Quantum control with noisy fields: computational complexity versus sensitivity to noise (original) (raw)
Related papers
Noise and Controllability: Suppression of Controllability in Large Quantum Systems
Physical Review Letters, 2011
A closed quantum system is defined as completely controllable if an arbitrary unitary transformation can be executed using the available controls. In practice, control fields are a source of unavoidable noise. Can one design control fields such that the effect of noise is negligible on the time-scale of the transformation? Complete controllability in practice requires that the effect of noise can be suppressed for an arbitrary transformation. The present study considers a paradigm of control, where the Lie-algebraic structure of the control Hamiltonian is fixed, while the size of the system increases, determined by the dimension of the Hilbert space representation of the algebra. We show that for large quantum systems, generic noise in the controls dominates for a typical class of target transformations i.e., complete controllability is destroyed by the noise. PACS numbers: 32.80.Qk, 03.67.-a, 03.65.Yz, 02.30.Yy
Scaling the robustness of the solutions for quantum controllable problems
Physical Review A, 2011
The major task in quantum control theory is to find an external field that transforms the system from one state to another or executes a predetermined unitary transformation. We investigate the difficulty of computing the control field as the size of the Hilbert space is increased. In the models studied the controls form a small closed subalgebra of operators. Complete controllability is obtained by the commutators of the controls with the stationary Hamiltonian. We investigate the scaling of the computation effort required to converge a solution for the quantum control task with respect to the size of the Hilbert space. The models studied include the double-well Bose Hubbard model with the SU(2) control subalgebra and the Morse oscillator with the Heisenberg-Weil algebra. We find that for initial and target states that are classified as generalized coherent states (GCSs) of the control subalgebra the control field is easily found independent of the size of the Hilbert space. For such problems, a control field generated for a small system can serve as a pilot for finding the field for larger systems. Attempting to employ pilot fields that generate superpositions of GCSs or cat states failed. No relation was found between control solutions of different Hilbert space sizes. In addition the task of finding such a field scales unfavorably with Hilbert space sizes. We demonstrate the use of symmetry to obtain quantum transitions between states without phase information. Implications to quantum computing are discussed. 10 J = 5 J = 10 J = 20 J = 40 J = 80 J = 160 J = 320
Characterization of control noise effects in optimal quantum unitary dynamics
Physical Review A, 2014
This work develops measures for quantifying the effects of field noise upon targeted unitary transformations. Robustness to noise is assessed in the framework of the quantum control landscape, which is the mapping from the control to the unitary transformation performance measure (quantum gate fidelity). Within that framework, a new geometric interpretation of stochastic noise effects naturally arises, where more robust optimal controls are associated with regions of small overlap between landscape curvature and the noise correlation function. Numerical simulations of this overlap in the context of quantum information processing reveal distinct noise spectral regimes that better support robust control solutions. This perspective shows the dual importance of both noise statistics and the control form for robustness, thereby opening up new avenues of investigation on how to mitigate noise effects in quantum systems.
Noise resistant quantum control using dynamical invariants
New Journal of Physics, 2018
View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Maximizing entanglement in bosonic Josephson junctions using shortcuts to adiabaticity and optimal control Dionisis Stefanatos and Emmanuel Paspalakis-Shortcuts to adiabaticity for an ion in a rotating radially-tight trap M Palmero, Shuo Wang, D Guéry-Odelin et al.-Verification of the quantum nonequilibrium work relation in the presence of decoherence Andrew Smith, Yao Lu, Shuoming An et al.
Arbitrary quantum control of qubits in the presence of universal noise
New Journal of Physics, 2013
We address the problem of deriving analytic expressions for calculating universal decoherence-induced errors in qubits undergoing arbitrary, unitary, timedependent quantum-control protocols. We show that the fidelity of a control operation may be expressed in terms of experimentally relevant spectral characteristics of the noise and of the control, over all Cartesian directions. We formulate control matrices in the time domain to capture the effects of piecewise-constant control, and convert them to generalized Fourier-domain filter functions. These generalized filter functions may be derived for complex temporally modulated control protocols, accounting for susceptibility to rotations of the qubit state vector in three dimensions. Taken together, we show that this framework provides a computationally efficient means to calculate the effects of universal noise on arbitrary quantum control protocols, producing results comparable to those obtained via time-consuming simulations of Bloch vector evolution. As a concrete example, we apply our method to treating the problem of dynamical decoupling incorporating realistic control pulses of arbitrary duration or form, including the replacement of simple π-pulses with complex dynamically corrected gates.
Dependence of the quantum speed limit on system size and control complexity
New Journal of Physics, 2018
We extend the work in 2017 New J. Phys. 19 103015 by deriving a lower bound for the minimum time necessary to implement a unitary transformation on a generic, closed quantum system with an arbitrary number of classical control fields. This bound is explicitly analyzed for a specific N-level system similar to those used to represent simple models of an atom, or the first excitation sector of a Heisenberg spin chain, both of which are of interest in quantum control for quantum computation. Specifically, it is shown that the resultant bound depends on the dimension of the system, and on the number of controls used to implement a specific target unitary operation. The value of the bound determined numerically, and an estimate of the true minimum gate time are systematically compared for a range of system dimension and number of controls; special attention is drawn to the relationship between these two variables. It is seen that the bound captures the scaling of the minimum time well for the systems studied, and quantitatively is correct in the order of magnitude.
Limitations on Quantum Control
Lattice Statistics and Mathematical Physics - Festschrift Dedicated to Professor Fa-Yueh Wu on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday - Proceedings of APCTP-NANKAI Joint Symposium, 2002
Quantum control of noisy channels
Sender and receiver can control noisy channels by means of the resources they own, that is local operations, potentially correlated using classical communication, and entangled pairs shared between them. Using the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism, we express the control of a noisy channel in terms of control of (non-normalized) states, and show how the available resources enter the analysis. Our formalism provides a general scheme for the protection of quantum state transmission when a single use of the physical channel is considered. Moreover, it paves the way to the application of control theoretical tools to the study of noisy channels. We define the notion of complexity of a noisy channel, as a measure of how demanding is to engineer specific manipulations of a channel. We provide some examples of both deterministic and probabilistic protocols leading to a decreased complexity.