Making Sense of North Korea: How to Respond to Pyongyang's Charm Offensive (original) (raw)
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The paper will analyse building and stumbling blocks of possible formation of the Northeast Asian Community in the foreseeable future. Analysis will be primarily based on system-theory, but only transnational and international levels (understood as inter-state level) will be taken into account. Supranational level, being at a very early stage of development in Northeast Asia, will be mentioned in a model, however, not fully analysed in this paper. The hypothesis of presented paper is as follows: building blocks of NE Asia Community exist at the transnational level (especially economic cooperation) and stumbling blocks at international (inter-state) level, especially in the political sphere.
Flashpoint South and Central Asia: Strategic Aspects of a Historical Relationship
in: Reiter/Hazdra (eds), The Impact of Asian Powers on Global Developments, Heidelberg: Phyica/Springer, 2004
The Paper is the outcome of an academic workshop on the "Consequences of South Asia Developments for European Security Policy" held by the Bureau of Security Policy of the Austrian Ministry of National Defence on 22 - 24 April 2002 at Reichenau, Austria. It looks at the transformation of regional security after 9/11 and international engagements in Afghanistan between the South Asian states of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, on one side, and the Central Asian states connecting with the region, such as Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, on the other, with an emphasis on South Asia dynamics. It is an expanded version of the German version ("Brennpunkt Süd- und Zentralasien: strategische Aspekte einer historischen Nachbarschaft").published in 2002.
Betel, ‘Lonely Heroes’ and Magic Birth in the Philippines and Beyond: Comparative Mythology, Field Work and Folklore Corpora , 2014
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