preferable.
Induced decoherence and entanglement by an interacting spin chain
We study the reduced dynamics of a single or two qubits coupled to an interacting spin chain using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (TD-DMRG) technology. By using TD-DMRG we can go beyond the uniform coupling central spin model and evaluate nonperturbatively the reduced dynamics even when the coupling between qubits and the chain is non-uniform. Furthermore, the qubit-bath interaction can be of Ising, XY, or Heisenberg type. This allows us to go beyond pure dephasing model. For single qubit we use Loschmidt echo to gauge the decoherence and investigate how the short time decay parameter and large time behavior are linked to the phase of spin chain. We use concurrence to quantify the (dis)-entanglement process of two qubits due to spin chain. We show that one can induced entanglement for an initially disentangled pair of qubit. The competition between induced decoherence and entanglement is discussed.
Suppression of decoherence in a generalization of the spin-bath model
Journal of Physics A-mathematical and Theoretical, 2010
The works on decoherence due to spin baths usually agree in studying a one-spin system in interaction with a large spin bath. In this paper we generalize those models by analyzing a many-spin system and by studying decoherence or its suppression in function of the relation between the numbers of spins of the system and the bath. This model may help to identify clusters of particles unaffected by decoherence, which, as a consequence, can be used to store quantum information.
Decoherence by a spin thermal bath: Role of the spin-spin interactions and initial state of the bath
Physical Review B, 2008
We study the decoherence of two coupled spins that interact with a spin-bath environment. It is shown that the connectivity and the coupling strength between the spins in the environment are of crucial importance for the decoherence of the central system. For the anisotropic spin-bath, changing the connectivity or coupling strenghts changes the decoherence of the central system from Gaussian
Decoherence by a spin thermal bath: Role of spin-spin interactions and initial state of the bath
Physical Review B, 2008
We study the decoherence of two coupled spins that interact with a spin-bath environment. It is shown that the connectivity and the coupling strength between the spins in the environment are of crucial importance for the decoherence of the central system. For the anisotropic spin bath, changing the connectivity or coupling strength changes the decoherence of the central system from Gaussian to exponential decay law. The initial state of the environment is shown to affect the decoherence process in a qualitatively significant manner.
Importance of bath dynamics for decoherence in spin systems
Journal of The American Medical Informatics Association, 2007
We study the decoherence of two coupled spins that interact with a chaotic spin-bath environment. It is shown that connectivity of spins in the bath is of crucial importance for the decoherence of the central system. The previously found phenomenon of two-step decoherence (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 90}, 210401 (2003)) turns out to be typical for the bath with a
Decoherence by a spin thermal bath: Role of the spin-spin interactions
We study the decoherence of two coupled spins that interact with a spin-bath environment. It is shown that the connectivity and the coupling strength between the spins in the environment are of crucial importance for the decoherence of the central system. For the anisotropic spin bath, changing the connectivity or coupling strength changes the decoherence of the central system from Gaussian to exponential decay law. The initial state of the environment is shown to affect the decoherence process in a qualitatively significant manner.
Quantum many-body theory of qubit decoherence in a finite-size spin bath. II. Ensemble dynamics
Physical Review B, 2009
Decoherence of a center spin or qubit in a spin bath is essentially determined by the many-body bath evolution. The bath dynamics can start either from a pure state or, more generally, from a statistical ensemble. In the preceding article [W. Yang and R. B. Liu, Phys. Rev. B 78, 085315 (2008)], we have developed the clustercorrelation expansion (CCE) theory for the so-called single-sample bath dynamics initiated from a factorizable pure state. Here we present the ensemble CCE theory, which is based on similar ideas of the single-sample CCE: The bath evolution is factorized into the product of all possible cluster correlations, each of which accounts for the authentic (non-factorizable) collective excitation of a group of bath spins, and for the finite-time evolution in the qubit decoherence problem, convergent results can be obtained by truncating the ensemble CCE by keeping cluster correlations up to a certain size. A difference between the ensemble CCE and single-sample CCE is that the mean-field treatment in the latter formalism of the diagonal part of the spin-spin interaction in the bath is not possible in the former case. The ensemble CCE can be applied to non-factorizable initial states. The ensemble CCE is checked against the exact solution of an XY spin bath model. For small spin baths, it is shown that single-sample dynamics is sensitive to the sampling of the initial state from a thermal ensemble and hence very different from the ensemble average.