Awareness of the saccade goal in oculomotor selection: Your eyes go before you know (original) (raw)
Related papers
Saccade target selection in visual search: the effect of information from the previous fixation
Vision Research, 2001
This paper reports an analysis of saccades made during a task of visual search for a colour shape conjunction. The analysis concentrates on the saccade following the first saccade, thus complementing an earlier paper where the first saccades were analysed. The further analysis addresses the issue of what information might be held in trans-saccadic memory. As with the first saccade, incorrect second saccades tend to fall on distractors sharing one feature with the target. The proximity of the target to the fixation location immediately prior to the saccade is a very significant determinant of whether the saccade will reach the target. The results lead to the conclusion that in the majority of cases, choice of saccade destination is made afresh during each fixation with no carry-over from the previous fixation. However, in a small number of cases, second saccades are made after extremely brief fixation intervals. Although these saccades show a similar probability of reaching the target as those following longer fixations, it is argued that this sub-set of saccades are pre-programmed at the time of the preceding saccade.
Stimulus-salience and the time-course of saccade trajectory deviations
Journal of Vision, 2012
The deviation of a saccade trajectory is a measure of the oculomotor competition evoked by a distractor. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of stimulus-salience on the time-course of saccade trajectory deviations to get a better insight into how stimulus-salience influences oculomotor competition over time. Two experiments were performed in which participants were required to make a vertical saccade to a target presented in an array of nontarget line elements and one additional distractor. The distractor varied in salience, where salience was defined by an orientation contrast relative to the surrounding nontargets. In Experiment 2, target-distractor similarity was additionally manipulated. In both Experiments 1 and 2, the results revealed that the eyes deviated towards the irrelevant distractor and did so more when the distractor was salient compared to when it was not salient. Critically, salience influenced performance only when people were fast to elicit an eye movement and had no effect when saccade latencies were long. Target-distractor similarity did not influence this pattern. These results show that the impact of salience in the visual system is transient.
The role of attention in the programming of saccades
Vision research, 1995
Accurate saccadic programming in natural visual scenes requires a signal designating which of the many potential targets is to be the goal of the saccade. Is this signal controlled by the allocation of perceptual attention, or do saccades have their own independent selective filter? We found evidence for the involvement of perceptual attention, namely: (1) summoning perceptual attention to a target also facilitated saccades; (2) perceptual identification was better at the saccadic goal than elsewhere; and (3) attempts to dissociate the locus of attention from the saccadic goal were unsuccessful, i.e. it was not possible to prepare to look quickly and accurately at one target while at the same time making highly accurate perceptual judgements about targets elsewhere. We also studied the trade-off between saccadic and perceptual performance by means of a novel application of the "attentional operating characteristic" (AOC) to oculomotor performance. This analysis revealed th...
The Role of Stimulus-Driven and Goal-Driven Control in Saccadic Visual Selection
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2004
Four experiments were conducted to investigate the role of stimulus-driven and goal-driven control in saccadic eye movements. Participants were required to make a speeded saccade toward a predefined target presented concurrently with multiple nontargets and possibly 1 distractor. Target and distractor were either equally salient (Experiments 1 and 2) or not . The results uniformly demonstrated that fast eye movements were completely stimulus driven, whereas slower eye movements were goal driven. These results are in line with neither a bottom-up account nor a top-down notion of visual selection. Instead, they indicate that visual selection is the outcome of 2 independent processes, one stimulus driven and the other goal driven, operating in different time windows.
Attentional selection during preparation of eye movements
Psychological research, 2004
Two experiments were conducted to examine the relationship between visual attention and saccade programming. Participants had to saccade to a letter string and detect a letter change presented briefly before the saccade onset. Hit probability (i.e., correct detection of a letter change in different positions) was taken as a measure of visual attention focus. The first experiment shows that hit probability depends on the actual landing position. These findings argue for a spatial coupling between saccade programming and the orienting of attention. Also, an unfamiliar letter cluster at the beginning captures attention and prevails over the influence of the saccade in preparation. Experiment 2, in which the letter change occurred at different times during the saccade latency, shows that attention shifts and focuses on the saccade target at the expense of the other parts of the stimulus when the motor program is ready to be executed. The theoretical implications of these results are discussed.
Oculomotor Evidence for Top-Down Control following the Initial Saccade
PLoS ONE, 2011
The goal of the current study was to investigate how salience-driven and goal-driven processes unfold during visual search over multiple eye movements. Eye movements were recorded while observers searched for a target, which was located on (Experiment 1) or defined as (Experiment 2) a specific orientation singleton. This singleton could either be the most, medium, or least salient element in the display. Results were analyzed as a function of response time separately for initial and second eye movements. Irrespective of the search task, initial saccades elicited shortly after the onset of the search display were primarily salience-driven whereas initial saccades elicited after approximately 250 ms were completely unaffected by salience. Initial saccades were increasingly guided in line with task requirements with increasing response times. Second saccades were completely unaffected by salience and were consistently goal-driven, irrespective of response time. These results suggest that stimulus-salience affects the visual system only briefly after a visual image enters the brain and has no effect thereafter.
Feature-based guidance of attention during post-saccadic selection
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
Current models of trans-saccadic perception propose that, after a saccade, the saccade target object must be localized among objects near the landing position. However, the nature of the attentional mechanisms supporting this process is currently under debate. In the present study, we tested whether surface properties of the saccade target object automatically bias post-saccadic selection using a variant of the visual search task. Participants executed a saccade to a shape-singleton target in a circular array. During this primary saccade, the array sometimes rotated so that the eyes landed between the target and an adjacent distractor, requiring gaze correction. In addition, each object in the array had an incidental color value. On Switch trials, the target and adjacent distractor switched colors. The accuracy and latency of gaze correction to the target (measures that provide a direct index of target localization) were compared with a control condition in which no color switch occurred (No-switch trials). Gaze correction to the target was substantially impaired in the Switch condition. This result was obtained even when participants had substantial incentive to avoid encoding the color of the saccade target. In addition, similar effects were observed when the roles of the two feature dimensions (color and shape) were reversed. The results indicate that saccade target features are automatically encoded before a saccade, are retained in visual working memory across the saccade, and instantiate a featurebased selection operation when the eyes land, biasing attention toward objects that match target features.