Smart Grid projects in Europe (original) (raw)
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IJERT-Smart Grid: The Future of the Electric Energy System
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2021 The grid," refers to the electric grid, a network of transmission lines, substations, transformers and more that deliver electricity from the power plant to your home or business. The digital technology that allows for two-way communication between the utility and its customers, and the sensing along the transmission lines is what makes the grid smart. Like the Internet, the Smart Grid will consist of controls, computers, automation, and new technologies and equipment working together, but in this case, these technologies will work with the electrical grid to respond digitally to our quickly changing electric demand. The Smart Grid represents an unprecedented opportunity to move the energy industry into a new era of reliability, availability, and efficiency that will contribute to our economic and environmental health. The benefits associated with the Smart Grid include: • More efficient transmission of electricity. • Quicker restoration of electricity after power disturbances. • Reduced operations and management costs for utilities, and ultimately lower power costs for consumers. • Reduced peak demand, which will also help lower electricity rates. • Increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems. • Better integration of customer-owner power generation systems, including renewable energy systems. • Improved security. A smarter grid will add resiliency to our electric power System and make it better prepared to address emergencies such as severe storms, earthquakes, large solar flares. Because of its two-way interactive capacity, the Smart Grid will allow for automatic rerouting when equipment fails or outages occur. When a power outage occurs, Smart Grid technologies will detect and isolate the outages, containing them before they become large-scale blackouts. The new technologies will also help ensure that electricity recovery resumes quickly and strategically after an emergency-routing electricity to emergency services first, for example. In addition, the Smart Grid will take greater advantage of customer-owned power generators to produce power when it is not available from utilities. By combining these "distributed generation" resources, a community could keep its health center, police department, traffic lights, phone System, and grocery store operating during emergencies. In addition, the Smart Grid is a way to address an aging energy infrastructure that needs to be upgraded or replaced. It's a way to address energy efficiency, to bring increased awareness to consumers about the connection between electricity use and the environment. And it's a way to bring increased national security to our energy System.
Projects of Common Interest are key energy infrastructure projects essential for completing the European internal energy market and reaching the Union's energy policy objectives of affordable, secure and sustainable energy. This report supports the implementation of the EU Regulation on trans-European energy infrastructure (Regulation EU No. 347/2013) and in particular the assessment of candidate Projects of Common Interest in the field of Smart Grids. It is intended to assist the Smart Grid Thematic Group (comprised of competent Ministries, national regulatory authorities, electricity transmission operators, project promoters, ENTSO for Electricity, the Agency, and the European Commission) in selecting Projects of Common Interest in the area of Smart Grids. Moreover, the document provides lessons learned from the evaluation process and on that basis proposes further developments in the assessment and selection of Smart Grid Projects of Common Interest.
Smart Grid ICT Research Lines out of the European Project INTEGRIS
Network Protocols and Algorithms, 2014
The Smart Grid is an example of a cyber-physical system where the physical power grid is surrounded by many intelligent and communication devices that allow for an enhanced management of the power network itself. The Smart Grid may bring great benefits by massively introducing renewable energy sources in the power grid, reducing carbon emissions and improving sustainability. However, it may also bring big challenges regarding reliability, latency and even cybersecurity, since it opens the power system to at least the same threats faced by the Internet. In fact, vulnerabilities may be still larger, considering the novel, heterogeneous and distributed nature of the Smart Grid. Furthermore, cybersecurity is essential for its survival and feasibility, thus making the risks still more relevant. Such Information and Communication Technologies and computer networks supporting the Smart Grid need to comply with very stringent requirements. They also need to efficiently integrate and manage in a single network a vast array of technologies which diverse link layer technologies, meshed and non-meshed Ethernet networks, different cybersecurity protocols, networking at different layers, cognitive systems and storage and replication of data. The objective is to provide a system capable of providing adequate service to the wide array of applications foreseen for the Smart Grid but the complexity of the problem is impressive and it is not possible to focus all of its aspects in a single paper or even project. The present paper presents these requirements, the solutions and results developed and tested in the FP7 European Project INTEGRIS, especially in the security domain, as well as the future challenges and research lines identified and some prospective solutions.
Promises and Pitfalls of Smart Grid
Electric Power Struggles, 2015
Electricity is vital to the commerce and daily functioning of United States. The modernization of the grid to accommodate today's uses is leading to the incorporation of information processing capabilities for power system controls and operations monitoring. The "Smart Grid" is the name given to the evolving electric power network as new information technology systems and capabilities are incorporated. While these new components may add to the ability to control power flows and enhance the efficiency of grid operations, they also potentially increase the susceptibility of the grid to cyber (i.e., computer-related) attack since they are built around microprocessor devices whose basic functions are controlled by software programming. The potential for a major disruption or widespread damage to the nation's power system from a large scale cyberattack has increased focus on the cybersecurity of the Smart Grid. Federal efforts to enhance the cybersecurity of the electrical grid were emphasized with the recognition of cybersecurity as a critical issue for electric utilities in developing the Smart Grid. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) received primary responsibility for the reliability of the bulk power system from the Energy Policy Act of 2005. FERC subsequently designated the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) as the "Electric Reliability Organization" (ERO) with the responsibility of establishing and enforcing reliability standards. Compliance with reliability standards for electric utilities thus changed from a voluntary, peer-driven undertaking to a mandatory function. The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) later added requirements for "a reliable and secure electricity infrastructure" with regard to Smart Grid development. NERC is also responsible for standards for critical infrastructure protection (CIP) which focus on planning and procedures for the physical security of the grid. Self-determination is a key part of the CIP reliability process. Utilities are allowed to self-identify what they see as "critical assets" under NERC regulations. Only "critical cyber assets" (i.e., as essential to the reliable operation of critical assets) are subject to CIP standards. FERC has directed NERC to revise the standards so that some oversight of the identification process for critical cyber assets was provided, but any revision is again subject to stakeholder approval. While reliability standards are mandatory, the ERO process for developing regulations is somewhat unusual in that the regulations are essentially being established by the entities who are being regulated. This may potentially be a conflict of interest, especially when cost of compliance is a concern, and acceptable standards may conceivably result from the option with the lowest costs. Since utility systems are interconnected in many ways, the system with the least protected network potentially provides the weakest point of access. Cybersecurity threats represent a constantly moving and increasing target for mitigation activities and mitigation efforts could likewise spiral upward in costs. Recovery of costs may present a major challenge especially to distribution utilities and state commissions charged with overseeing utility costs. EISA only requires states to consider recovery of costs related to Smart Grid systems. FERC has jurisdiction over the bulk power grid, and cannot compel entities involved in distribution to comply with its regulations. Recoverability from a cyber attack on the scale of something which could take down a significant portion of the grid will likely be very difficult, but maintaining a ready inventory of critical spare parts in close proximity to key installations could quicken recovery efforts from some types of attack. The electricity grid is connected to (and largely dependent on) the natural gas pipeline, water supply, and telecommunications systems. Technologies being developed for use by the Smart Grid could also be used by these industries. Consideration could be given to applying similar control system device and system safeguards to these other critical utility systems.
The entire electricity infrastructure and associated socio-technical system including transmission and distribution networks, the system operator, suppliers, generators, consumers and market mechanisms will need to evolve to realize the full potential of smart-grids. At the heart of this evolution is the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) and energy infrastructures for increasingly decentralized development, monitoring and management of a resilient grid. This paper identifies the challenges of integration and four key areas of future research and development at the intersection of energy and ICT: standards-based interoperability, reliability and security, decentralized and self-organizing grid architecture, and innovative business models to unlock the potential of the energy value chain. The ideas postulated here are envisaged to act as a starting-point for future R&D direction.
Smart Grid Interoperability Laboratory
This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication. For information on the methodology and quality underlying the data used in this publication for which the source is neither Eurostat nor other Commission services, users should contact the referenced source. The designations employed and the presentation of material on the maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Union concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Way Forward to Smart Grid Regulation
I dedicate this work to my daughter Marta and son Fernando Kyotaro, who keep teaching me many things. Besides this dedication, I want to thank, first of all, to my supervisor Isabel Soares who guided me in this challenge. Her helpful advices, patience, and encouragement were very important for the writing of this dissertation. Although I lived and worked in Aveiro, she always made me feel welcomed in Porto despite of this distance and time constraints. Professor Isabel became to me an example of precision, pragmatism, dedication and passion for knowledge. For her friendship, helpful comments, important insights, and for the encouragement and love that made this work possible, I want to thank to my wife Naoko. A big thanks to my parents and sister who during all these years have been encouraging and supporting me in several aspects of life, which in the end contributed for the completion of this dissertation. Finally, I want to thank all my friends that missed me while I was working, but at the same time gave me support to continue. I also missed you!