Nonlinear dynamics of femtosecond optical solitary wave propagation at the zero dispersion point (original) (raw)

1995, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics

OLITONS are pulse-like waves that propagate in non-S linear dispersive media without any change in shape or intensity due to a deficate balance between the nonlinear and dispersive effects. Solitons belong to a wider class of localized nonlinear traveling waves, the class of the so-called solitary waves [l]. In nonlinear optical fibers, propagation of a great variety of solitary waves, namely, solitons [2], shock waves [3], kink and antikink waves [4], is predicted. The propagation d sokitons and shock waves, which are usually called bright and dark solitons, respectively, in the optical soliton literature [5], [63, has also experimentally been verified [71, 181. Nonlinear pulse prupagation at the zero dispersion point, uxmspoading to zero s8cond-order (or p u p velocity) dispersion, is desirable m optical communication systems because them the power required for generating (bright) solitons is sigRiticaRtly lawer €51, Id]. The corresponding nonlinear evolution equation (NEE), for the complex envelqk of the ekmie field distribution, results directly from the nonlinear Schrzktinger Gqultion (NLS) [5], [6],, by neglecting the S e c o n d d r d i s p i e n term and taking into account the thirdsrder linear dispersion term. This equation has been analyzed, by using numerical techniques, by various groups in the past [91-[13], for the usual case of a positive thirdorder &persim. Ntice that the effects of fiber loss [14] and axial inhomogeneity E 151 have also been examined. Analytical mults, for the case of dark solitons, have been obtained Manusuipt d v e Athens, Greece. IEEE Log Number 9409267.