Ponzano–Regge model revisited: I. Gauge fixing, observables and interacting spinning particles (original) (raw)

2004, Classical and Quantum Gravity

Spin-Cube Models of Quantum Gravity

Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 2013

We study the state-sum models of quantum gravity based on a representation 2-category of the Poincaré 2-group. We call them spin-cube models, since they are categorical generalizations of spin-foam models. A spin-cube state sum can be considered as a path integral for a constrained 2-BF theory, and depending on how the constraints are imposed, a spin-cube state sum can be reduced to a path integral for the area-Regge model with the edge-length constraints, or to a path integral for the Regge model. We also show that the effective actions for these spin-cube models have the correct classical limit.


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