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Biomechanical Analysis of the Backstroke Start Technique in Swimming
E-Journal Bewegung …, 2008
This study researched in depth a 6-phase model that describes This study researched in depth a 6-phase model that describes the kinematic and kinetic parameters of the backstroke start in combination with the time pattern and activity level of the muscles while executing the start movement. Nine male backstroke sprinters performed four backstroke starts over a distance of 7.5 m. During the start the overall start time, reaction time, wall time, flight time, and glide time were recorded. Kinetic data were measured as 3-dimensional ground reaction forces. The correlation (N = 9) of the resultant take off force and the final overall start time (7.5 m) turned out to be significant (r [9] =-.82, p = .006). Correlations were found between the times of hands off and take off (r [9] = .70, p = .04) and hands off and hip entry (r [9] = .92, p < .001). The influence of the kinematic and kinetic parameters of the above water phase (wall and flight activity) of the backstroke start technique is clearly shown by the analysis. EMG-data were recorded for five of the nine backstroke sprinters by a water protected 8-channel EMG from eight arm, shoulder, trunk and leg muscles. To compare the quality of muscular activity patterns, the IDANCO-system served as an adequate method. The EMG recordings in the 5 swimmers indicated a medium repetition consistency and reproducibility of the identified patterns of muscle activity. In the initial hang phase, and the final glide phase the EMG recordings of the first dolphin kick demonstrated an identical and analogue movement behavior. During the flight phase, and especially during the water entry, the number of different muscle activation patterns grew significantly.
An integrated swimming monitoring system for the biomechanical analysis of swimming strokes
Sports Technology, 2011
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Invited Contribution Biophysics in Swimming
Performance is the time (t) to cover a given distance (d), i. e. speed of swimming (v = d / t). In turn, v is the product of stroke rate (SR), and distance per stroke (d/S). Maximal v is set by maximal metabolic power (E’max) and energy cost of swimming (Cs). Drag (D), efficiency (h) and v set the metabolic requirements. D can be partitioned in friction (22%), pressure (55%) and wave (23%) drag. D reduction can be achieved by training and swim suit design. _ and Cs are influenced by D, by the energy wasted to water and by the internal work. E’tot is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic power: it increases monotonically with the speed, is highly variable and, it decreases with training. Aerobic, anaerobic lactic and alactic energy supply 38, 43, and 19% in 200 yd and 19, 54, and 26% in 50 yds. At competitive v, Cs is lowest in front crawl and higher in backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke (in that order). The above mentioned factors are highly variable, but even among elite swimm...
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2010
The biophysical determinants related to swimming performance are one of the most attractive topics within swimming science. The aim of this paper was to do an update of the "state of art" about the interplay between performance, energetic and biomechanics in competitive swimming. Throughout the manuscript some recent highlights are described: (i) the relationship between swimmer's segmental kinematics (segmental velocities, stroke length, stroke frequency, stroke index and coordination index) and his center of mass kinematics (swimming velocity and speed fluctuation); (ii) the relationships between energetic (energy expenditure and energy cost) and swimmer's kinematics; and (iii) the prediction of swimming performance derived from above mentioned parameters.