Mind the Gap (original) (raw)

Sport and Law

Sport Mont Journal, 2011

This work offers a review of law implementation in sport. It present a number of cases which should be dealt with regarding the established legal regulation for providing with law protection athletes, coaches, sports workers and sports clubs.

A Content Analysis of the Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport: 1992-2016

Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport

As the flagship journal of the Sport and Recreation Law Association, the Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport (JLAS) serves “…as an interdisciplinary outlet for legal issues in the sport, recreation, and related fields to meet the needs of researchers, academicians, practitioners, and policymakers” (About JLAS, para. 2). A study by Batista and Pittman (2006) identified JLAS as the most highly ranked sport law journal among journals focusing on sport management. Articles appearing in the Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport have informed court decisions and case outcomes, policy decisions and debate on limited liability legislation, health and safety issues, and universal access to sport opportunities (Spengler & Miller, 2014). Additionally, JLAS articles have been cited in journals published in a variety of countries including India, China, Australia, France, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Spain (Spengler & Miller, 2014). These inclusions indicate that the Journal of Legal Aspects of Spo...

Sports law in motion: The Sports Law Clinic @UCC - A unique learning and teaching space for student engagement, dynamism and creativity

Learning Connections 2019: Spaces, People, Practice, 2019

UCC Sports Law Clinic is the only undergraduate clinic of its kind in the world (https://sportslawclinic.wordpress.com/). It was initially founded and developed by Dr Aisling Parkes and Dr Seán Ó Conaill (UCC School of Law) in 2015, established on foot of an Irish Research Council New Foundations Award. The Clinic not only provides undergraduate law students with an exceptional research experience, as well as an extraordinary learning experience in terms of skills development and application of law to facts, but it also provides a free legal information service to the wider community both within and outside of UCC. It is a student-led initiative and encourages students to be creative, innovative and to think outside the box. Through student research, overseen by Dr Ó Conaill and Dr Parkes as clinic directors, a much-needed pro bono information service in the field of sport is made accessible to the local community.

Transnational Sports Law

ASSER International Sports Law Series, 2012

... Clarendon Press, Oxford Nafziger J (2004a) International sports law, 2nd edn.Transnational Publ Dobbs Ferry, New Yorks Nafziger JAR (2004b) Lex sportiva, ISLJ Parrish R (2003) Sports law and policy in the european union. ...

Transcending the Frontiers: The Role of Comparative Legal Research in Sports Law, International Journal of Legal Studies and Research, Vol. 5, Issue 1, 2016

Commercial transformation of sports has necessitated increased juridification or intervention of legal instruments of the state, leading to claims of emergence of a new autonomous body of law, Sports Law. At the same time, in this age of globalisation of capital and means of communication, comparative legal research has become almost pervasive across different branches of law. Comparative method of legal research provides a number of functional and heuristic benefits. The transnational and autonomous nature of sports law and the aggravated need for harmonisation of applicable norms makes the use of comparative law a particularly appropriate analytical tool in sports law.

Publicity of International Sports Law

Batan Yu. D. Publicity of International Sports Law // Матеріали XVІI Звітної студентської наукової конференції (м. Одеса, 26 квітня 2014 р.) : у 3 т. Т. 3. – Одеса : Юридична література, 2014. – С. 507 – 509.