Quantitative PCR methods for RNA and DNA in marine sediments: maximizing yield while overcoming inhibition (original) (raw)
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Applied and environmental microbiology, 1998
In this study, we compared three methods for extraction and quantification of RNA and DNA from marine sediments: (i) a spectrophotometric method using the diphenylamine assay; (ii) a fluorometric method utilizing selective fluorochromes (thiazole orange for total nucleic acids and Hoechst 33258 for DNA); and (iii) a high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method which uses a specific column to separate RNA and DNA and UV absorption of the nucleic acids for quantification. Sediment samples were collected in the oligotrophic Cretan Sea (eastern Mediterranean, from 40 to 1,540 m in depth) and compared to the distribution and composition of the benthic microbial assemblages (i.e., bacteria and microprotozoa). DNA concentrations measured spectrophotometrically and by HPLC were not significantly different, while fluorometric yields were significantly lower. Such differences appear mainly due to fact that the stain-DNA complex is strongly dependent on the DNA composition and structure. ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
In this study, we compared three methods for extraction and quantification of RNA and DNA from marine sediments: (i) a spectrophotometric method using the diphenylamine assay; (ii) a fluorometric method utilizing selective fluorochromes (thiazole orange for total nucleic acids and Hoechst 33258 for DNA); and (iii) a high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method which uses a specific column to separate RNA and DNA and UV absorption of the nucleic acids for quantification. Sediment samples were collected in the oligotrophic Cretan Sea (eastern Mediterranean, from 40 to 1,540 m in depth) and compared to the distribution and composition of the benthic microbial assemblages (i.e., bacteria and microprotozoa). DNA concentrations measured spectrophotometrically and by HPLC were not significantly different, while fluorometric yields were significantly lower. Such differences appear mainly due to fact that the stain-DNA complex is strongly dependent on the DNA composition and structure. RNA concentrations determined by the three methods displayed some differences; fluorometric and spectrophotometric methods obtain RNA concentration by difference and therefore may be biased by DNA estimates. By contrast, the HPLC method provides independent assessments of RNA and DNA concentrations. We tentatively estimated the contribution of the detrital DNA to the total DNA pools in two ways. The two calculations provided quite similar results indicating that the majority of the DNA pool in the deep-sea sediments was detrital. Microbial RNA generally accounted for almost the entire sedimentary RNA pools below 100-m depth. RNA concentrations were found to decrease along the Cretan shelf and slope. The RNA/DNA ratio calculated by using fluorometric DNA concentrations was significantly correlated with values of sediment community oxygen consumption only below 100-m depth (dominated by the microbial biomass). These data suggest that the RNA/DNA ratio, based on fluorometric estimates of DNA, can be used as an indicator of benthic metabolic activity, but only when metazoan contribution to the microbial DNA is negligible.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015
A method for the extraction of nucleic acids from a wide range of environmental samples was developed. This method consists of several modules, which can be individually modified to maximize yields in extractions of DNA and RNA or separations of DNA pools. Modules were designed based on elaborate tests, in which permutations of all nucleic acid extraction steps were compared. The final modular protocol is suitable for extractions from igneous rock, air, water, and sediments. Sediments range from high-biomass, organic rich coastal samples to samples from the most oligotrophic region of the world's oceans and the deepest borehole ever studied by scientific ocean drilling. Extraction yields of DNA and RNA are higher than with widely used commercial kits, indicating an advantage to optimizing extraction procedures to match specific sample characteristics. The ability to separate soluble extracellular DNA pools without cell lysis from intracellular and particle-complexed DNA pools may enable new insights into the cycling and preservation of DNA in environmental samples in the future. A general protocol is outlined, along with recommendations for optimizing this general protocol for specific sample types and research goals.
An optimized method for the extraction of ancient eukaryote DNA from marine sediments
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2020
Marine sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) provides a powerful means to reconstruct marine palaeo‐communities across the food web. However, currently there are few optimized sedaDNA extraction protocols available to maximize the yield of small DNA fragments typical of ancient DNA (aDNA) across a broad diversity of eukaryotes. We compared seven combinations of sedaDNA extraction treatments and sequencing library preparations using marine sediments collected at a water depth of 104 m off Maria Island, Tasmania, in 2018. These seven methods contrasted frozen versus refrigerated sediment, bead‐beating induced cell lysis versus ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) incubation, DNA binding in silica spin columns versus in silica‐solution, diluted versus undiluted DNA in shotgun library preparations to test potential inhibition issues during amplification steps, and size‐selection of low molecular‐weight (LMW) DNA to increase the extraction efficiency of sedaDNA. Maximum efficiency was obta...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2001
In this study, we report on the development of quantitative PCR and reverse transcriptase PCR assays for the 16S rRNA of Geobacter spp. and identify key issues related to fluorogenic reporter systems for nucleic acid analyses of sediments. The lower detection limit of each assay was 5 to 50 fg of genomic DNA or <2 pg of 16S rRNA. TaqMan PCR spectral traces from uncontaminated, amended aquifer sediments were significantly lower (P < 0.0002) than traces for the external standard curve. We also observed a similar, significant decrease in mean quencher emissions for undiluted extracts relative to those for diluted extracts (P < 0.0001). If PCR enumerations were based solely upon the undiluted sample eluant, the TaqMan assay generated an inaccurate result even though the threshold cycle (C t ) measurements were precise and reproducible in the sediment extracts. Assay accuracy was significantly improved by employing a system of replicate dilutions and replicate analyses for both DNA and rRNA quantitation. Our results clearly demonstrate that fluorescence quenching and autofluorescence can significantly affect TaqMan PCR enumeration accuracy, with subsequent implications for the design and implementation of TaqMan PCR to sediments and related environmental samples.
A new DNA extraction method by controlled alkaline treatments from consolidated subsurface sediments
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2011
Microbial communities that thrive in subterranean consolidated sediments are largely unknown owing to the difficulty of extracting DNA. As this difficulty is often attributed to DNA binding onto the silica-bearing sediment matrix, we developed a DNA extraction method for consolidated sediment from the deep subsurface in which silica minerals were dissolved by being heated under alkaline conditions. NaOH concentrations (0.07 and 0.33 N), incubation temperatures (65 and 94°C) and incubation times (30-90 min) before neutralization were evaluated based on the copy number of extracted prokaryotic DNA. Prokaryotic DNA was detected by quantitative PCR analysis after heating the sediment sample at 94°C in 0.33 N NaOH solution for 50-80 min. Results of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of the extracted DNA were all consistent with regard to the dominant occurrence of the metallophilic bacterium, Cupriavidus metallidurans, and Pseudomonas spp. Mineralogical analysis revealed that the dissolution of a silica mineral (opal-CT) during alkaline treatment was maximized at 94°C in 0.33 N NaOH solution for 50 min, which may have resulted in the release of DNA into solution. Because the optimized protocol for DNA extraction is applicable to subterranean consolidated sediments from a different locality, the method developed here has the potential to expand our understanding of the microbial community structure of the deep biosphere.
Underwater Application of Quantitative PCR on an Ocean Mooring
PLoS ONE, 2011
The Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) is a device that allows for the underwater, autonomous application of DNA and protein probe array technologies as a means to remotely identify and quantify, in situ, marine microorganisms and substances they produce. Here, we added functionality to the ESP through the development and incorporation of a module capable of solid-phase nucleic acid extraction and quantitative PCR (qPCR). Samples collected by the instrument were homogenized in a chaotropic buffer compatible with direct detection of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and nucleic acid purification. From a single sample, both an rRNA community profile and select gene abundances were ascertained. To illustrate this functionality, we focused on bacterioplankton commonly found along the central coast of California and that are known to vary in accordance with different oceanic conditions. DNA probe arrays targeting rRNA revealed the presence of 16S rRNA indicative of marine crenarchaea, SAR11 and marine cyanobacteria; in parallel, qPCR was used to detect 16S rRNA genes from the former two groups and the large subunit RuBisCo gene (rbcL) from Synecchococcus. The PCR-enabled ESP was deployed on a coastal mooring in Monterey Bay for 28 days during the spring-summer upwelling season. The distributions of the targeted bacterioplankon groups were as expected, with the exception of an increase in abundance of marine crenarchaea in anomalous nitrate-rich, low-salinity waters. The unexpected co-occurrence demonstrated the utility of the ESP in detecting novel events relative to previously described distributions of particular bacterioplankton groups. The ESP can easily be configured to detect and enumerate genes and gene products from a wide range of organisms. This study demonstrated for the first time that gene abundances could be assessed autonomously, underwater in near real-time and referenced against prevailing chemical, physical and bulk biological conditions.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2005
The occurrence of high extracellular DNA concentrations in aquatic sediments (concentrations that are 3 to 4 orders of magnitude greater than those in the water column) might play an important role in biogeochemical cycling, as well as in horizontal gene transfer through natural transformation. Since isolation of extracellular DNA from sediments is a difficult and unsolved task, in this study we developed an efficient procedure to recover simultaneously DNA associated with microbial cells and extracellular DNA from the same sediment sample. This procedure is specifically suitable for studying extracellular DNA because it avoids any contamination with DNA released by cell lysis during handling and extraction. Applying this procedure to different sediment types, we obtained extracellular DNA concentrations that were about 10 to 70 times higher than the intracellular DNA concentrations. Using specific targeted prokaryotic primers, we obtained evidence that extracellular DNA recovered f...
Molecular Ecology, 2008
The extracellular DNA pool in marine sediments is the largest reservoir of DNA of the world oceans and it potentially represents an archive of genetic information and gene sequences involved in natural transformation processes. However, no information is at present available for the gene sequences contained in the extracellular DNA and for the factors that influence their preservation. In the present study, we investigated the depurination and degradation rates of extracellular DNA in a variety of marine sediment samples characterized by different ages (up to 10 000 years) and environmental conditions according to the presence, abundance and diversity of prokaryotic gene sequences. We provide evidence that depurination of extracellular DNA in these sediments depends upon the different environmental factors that act synergistically and proceeds at much slower rates than those theoretically predicted or estimated for terrestrial ecosystems. These findings suggest that depurination in marine sediments is not the main process that limits extracellular DNA survival. Conversely, DNase activities were high suggesting a more relevant role of biologically driven processes. Amplifiable prokaryotic 16S rDNA sequences were present in most benthic systems analysed, independent of depurination and degradation rates and of the ages of the sediment samples. Additional molecular analyses revealed that the extracellular DNA pool is characterized by relatively low-copy numbers of prokaryotic 16S rDNA sequences that are highly diversified. Overall, our results suggest that the extracellular DNA pool in marine sediments represents a repository of genetic information, which can be used for improving our understanding of the biodiversity, functioning and evolution of ecosystems over different timescales.
Improving the recovery of qPCR-grade DNA from sludge and sediment
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2010
DNA extraction is often considered as the limiting step of most molecular approaches in ecology and environmental microbiology. Ten existing DNA extraction protocols were compared for recovery of DNA from sludge and a modified version of the protocol described by Porteous et al. (Mol Ecol 6:787-791, 1997) was determined to be the best method for recovery of DNA suitable for PCR. In this respect, it appeared that the commonly used guanidine isothiocyanate could impair the quality of the extracted DNA unless its concentration is lowered. Second, conditioning the samples as liquors as opposed to pellets critically impacts the outcome of the extraction. The suitability of the modified Porteous protocol for quantitative PCR applications is demonstrated in a series of experiments showing the absence of interfering coextracted inhibitors and the linear correspondence between the concentrations of input target DNA and PCR product. Interestingly, it is also shown that the nature of the environmental matrices affects the recovery yield of both circular plasmids and chromosomal DNA, resulting in an apparent fluctuation of the plasmid copy number per cell. This means that quantitative data obtained by PCR remain comparable as long as they apply to an identical target sequence extracted from a similar environment and amplified under the same conditions.